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Am i the only person alive who cant do this. I have tried and tried and belive me once i put my mind to something, i dont stop till i can do it. It took me weeks and weeks to train my fingers to straighten up and only bend the tip of each finger and i can now also disslocate my thumb. Playing wink murder was a difficult time for me but to my credit no one ever guessed i was the murderer mainly because i never managed to actually murder anyone

That is all.

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I can technically wink... but it is with so much effort that there is nothing discreet or cool or spontaneous about my wink.  I can live without the ability to wink though.... what I really wish I could do is to raise one eyebrow on its own.   I can't do this... both eyebrows go up, so instead of giving someone a dry questioning kinda look, I just look a bit simple & very surprised!

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