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Tori, I have a carer coming in the morning and early evening and I have been talking to all of them about this situation. I think the 'Arab Spring' is fast turning into a 'Middle East nightmare'. I think you are completely right to pinpoint the connection of Israel and Iran. It's been on the cards since 1979 between those two countries. I find it really quite scary.

cologne 1

A lot of it depends on how the superpowers manage things.

We were all quite comfortable with the M.A.D days of the cold war, two opposing superpowers, and several regional opposing superpowers.

Then we had the days of people wanting to impose freedom on everyone without giving a thought as to how things would be managed later. This Arab Spring lark has been a case in point. It's what we political scientists call the Matt Busby effect. "Take away a strong hegemon and everything turns to shieght!" is how, if my memory serves me well, Fred Halliday put it.

Garage Joe

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