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I usually watch QT, and I'd definitely be interested in seeing Griffin being shown up for the nasty, morally bankrupt and intelligence-free fool that he is.
That's the main reason for getting him on there - he can't hide behind the "poor us, we're censored and persecuted" argument then, can he? Time to put your policies on the line, mate, and I hope the audience and panel ride you hard
I would watch it if I knew it when it was on, update please. I am tolerant of most things but not any group who are discriminatory in a negative way. The bnp have tried having meetings in my area of cumbria, the local pubs had ageed to them, before realising what was actually being organised. They got booted out thankfully. I hope that if they are on question time the other panel members are controlled, reasoned debators to fully show viewer the bnp for what they are. bar stewards imo
i don't object to the bnp expounding their  views in a debate,it's what democracy is meant to be about.many will have their disgust with the party confirmed and others  will nod along,thinking what a great bloke he is.nick griffen  has learnt to wrap his policies up in  more acceptable terms  and that's where the problem lies,he is able to come across as reasonable and patriotic, so i am hoping that when he does  appear the beeb have selected panelists that can expose him and his party for what they are.

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