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Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

White wine diluted with lemonade   - I'm not much of a wine drinker you drink owt else, Pengy? or are you just not much of a drinker?

I used to drink like a fish but I hardly drink at all now Zazz - occasionally I like a vodka mule or schmirnoff ice but even then I can only manage two - I'm now a light weight where booze is concerned 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

White wine diluted with lemonade   - I'm not much of a wine drinker you drink owt else, Pengy? or are you just not much of a drinker?

I used to drink like a fish but I hardly drink at all now Zazz - occasionally I like a vodka mule or schmirnoff ice but even then I can only manage two - I'm now a light weight where booze is concerned 

your liver will be happy with that!!!!


I hate it all! 


But I will drink it on those occasions where it's obligatory to get pissed out of your head, cos it's the only drink that has that effect on me.


Unfortunately.... or fortunately..... I can't drink more than two glasses of it before l throw up (related I imagine to the fact it's DISGUSTING! )


So on a whole it's all a bit pointless me drinking it.

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I hate it all! 


But I will drink it on those occasions where it's obligatory to get pissed out of your head, cos it's the only drink that has that effect on me.


Unfortunately.... or fortunately..... I can't drink more than two glasses of it before Il throw up (related I imagine to the fact it's DISGUSTING! )


So on a whole it's all a bit pointless me drinking it.

You might as well cut out the middle man and just pour it down the loo 

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Don't drink wine, never found one I like. In fact I'm interested less in alcohol as each year goes by.

So sorry, can't vote in your poll.

I'm looking forward to the day when this happens to me - it will be much easier on the purse ... and the liver

Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Triggers:

Why is my writing like that??

gawd knows, but it got your point across, loud and clear!!

 It does give that post the appearance of one that has been on an assertiveness course, doesn't it? Sorry

I thought it looked enthusiastic  


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