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Originally posted by Growlybear:
I think it's such a shame that there have been so many problems already. Whilst some of the problems did originate on Divas and Facebook, there are long standing rows between some FMs which go back many years - long before Facebook had ever been heard of.

I thought that the final night on C4 might have been an end to FMs making prats of themselves - and let's face it, there were some pretty spectacular meltdowns. It was funny at first to point and laugh at the loonies, but it's gone way beyond that now. People have brought their petty grievances over here, and are abusing the hospitality of Rosemary and the other mods. Although these forums were clearly being set up before we came along, Rosemary and the mods couldn't have done more to accommodate us all, and it's so incredibly rude and ungrateful for people to be behaving like this. It's not funny any more - it's sad that people can get themselves wound up to such an extent that they can conduct wars like this on a public forum and make such complete and utter fools of themselves. Have these people got no dignity or self respect?

Here , here... well said Growly Clapping Clapping
Originally posted by Ross:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
What are you confused about?
I said in my post. You know, the one to which you just replied. Smiler
No, what I'm confused about is that you seemed to be implying that you're confused as to why people are 'reading' the threads in question. What I'm saying is that I don't understand why you're confused, as this is a PUBLIC message forum, so every member of the public is going to read the threads on this board. Why wouldn't they?

I could understand you saying that if we, the outsiders, were going into someones private message forum and reading private threads, but these are being posted on a public message forum for the world to see. Therefore, I don't see why you're confused about people reading the threads here.
well it's a difficult one squiggle......i think if someone was kicking off at me i'd reply to it....i think i would be or indeed everyone whose involved in this current war of words would be entitled too....

i think we have to let rosemary and the other mods deal with it as they see's a small part on the board amongst alot of other threads...if they think it's going ott they'll sort it...

god knows what happened on went ott with the thread boppings etc.....but as far as i can make out it's run differently here.....i don't think ppl are taking the mick and pushing it.....just having their say.....and when enough is enough....rosemary steps in...
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Ross:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
What are you confused about?
I said in my post. You know, the one to which you just replied. Smiler
No, what I'm confused about is that you seemed to be implying that you're confused as to why people are 'reading' the threads in question. What I'm saying is that I don't understand why you're confused, as this is a PUBLIC message forum, so every member of the public is going to read the threads on this board. I could understand you saying that if we, the outsiders, were going inot someones private message forum and reading private threafs, but these hare being posted on a public message forum for the world to see.
My point is that for all the 'we don't want to see this' the threads are certainly receiving enough views. Quite why you're referring to outsiders and stuff I'm not sure, so I guess that means I'm still Confused to a certain degree.
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
well it's a difficult one squiggle......i think if someone was kicking off at me i'd reply to it....i think i would be or indeed everyone whose involved in this current war of words would be entitled too....

i think we have to let rosemary and the other mods deal with it as they see's a small part on the board amongst alot of other threads...if they think it's going ott they'll sort it...

god knows what happened on went ott with the thread boppings etc.....but as far as i can make out it's run differently here.....i don't think ppl are taking the mick and pushing it.....just having their say.....and when enough is enough....rosemary steps in...

As Growly puts it so well "It's not funny any more - it's sad that people can get themselves wound up to such an extent that they can conduct wars like this on a public forum and make such complete and utter fools of themselves. Have these people got no dignity or self respect?" Thanks Growly.
Originally posted by Ross:My point is that for all the 'we don't want to see this' the threads are certainly receiving enough views. Quite why you're referring to outsiders and stuff I'm not sure, so I guess that means I'm still Confused to a certain degree.

So you're saying 'don't read them if you don't wanna see the spats..' I get it now. However, for one thing, it's not always clear what the thread is about til you go in there, like the one that was entitled 'I have stayed in for this.' How was anyone supposed to know what that was about without opening it and reading it?

And another thing; the point of THIS thread is that we hope that the forum is not closed down because of these threads as they are getting out of hand. And finally; if several of your neighbours were having a screaming match outside on the road, outside your home, are you saying you wouldn't listen in and have a nose as to what is being said and what is going on? Of course you would; it's just human nature and sheer morbid curiosity. Anyone who says they would shut the windows and turn up the tv volume, is a fibber.

People are entitled to read and listen to what is going on, and STILL say 'enough is enough,' you're gonna get us all thrown off here. As I said this is a PUBLIC forum and the people in question posting stuff here, are inviting PUBLIC reaction and responses from anyone and everyone who reads these forums. If the threads are here for the public to read, then we - the public, are entitled to comment on them, without being told, (albeit it discreetly,) 'don't read them if you don't like them..
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Ross:My point is that for all the 'we don't want to see this' the threads are certainly receiving enough views. Quite why you're referring to outsiders and stuff I'm not sure, so I guess that means I'm still Confused to a certain degree.

So you're saying 'don't read them if you don't wanna see the spats..' I get it now. However, for one thing, it's not always clear what the thread is about til you go in there, like the one that was entitled 'I have stayed in for this.' How was anyone supposed to know what that was about without opening it and reading it?

And another thing; the point of THIS thread is that we hope that the forum is not closed down because of these threads as they are getting out of hand. And finally; if several of your neighbours were having a screaming match outside on the road, outside your home, are you saying you wouldn't listen in and have a nose as to what is being said and what is going on? Of course you would; it's just human nature and sheer morbid curiosity. Anyone who says they would shut the windows and turn up the tv volume, is a fibber.

People are entitled to read and listen to what is going on, and STILL say 'enough is enough,' you're gonna get us all thrown off here. As I said this is a PUBLIC forum and the people in question posting stuff here, are inviting PUBLIC reaction and responses from anyone and everyone who reads these forums. If the threads are here for the public to read, then we - the public, are entitled to comment on them, without being told, (albeit it discreetly,) 'don't read them if you don't like then..
You obviously didn't read my input into this thread at all. I said I open the bloody windows so I can hear the neighbours going at it better.
Originally posted by Ross:You obviously didn't read my input into this thread at all. I said I open the bloody windows so I can hear the neighbours going at it better.
OK I am officially confuddled. Let's just forget it Ross. No hard feelings. Don't wanna get into a spat with you and create any MORE bad feeling Hug Gotta fly now anyway. Sorry for any misunderstanding.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by tupps:
I suppose it is a little different... the ones who have put up with someone jumping into threads, throwing accusations and insults and starting inaccurate and damaging rumours about them finally answering back.

I've offered a solution. The protagonist puts those he hates on ignore. Sadly he is unwilling to do this. Maybe admin could do it for him.. now there is a thought.
I know what you mean Tupps Hug It is hard to not retaliate if someone baits you... And FTR I think you are a great FM, and enjoy your posts...

And also I think deegs (bag lady,) pussycatj, and savana and temps are all witty and funny, and even 2besomeone can be a laugh, if he would just stick to one username LOL.. You all give people a real giggle sometimes, and it's such a pity that you are all at each other's throats.

I have no idea who started it, or why the nastiness continues and who keeps it going, but it's a shame, as I think if you could all just bury the hatchet, you could all have a good laugh here. But I understand and appreicate what you're saying Smiler

Big hugs to all of you Hug

I've been quiet. Bitten my tongue nearly clean off and sat on my hands until they're squished (which is hard as it is not in my nature to be a wallflower). But I'm tired of being brought up in negative ways without recourse and more importantly, I'm tired of feeling like a victim to this man's.. well I'm not going to say because far from me to pass any kind of opinion on someone's mental barometer but you probably know what I mean.

It doesn't suit me and I wanted to come to this forum and be able to post without him and his lapdogs jumping in on innocent threads I and a few others just happened to post on. I avoided his threads like the plague but that didn't stop him coming into others on his amateur troll adventures. I ignored. That didn't stop it. So now what huh.

I know what the game is. Get myself, deegs, scotty.. anyone else who does not think the sun shines out of this persons arse.. out of the forum. Anyone who does not think he is the Chris Moyles of forum land and has the temerity not to pander to his self confessed attention seeking needs to go. For a narcissist needs attention and actively dislikes and destroys anyone or anything that does not give him that which he craves.

Now I am truly sorry to the other members of the forum but I won't sit back and take his crap any longer. I've done it for months and months and it gets no better. So someone has to do something.

tries again.. Ghost

Don't any of you that think that the Admin have a bluddy good idea what happens on forums and expect rucks etc.?

Check the proportion of 'bad' to good threads tho.. it's minute... but the fights bring on the crowds.. good for advertising revenue I'd say if they are going that route.. Big Grin

having said that they are pretty childish and circular too.. but hey they make a good read.. if you don't enjoy em get out of the threads and into some smut ones or whatever floats your boat. . one thing non of us can ever do is make the people fighting stop. . someone else always comes along and resurrects the fight if it seems to be cooling anyway.. FACT! Razzer

me I Personally hate all the continuous smut for smuts sake threads and leave em as soon as people start the same old same old stuff.. and, if anything, too much smut could close this place first not the odd fight thread here and there Moon

but that's just my opinion.. am sure there are as many others as there are members... fights aren't nice to the people directly involved and that's a shame but there's nowt any of us can do about that.. getting involved in something not your business makes it worse..

but hey ho. .Forum life, tis a funny old thing eh? Wink
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I think anyone with half a brain would take these last few weeks for exactly what they some point these arguments will stop...peace will return for a few months, then something else will kick off and all this will be forgotten. Tis the way of the forums...but it is all getting a tad tiresome now Angel

Stupid thing is if people would stop getting involved and ignoring the threads they would vanish. Simple as Big Grin So there must be some 'demand' for it. Skull
I think the best thing to do if you don't want to read them is, well, not to read them. Click out of the thread and move onto something fluffy.

No-one is forced to read them. FMs are in control of their mouse and what they choose to read. Interestingly they seem to be confined to threads and do not splill out all over the forum so they are easy to avoid.

Anyway, Laughing Boy isn't on yet I don't think so I'm going to enjoy the peace and post around as normal until he no doubt starts up again.

Call me Olly Pixie.. Wink

and no I doubt they'll close the place just because there are a few rucks here and there..

People get hurt all the time.. it's not nice but at least they are having a chance to say why, and how certain things are making them feel, in public as that is where the things are being played out... all this lets keep it to PM's is where it all started from what I gather... better out than in... Wink

As Trollop says it will die down for a bit then more of the same or other fights will pop up. .it's Forum life..

c'est la vie :shrugs:
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree with your sentiments Mount, but the point is, will the mods get peed off with it all and ban us all, or get rid of the forum? Also, whilst it's great fun - for some - to see all the in-fighting; some people are getting hurt and upset.

And others very bored of the constant bickering.

Not to mention the inability to have a constructive conversation.
Anyhoo, gotta fly now. Be good everyone Hug

As Jerry Springer would say.... "Take care of yourselves....and each other...." Let's have another group hug.

I will say as I said before... I like most of the posters here: and I actually like all of the ones who are arguing. (tupps, savana, 2beso, bag lady (now deegs,) pussycatj and all the others who are fighting.) And I would hate to see any of you be permanently banned. So I hope you all manage to resolve this somehow, take care all of you and have a good day Smiler And I hope everyone else has a great day too..
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree with your sentiments Mount, but the point is, will the mods get peed off with it all and ban us all, or get rid of the forum? Also, whilst it's great fun - for some - to see all the in-fighting; some people are getting hurt and upset.

And a big hug for you too Squiggle Hug Bye for now everyone Wave
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by tupps:
I was just thinking how much mine has gone up.. Ninja

I keep getting here late and having to read huge threads.
Then, by the time I finish reading, I can't think of anything to say! Crying

And, I can't find the right smiley quickly, cos they've all moved!! Crying Crying

If I could get away with it Blizzie my replies would be much smaller.

C U Next Tuesday?
Originally posted by darloboy07:
No Shake Head. Obviously not all fms not going to get along but it's the arguments that are brought on from FB etc that really spoils the atmosphere of the place. We really need to appreciate what Rosemary and the rest of the Mods have done for us but this kinda brings it down. There is going to be disagreements but not to create an awkard atmosphere should be smart enough to apologise and move on so we can enjoy the forums.

Yes Darlo...and I want World Peace but it aint going to happen. Angel
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
No Shake Head. Obviously not all fms not going to get along but it's the arguments that are brought on from FB etc that really spoils the atmosphere of the place. We really need to appreciate what Rosemary and the rest of the Mods have done for us but this kinda brings it down. There is going to be disagreements but not to create an awkard atmosphere should be smart enough to apologise and move on so we can enjoy the forums.

Yes Darlo...and I want World Peace but it aint going to happen. Angel

Agreed Nod.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by darloboy07:
No Shake Head. Obviously not all fms not going to get along but it's the arguments that are brought on from FB etc that really spoils the atmosphere of the place. We really need to appreciate what Rosemary and the rest of the Mods have done for us but this kinda brings it down. There is going to be disagreements but not to create an awkard atmosphere should be smart enough to apologise and move on so we can enjoy the forums.

Well said Darlo Clapping Hug
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
No Shake Head. Obviously not all fms not going to get along but it's the arguments that are brought on from FB etc that really spoils the atmosphere of the place. We really need to appreciate what Rosemary and the rest of the Mods have done for us but this kinda brings it down. There is going to be disagreements but not to create an awkard atmosphere should be smart enough to apologise and move on so we can enjoy the forums.

Yes Darlo...and I want World Peace but it aint going to happen. Angel

Something weird...

It 'could' happen if people put down the guns and ignored gibes.

Now while that might not be realistic on a global scale, it sure as heck is completely within the realms of possibility for a forum.

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