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Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Does anyone actually know the rules of tennis?  I watch it but I honestly don't know how the scoring works.

Realy? What's not to know?


I take it you're meaning things like 1st and 2nd serves, what determines if it's in or out and such, changing of ends and balls Etc?


I've been watching it for years. I think I'm pretty clued up.


I'll try and answer any questions you have.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Does anyone actually know the rules of tennis?  I watch it but I honestly don't know how the scoring works.

Realy? What's not to know?


I take it you're meaning things like 1st and 2nd serves, what determines if it's in or out and such, changing of ends and balls Etc?


I've been watching it for years. I think I'm pretty clued up.


I'll try and answer any questions you have.

What's deuce? What's 'love'?  I don't get the terminology.  Sorry for appearing thick but I just don't get it.  I have a handle on almost every other sport but tennis (probably simple) eludes me. 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Does anyone actually know the rules of tennis?  I watch it but I honestly don't know how the scoring works.

Each match consists of a number of sets. In events like Wimbledon, for the women the winner is the one who is the first to win 2 sets (so there can't be more than 3 sets), and for men the winner is the one who is first to win 3 sets (so there can't be more than 5 sets).


Each sets consists of a number of games. The winner of the set has to win at least 6 games but has to win by a margin of 2 games. So 6-4 is a winning combination, but 6-5 isn't, 7-5 is a winning combination. In all but the last set, if it's 6-6, the tie break comes into play. In the last set, they keep on playing until one player has won 2 games more than the other.


A game consists of a number of points. It is not known where the use of love, 15, 30, 40 and deuce comes from. It may come from medieval french and the use of a clock. Love means 0 points (and may come from the french for egg "l'oeuf"). I'll use the idea of a clock - 60 minutes in an hour. It starts at 0, each point adds 15 minutes, so the first is 15, the second is 30, the third used to be 45, and the 4th would be 60. The first person to get to 60 wins the game. But a very long time ago that changed. The winner of the game had to win by at least 2 gaps of 15. Fine if the score was 60-30,60-15 or 60-0 but not at 60-45, and there's only 60 minutes in an hour. So they came up with a solution. For convenience, they rounded the 45 down to 40. If the score reached 40-40, the score is tied. The player who wins the next bit goes to 50 points (though that is called advantage). If they win the next bit they go up to 60 points and so win the game. If the other player wins the next bit the score goes back to 40-40. 40-40 is called deuce , possibly because another 2 gaps of 10 are needed for a player to win and the french for two is "deux".


Where there is a tie break needed, they don't use the 15,30,40, but just use single points. The first person to score at least 7 point and also have won at least 2 points more than the other person wins that set. The set is recorded as 7-6.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

What's deuce? What's 'love'?  I don't get the terminology.  Sorry for appearing thick but I just don't get it.  I have a handle on almost every other sport but tennis (probably simple) eludes me. 

Deuce is when both opponents have scored 3 points each in a game

1st point is scored as 15

2nd point is scored as 30

third point is scored as 40

So when/if it gets to 40 each they call DEUCE


'Love' just means zero points, so if they called 30 Love it means one player has scored 2 points (15, then 30) while the other has scored no points.


So a 'love game' would go :-

15 Love (1st point)

30 Love (2nd point40 Love (third point)

GAME (4th point)


To win a game you must score a minimum of 4 points, but you also have to score 2 points more than your opponent thus if it gets to deuce (40 each) one of the opponents must score a further TWO consecutive points in order to win the game. the first point beyond 40 each is called Advantage and if the person who has Advantage wins the next point they win the game. However if the person who is still on 40 wins the next point then the score goes back to Deuce.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

thanks El Loro and Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing, 


I can finally watch tennis and understand what's going on!


Another thing about scoring, which may further enhance your viewing:-


I think we mentioned that the players take turns at serving, but the scores given during each game always give the SERVER'S score first.


So if Murray is serving and wins the first point, the score will be given as 15 Love (15-0)


But if Murray is serving and Federer wins the first point then the score would be given as Love 15 (0-15)

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I'm probably not going to be on here for the duration........too nervous and also I get very irritated with Andrew Castle's verbal diarrhoea so don't want to subject everyone to my rants


I'm flicking between this and the British GP until that finishes, it's been a great race so far. A few incidents too. Kamui Kobayashi just almost ran over his pit crew!!


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