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Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Asking people to 'just stop' is futile, the arguments won’t go away so would a specific area for argy bargying and ranting in general be preferable? Lots of forums have rant rooms where such threads can immediately be moved to and the aggro can be contained there, that way it doesn’t infringe on the main forums?

Hi Jasmine, this was suggested much earlier on in this thread and I think maybe a 'rumpus room' could be a good thing. I hope it will get better anyway when Big Brother starts and we all start to defend our chosen HM. As you can probably see I like a peaceful life, I use an analogy of fluffy kittens and angels but the point I am trying to make really is to live and let live and maybe this particular part of the forum isn't best suited to the ding-dongs that go on.
Originally posted by Akaytee:
Originally posted by Windswept:
Originally posted by Akaytee:
Good post feelings exactly Clapping

Welcome Windswept wavey

Hi Akaytee Wave Anne Boleyn lost her head and she was totally pure Smiler

Oh she wasn't Totally pure Windswept Laughshe had a do I, well, as do we all Valentine

She had Henry so maybe not too innocent is true Nod She had history and is history head n all. Hug
ijust wander in post a Confused and walk out of arguments... igave up trying to follow who hates who and why a long time ago. It's really not worth the hassle and unless someone attacks me personally i won't get involved, and even when someone was attacking me personally i put them on ignore and got on with my life.

I have found my self getting really wound up n the past by peoples comments or opinions but everyone is entitled to theirs so if i feel the blood pressure going through the roof i'll say my piece and leave.... or just leave.
*yogi Bear*
Originally posted by *Yogi Bear*:
ijust wander in post a Confused and walk out of arguments... igave up trying to follow who hates who and why a long time ago. It's really not worth the hassle and unless someone attacks me personally i won't get involved, and even when someone was attacking me personally i put them on ignore and got on with my life.

I have found my self getting really wound up n the past by peoples comments or opinions but everyone is entitled to theirs so if i feel the blood pressure going through the roof i'll say my piece and leave.... or just leave.
I haven't always done that but I bloody wish I had, it is just not worth it Nod
Rosy Darling
Originally posted by Windswept:
Originally posted by Akaytee:
Originally posted by Windswept:
Originally posted by Akaytee:
Good post feelings exactly Clapping

Welcome Windswept wavey

Hi Akaytee Wave Anne Boleyn lost her head and she was totally pure Smiler

Oh she wasn't Totally pure Windswept Laughshe had a do I, well, as do we all Valentine

She had Henry so maybe not too innocent is true Nod She had history and is history head n all. Hug

She had a good head on her shoulders....oh! Hang on.... Valentine
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
Asking people to 'just stop' is futile, the arguments won’t go away so would a specific area for argy bargying and ranting in general be preferable? Lots of forums have rant rooms where such threads can immediately be moved to and the aggro can be contained there, that way it doesn’t infringe on the main forums?

Hi Jasmine, this was suggested much earlier on in this thread and I think maybe a 'rumpus room' could be a good thing. I hope it will get better anyway when Big Brother starts and we all start to defend our chosen HM. As you can probably see I like a peaceful life, I use an analogy of fluffy kittens and angels but the point I am trying to make really is to live and let live and maybe this particular part of the forum isn't best suited to the ding-dongs that go on.

Indeed the reptile room on bitchfest is a great place to vent a spleen. Good idea I say and necessary I believe.
It remains to be seen, the effect of all the usual suspects crawling from their various woodworks, eager to take advantage of a freer version of the old forum, each thinking, now I can say what I feel, like we did'nt know already!!

As for a venting forum, it was tried on Divas, but the venom produced in there seeped into the main board, because when people get together in private, they can wind each other up in so called righteous indignation against a common foe... what was perpetrated there was quite distasteful.

The only thing that will stop these constant hate threads is for all concerned to say enough...but for once in their lives, mean it!
Originally posted by Butter$:
Ya, I havent posted anywhere for ages. Whaddup? Have bunnyrunner, kaleidoscope, langster etc been around here? Was keeping an eye out for you here and there. What in the name of god happened in Divas?

Pmsl... where would I start! you seriously would'nt believe the half of it.. and if I start to tell you on here, we'll end up with another hate thread!!

You remember Chrisatbrid..he and I have started our own forum called Walk the Dog.. don't know the policy here about posting links, I guess I could risk it!! we have a chat room there.. and it is lamentably quiet since this place opened!

I'm still in touch with some of the old crowd, and they'll be pleased to hear you're well.. it's lovely to see you, hope life has been kind..don't be a stranger..J Valentine
Originally posted by jjjjules:
As for a venting forum, it was tried on Divas, but the venom produced in there seeped into the main board, because when people get together in private, they can wind each other up in so called righteous indignation against a common foe... what was perpetrated there was quite distasteful.

A rant room would only work if it WASN’T private, it would have to be accessible to all – thus any plotting would be seen by all.

The main difference between here and ALL the other off shoot forums is that this place is modded by neutrals, so there would no allowance given and no risk of admin themselves becoming involved in the disagreements.

As for Divas, well I joined there shortly before the venting room was removed. I never posted in it but I was able to read some of the threads before they were deleted (my β€˜aggressive’ wee self got a mention in there, which was nice Big Grin) and for clarity it’s worth saying that the comments were no more venomous than those I’ve read on other (established and commonly frequented) off shoot forums.
Originally posted by Akaytee:
Originally posted by Butter$:
Ya, I havent posted anywhere for ages. Whaddup? Have bunnyrunner, kaleidoscope, langster etc been around here? Was keeping an eye out for you here and there. What in the name of god happened in Divas?

One word......

I am loving your attachment to a particular smilie... last week the titanic, this week poop.... I am trying to plot a trend to see if I can predict next weeks! Big Grin
Originally posted by Ross:
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
it’s worth saying that the comments were no more venomous than those I’ve read on other (established and commonly frequented) off shoot forums.
Saw you in one this morning. Thought you might come and say hello. Oh well. Frowner

Sure I have a nose in them all; I haven’t posted on any since this place opened mind you so don't take it TOO personally.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
is correct IMHYCO.

Sorry... a little bit OT, but, I know what IMO, IMHO, IMVHO mean.... but am stumped on IMHYCO... my honest ?yet c???? opinion.

Can anyone fill in the blanks?

Just in case no-one answered 'tis, In my honest yet curmudgeonly opinion.

:doh: In my humble......
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
is correct IMHYCO.

Sorry... a little bit OT, but, I know what IMO, IMHO, IMVHO mean.... but am stumped on IMHYCO... my honest ?yet c???? opinion.

Can anyone fill in the blanks?

Just in case no-one answered 'tis, In my honest yet curmudgeonly opinion.

:doh: In my humble......

Nah, we could have guessed all night and never worked out what the answer was Laugh
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
is correct IMHYCO.

Sorry... a little bit OT, but, I know what IMO, IMHO, IMVHO mean.... but am stumped on IMHYCO... my honest ?yet c???? opinion.

Can anyone fill in the blanks?

Just in case no-one answered 'tis, In my honest yet curmudgeonly opinion.

:doh: In my humble......

curmudgeonly???? Google time!

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