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If there are huge great name-calling fight threads every day are Rosemary and the Eve people going to get fed up with us lot and decide that they don't want us after all? Do you enjoy those threads and enjoy reading them or taking part? Or do you find it off-putting? I find it a bit intimidating meself and think that Facebook or Twitter might be a better place for 'in your face' confrontation.

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Originally posted by squiggle:
If there are huge great name-calling fight threads every day are Rosemary and the Eve people going to get fed up with us lot and decide that they don't want us after all? Do you enjoy those threads and enjoy reading them or taking part? Or do you find it off-putting? I find it a bit intimidating meself and think that Facebook or Twitter might be a better place for 'in your face' confrontation.

ello squiggle, I don't like those unneccesary posts, but hate to see fm's being constantly picked on, not nice, been on the receiving end and believe me it's soul destroying. So will intervene. Nod
Originally posted by squiggle:
If there are huge great name-calling fight threads every day are Rosemary and the Eve people going to get fed up with us lot and decide that they don't want us after all? Do you enjoy those threads and enjoy reading them or taking part? Or do you find it off-putting? I find it a bit intimidating meself and think that Facebook or Twitter might be a better place for 'in your face' confrontation.

I am also concerned about this Squiggle. Several threads have already been deleted and a couple have been locked. Last night Rosemary locked one and put a post on saying she was finding all the rows boring.

I think anyone who is not involved must be getting fed up of it now, but I guess we can always choose to not open/not read the threads. However, some of the threads have had some pretty awful language in them, and some nasty words... And I am worried that Rosemary and her people are going to go from getting bored to getting peed off to getting to the point where they will just close the message boards or ban everyone who came from the Channel 4 BB boards... That is extreme I know, but it depends how fed up she gets.

I know there is bad blood between about 7 or 8 members here that has come from stuff that happened on the divas site, and because of stuff that has happened on facebook, but I don't know why it started or who said what. I did put a thread on here last night when Rosemary was on here, thanking her for these boards and stating that we appreciate them, as I wanted her to know most of us are grateful.

I just wish that the fights and arguments between certain members here could be moved off the forum. We have a very free rein here, but it is I think, much too loose and people are taking advantage of it and the attacks on one another are pretty severe. I wish they could just all shake hands and let it go.. I don't want to see the board closed, and nor do I want to see FMs banned for good, as some - even the ones arguing - are capable of being very funny and interesting FMS. If they could iron out their differences, they could have a great time here Thumbs Up
I think aggro is part and parcel of forum life. If folk want to, and indeed seem to enjoy arguing with each other (as I suspect some do), then it’s fair do’s and I do read and have a chuckle at that stuff. It’s not good to witness genuine hurt though, I don’t let anything that’s said on here faze me - once I’m offline it’s forgotten - but I realise some folk can’t do that and it plays on their mind.
Mrs. Dirtyprettygirlthing is correct IMHYCO.
I have been on a few forums and for every character type here there is the same one elsewhere. Unless of course they are the same people.
Yea! Even unto himself who jumps in and insults as many forum mateys as possible and then claims that people are ganging up on him, or he was misunderstood, or in my case his account was hacked into, and it wasn't really him. He is everywhere.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
It seems to me that the root of evil is facebook i was going to set an account up after everyone i know in the world including my mother has one, but i think i may well be able to live without it as it seems all the problems beetween people on here is a direct result of things put on FB.
In the case of some FMs here it has been a problem yes,, but I now have it, and have 50 friends on it... penpals, work colleagues, a few mates, relatives I rarely see and a few old school pals, and I haven't had one single problem at all.. ever. So it's not the fault of facebook itself... it's down to the individuals using it ...
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Not that I don't lurve Rosemary, Ted, Dave, Lori, Steven etc ...

...but I don't think they're doing this PURELY out of the goodness of their hearts. Don't get me wrong.. I am so grateful to them for the forum, and for the way they let us migrate into the service boards and the way they have leaned over backwards to welcome us, and make us happy etc...

...but this is part of a bigger project. And when the other boards, the US ones etc get up and running, there will be spats and stuff there too... I've yet to encounter a forum that doesn't have this kind of stuff happen at some point.

Its not pleasant for anyone, including those involved, and if it really gets up the Gaga Teams noses, I suspect they will bop rather than close down a thriving forum.

Does make you wonder if there is a need for an argy bargy/dungeon type forum board, where people can go and thrash these things out.

That sounds like a good suggestion. Might be an idea to see whether everyone else thinks that might be a way to go, a 'get it off your chest' thread. Thank you everyone for your comments, I too am more of a 'fluffy kittens and angels' sort of girl rather than
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
It seems to me that the root of evil is facebook i was going to set an account up after everyone i know in the world including my mother has one, but i think i may well be able to live without it as it seems all the problems beetween people on here is a direct result of things put on FB.

I don't agree that FB is the cause of this a lot of things keep getting dragged up from the forum past and get recycled on the forums, fb and msn think it would be better if people just ignored those they don't get on with
Originally posted by squiggle:
If there are huge great name-calling fight threads every day are Rosemary and the Eve people going to get fed up with us lot and decide that they don't want us after all? Do you enjoy those threads and enjoy reading them or taking part? Or do you find it off-putting? I find it a bit intimidating meself and think that Facebook or Twitter might be a better place for 'in your face' confrontation.

I totally agree Squiggle Nod I hope Rosemary and the team realize that the majority of us just come here to meet friends and indulge in some harmless fun Nod I would hate to lose this forum as well Frowner
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
It seems to me that the root of evil is facebook i was going to set an account up after everyone i know in the world including my mother has one, but i think i may well be able to live without it as it seems all the problems beetween people on here is a direct result of things put on FB.
In the case of some FMs here it has been a problem yes,, but I now have it, and have 50 friends on it... penpals, work colleagues, a few mates, relatives I rarely see and a few old school pals, and I haven't had one single problem at all.. ever. So it's not the fault of facebook itself... it's down to the individuals using it ...

Your right pixie, thats why i would get an account for the reasons you have one, think there is always a risk when you pass on personal details to peeps you don't reallyknow, i have met some lovely people on here but would rarely give out any personal info
Originally posted by JasmineJ:
I think aggro is part and parcel of forum life. If folk want to, and indeed seem to enjoy arguing with each other (as I suspect some do), then it’s fair do’s and I do read and have a chuckle at that stuff. It’s not good to witness genuine hurt though, I don’t let anything that’s said on here faze me - once I’m offline it’s forgotten - but I realise some folk can’t do that and it plays on their mind.

I agree Jasmine. Some people are inevitably going to argue on a forum, and I have a couple of members who I have had a few spats with (on the old forum,) but they were really mild compared to what has been going on here. And I agree that whilst it can be entertaining to a degree, it is sad to see people getting hurt or ganged up on. Some of the things said on a couple of those threads yesterday were waaaaaaaay below the belt. Frowner As I said, it's just a shame they can't all just shake hands. Having the odd forum spat is one thing, but this all goes much deeper, and I don't see it ending anytime soon, ans I would hate to see people banned or the boards closed because of all this.
I suppose it is a little different... the ones who have put up with someone jumping into threads, throwing accusations and insults and starting inaccurate and damaging rumours about them finally answering back.

I've offered a solution. The protagonist puts those he hates on ignore. Sadly he is unwilling to do this. Maybe admin could do it for him.. now there is a thought.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by squiggle:
If there are huge great name-calling fight threads every day are Rosemary and the Eve people going to get fed up with us lot and decide that they don't want us after all? Do you enjoy those threads and enjoy reading them or taking part? Or do you find it off-putting? I find it a bit intimidating meself and think that Facebook or Twitter might be a better place for 'in your face' confrontation.

I am also concerned about this Squiggle. Several threads have already been deleted and a couple have been locked. Last night Rosemary locked one and put a post on saying she was finding all the rows boring.

I think anyone who is not involved must be getting fed up of it now, but I guess we can always choose to not open/not read the threads. However, some of the threads have had some pretty awful language in them, and some nasty words... And I am worried that Rosemary and her people are going to go from getting bored to getting peed off to getting to the point where they will just close the message boards or ban everyone who came from the Channel 4 BB boards... That is extreme I know, but it depends how fed up she gets.

I know there is bad blood between about 7 or 8 members here that has come from stuff that happened on the divas site, and because of stuff that has happened on facebook, but I don't know why it started or who said what. I did put a thread on here last night when Rosemary was on here, thanking her for these boards and stating that we appreciate them, as I wanted her to know most of us are grateful.

I just wish that the fights and arguments between certain members here could be moved off the forum. We have a very free rein here, but it is I think, much too loose and people are taking advantage of it and the attacks on one another are pretty severe. I wish they could just all shake hands and let it go.. I don't want to see the board closed, and nor do I want to see FMs banned for good, as some - even the ones arguing - are capable of being very funny and interesting FMS. If they could iron out their differences, they could have a great time here Thumbs Up

Cheeky-pixie you could be voicing my thoughts exactly. I don't want us to wear out our welcome rug and its difficult when you are in the 'low-profile' group to counteract the 'grudge brigade'. Maybe the earlier suggestion to have a "get if off your chest" section where those who are interested in that sort of post could go and leave a more normal forum life for those not interested?
Originally posted by Kazden37:
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
It seems to me that the root of evil is facebook i was going to set an account up after everyone i know in the world including my mother has one, but i think i may well be able to live without it as it seems all the problems beetween people on here is a direct result of things put on FB.

I don't agree that FB is the cause of this a lot of things keep getting dragged up from the forum past and get recycled on the forums, fb and msn think it would be better if people just ignored those they don't get on with

yeh you are probably right, just thought about what you and cheekypixie have said, we are all adults and have the capacity to make sensible decisions about who we post with Hug
Originally posted by tupps:
I suppose it is a little different... the ones who have put up with someone jumping into threads, throwing accusations and insults and starting inaccurate and damaging rumours about them finally answering back.

I've offered a solution. The protagonist puts those he hates on ignore. Sadly he is unwilling to do this. Maybe admin could do it for him.. now there is a thought.

i know i read that thread yest afternoon you did suggest it about 10 times
Originally posted by tupps:
I suppose it is a little different... the ones who have put up with someone jumping into threads, throwing accusations and insults and starting inaccurate and damaging rumours about them finally answering back.

I've offered a solution. The protagonist puts those he hates on ignore. Sadly he is unwilling to do this. Maybe admin could do it for him.. now there is a thought.
I know what you mean Tupps Hug It is hard to not retaliate if someone baits you... And FTR I think you are a great FM, and enjoy your posts...

And also I think deegs (bag lady,) pussycatj, and savana and temps are all witty and funny, and even 2besomeone can be a laugh, if he would just stick to one username LOL.. You all give people a real giggle sometimes, and it's such a pity that you are all at each other's throats.

I have no idea who started it, or why the nastiness continues and who keeps it going, but it's a shame, as I think if you could all just bury the hatchet, you could all have a good laugh here. But I understand and appreicate what you're saying Smiler

Big hugs to all of you Hug
i don't think they'll close the forums......rosemary seems pretty much on the ball.....lets it go til she feels enough is enough then either closes the thread or deletes it..

i'd imagine it'll be the same as c4....if it gets on her tits she'll wield the banstick.....

as far as i can make out...these forums have been going a while....and we're added to them....i'm sure they've seen it all before.....
I did think will they kick us all out of here ,but thinking about it logically I dont think that will happen I think we are being tested at the moment ,if anything I think bopping will happen rather than close down this forum,I love it on here and is potentially a great forum much better than CH4 but it has been taking advantage of at this early stage ,yesterday was the most depressing day I have had on here since this forum has opened I could not even be bothered to post much to be honest,we all wanted free speech on CH4 we have it here and all it has done is cause mayhem, name calling, swearing , etc it has just got out of control on here in the last couple of days ,at the moment if this is allowed to go on I dread to think what it is going to be like when BB starts, Rosemary has been very good to all of us and I never thought I would say this but I hope she starts getting stricter and nips all the bad stuff in the bud before it gets out of control, then we will all know were we stand and hopefully makes a better forum for all of us to post Disappointed
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I did think will they kick us all out of here ,but thinking about it logically I dont think that will happen I think we are being tested at the moment ,if anything I think bopping will happen rather than close down this forum,I love it on here and is potentially a great forum much better than CH4 but it has been taking advantage of at this early stage ,yesterday was the most depressing day I have had on here since this forum has opened I could not even be bothered to post much to be honest,we all wanted free speech on CH4 we have it here and all it has done is cause mayhem, name calling, swearing , etc it has just got out of control on here in the last couple of days ,at the moment if this is allowed to go on I dread to think what it is going to be like when BB starts, Rosemary has been very good to all of us and I never thought I would say this but I hope she starts getting stricter and nips all the bad stuff in the bud before it gets out of control, then we will all know were we stand and hopefully makes a better forum for all of us to post Disappointed

Agree 100% Marguerita Thumbs Up I couldn't have put it better myself.
Originally posted by Ross:
I'm a bit Confused because I fail to see how anyone could know about the threads in question without having a good old read of them.

well i'll be honest.....i read them.....didn't participate cos i dunno what's going on....and i'm sure i wasn't the only outsider reading.....there was about 12,000 views on that thread.....and only about 8 or 9 people actually posting in it...

it's like curtain twitching when the neighbours are fighting.....
Originally posted by Ross:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
it's like curtain twitching when the neighbours are fighting.....
We all do it. Hell, I open the windows wide so I can hear properly too. Shameless!

has to be done......i miss my old neighbours...they were acers at a good fight..usually involving throwing pans at each other in the street...... Big Grin
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I did think will they kick us all out of here ,but thinking about it logically I dont think that will happen I think we are being tested at the moment ,if anything I think bopping will happen rather than close down this forum,I love it on here and is potentially a great forum much better than CH4 but it has been taking advantage of at this early stage ,yesterday was the most depressing day I have had on here since this forum has opened I could not even be bothered to post much to be honest,we all wanted free speech on CH4 we have it here and all it has done is cause mayhem, name calling, swearing , etc it has just got out of control on here in the last couple of days ,at the moment if this is allowed to go on I dread to think what it is going to be like when BB starts, Rosemary has been very good to all of us and I never thought I would say this but I hope she starts getting stricter and nips all the bad stuff in the bud before it gets out of control, then we will all know were we stand and hopefully makes a better forum for all of us to post Disappointed

Yes I agree Margarita, I found yesterday quite depressing. And spongebob, look at how it went at the end on C4, bopping thread after thread, even perfectly harmless ones. Was that because they had had enough of all the rubbish by then? We can't just assume that we can get away with murder and I don't think we are being fair to each other if we try. I do sympathise with people who get followed around the forum by people attacking them and I don't have any answers to that, but I know this is not the way.
I suspect Rosemary and the Admin are pretty au fait with what happens on forums all over the place.

count the daily number of dogdy threads to 'good' threads and a spat here and there is hardly going to make em close the place down..

so far Rosemary and her crew seem to have handled everything very well including communicating why they are doing what they are doing..

spats are an inevitable part of 'public fora life.. some pass quickly others go on for years... one thing for sure, they will never go away Wink
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I think it's such a shame that there have been so many problems already. Whilst some of the problems did originate on Divas and Facebook, there are long standing rows between some FMs which go back many years - long before Facebook had ever been heard of.

I thought that the final night on C4 might have been an end to FMs making prats of themselves - and let's face it, there were some pretty spectacular meltdowns. It was funny at first to point and laugh at the loonies, but it's gone way beyond that now. People have brought their petty grievances over here, and are abusing the hospitality of Rosemary and the other mods. Although these forums were clearly being set up before we came along, Rosemary and the mods couldn't have done more to accommodate us all, and it's so incredibly rude and ungrateful for people to be behaving like this. It's not funny any more - it's sad that people can get themselves wound up to such an extent that they can conduct wars like this on a public forum and make such complete and utter fools of themselves. Have these people got no dignity or self respect?
Originally posted by Ross:
I'm a bit Confused because I fail to see how anyone could know about the threads in question without having a good old read of them.
What are you confused about? This is a public message forum and people are reading through the threads that they see. The point some people are trying to make, is should this be all battled out on a public message forum for the world to see?

It's not like we are peering into someone's private forum; this is a PUBLIC forum, so yes of course people are looking into the threads and reading them. Why 'wouldn't' people be reading through all of the threads?

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