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I've voted "yes", alhough there's a strong possibility that I will return to my default position of lurking.
I've been meaning to post on these "What will we do when BB ends?" threads for a while, however a recent burst of important RL activity is preventing me from giving it proper consideration until, uh, well after BB's over -  the middle of next week.

However: I do think we've got a terrific resource here, and it would be a shame and a waste to let it slip. I suspect that the BB board itself will morph into something like the old "BB Off-Topic" forum. There isn't really any need, as we've other boards like the Lounge, but old habits die hard.  
However, this is primarily a TV Fansite, and the most obvious thing would be to continue and expand that. At the moment, there are very few boards for non-C4 programmes: an "Only Connect" board, perhaps?

The other possibility that I've been meaning to look into for ages is making use of the other GaGa resources, such as blogging. RL may still get in the way of that, but we'll see what happens in the next few weeks...

Eugene's Lair
However: I do think we've got a terrific resource here, and it would be a shame and a waste to let it slip. I suspect that the BB board itself will morph into something like the old "BB Off-Topic" forum. There isn't really any need, as we've other boards like the Lounge, but old habits die hard
See... I kinda hope we all stay in this bit (regardless of the name) and have thread for different programmes like the X Factor     The problem with new boards is they seem to splinter the community.
However, this is primarily a TV Fansite, and the most obvious thing would be to continue and expand that.
it's been active for the past year under the BB title - albeit a bit depleted.

There are many that have been posting here for over a year....................i have no reason to see it coming to an end after BB. My guess is that numbers will dwindle but ...................there will always be a core,
Soozy Woo
Reference KaffyBaffy Today at 00:20:
 See... I kinda hope we all stay in this bit (regardless of the name) and have thread for different programmes like the X Factor The problem with new boards is they seem to splinter the community.
As I said, I haven't been able to give this proper thought yet, so I'm still undecided on the relative merits here. I share your concerns about the community, but too many threads for major shows like "X Factor" could become unwieldy. At the moment, I suspect the best course of action is to let things develop "organically" - let FMs develop threads or boards as they wish, and see what develops...
Eugene's Lair
I'm staying too but will probably go back to posting about once a month again, if that .. 

and if Five do do BB and open a forum for it I may join that, if and when it happens. .or I may go to rehab and try to get over BB completely..

*googles. .what to do in summer months instead of watching/listening to LF that doesn't involve leaving the house cos that's a no no any time of year for me..  *
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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