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Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by jessejay:
they have in previous years apart from the two weeks before they actually go in

If thats the case it defeats the whole object of the show and all their rules.

True, and it's been a problem ever since Claire replaced Nick in BB1.

BB cannot prevent HMs from leaving, and they reserve the right to remove HMs, so there's always the danger that they will "run out" of HMs and/or have their eviction plans screwed-up.
On the other hand, however, it's impractical to keep several replacement HMs in isolation for the full length of the series.

We may not like it, but it's difficult to see a truly satisfactory solution...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by paace:
Was any reason given why it is 4 when it should have been just 1 to replace Saffina.

It was always a certainty that there would be more HMs going in - the current format pretty-much demands it.

I've heard conflicting claims about how many remaining evictions there are, but even if Saffia had stayed, there would still be less than 4 HMs in the Final Week. BB hasn't had that few in Final Week since BB1, and the norm tends to be 6 nowadays. To manage that without putting new HMs in would mean starting with 19 or 20 HMs.
I don't know about you, but unless they reworked the format, I'd find that many HMs unbearable. 16 was bad enough...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by paace:
Was any reason given why it is 4 when it should have been just 1 to replace Saffina.

It was always a certainty that there would be more HMs going in - the current format pretty-much demands it.

I've heard conflicting claims about how many remaining evictions there are, but even if Saffia had stayed, there would still be less than 4 HMs in the Final Week. BB hasn't had that few in Final Week since BB1, and the norm tends to be 6 nowadays. To manage that without putting new HMs in would mean starting with 19 or 20 HMs.
I don't know about you, but unless they reworked the format, I'd find that many HMs unbearable. 16 was bad enough...

Oh godd, that many HMs at the start would be awful! Disappointed
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Oh godd, that many HMs at the start would be awful! Disappointed

Well, quite, but C4's painted themselves into a corner. They want a 13 week-plus series (and I do believe it's C4's decision, not Endemol.) Also, they have decided from experience that they need at least 5 HMs in the final week. Put that together, and - well, you do the maths...

The problem is that, on the other hand, once a group of people gets beyond a certain size, it becomes unmanageable. This is true of friends, never mind complete strangers...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Oh godd, that many HMs at the start would be awful! Disappointed

Well, quite, but C4's painted themselves into a corner. They want a 13 week-plus series (and I do believe it's C4's decision, not Endemol.) Also, they have decided from experience that they need at least 5 HMs in the final week. Put that together, and - well, you do the maths...

The problem is that, on the other hand, once a group of people gets beyond a certain size, it becomes unmanageable. This is true of friends, never mind complete strangers...

Just hope the new HMs are willing to spice it up a bit and bring a bit of life to the show.
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Oh godd, that many HMs at the start would be awful! Disappointed

Well, quite, but C4's painted themselves into a corner. They want a 13 week-plus series (and I do believe it's C4's decision, not Endemol.) Also, they have decided from experience that they need at least 5 HMs in the final week. Put that together, and - well, you do the maths...

The problem is that, on the other hand, once a group of people gets beyond a certain size, it becomes unmanageable. This is true of friends, never mind complete strangers...

Just hope the new HMs are willing to spice it up a bit and bring a bit of life to the show.

They'll just be 4 new lapdogs for Halfwit.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by caigy73:
Originally posted by Real:
This is the best year ever for a new HM to win the game. Thumbs Up Being as there is no defo Fav so far. Thumbs Up

Brian won it a couple of years ago and he was a latecomer into the house.

BB8 was a bit of a strange one though, with its all-girl start.

IMO, It didn't really feel as if Brian, Liam, Jonathan and Billi had been "parachuted-in" as latecomers - certainly not to the same extent as the Halfway HMs later on...
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by jessejay:
they have in previous years apart from the two weeks before they actually go in

If thats the case it defeats the whole object of the show and all their rules.

True, and it's been a problem ever since Claire replaced Nick in BB1.

BB cannot prevent HMs from leaving, and they reserve the right to remove HMs, so there's always the danger that they will "run out" of HMs and/or have their eviction plans screwed-up.
On the other hand, however, it's impractical to keep several replacement HMs in isolation for the full length of the series.

We may not like it, but it's difficult to see a truly satisfactory solution...

I would rather they had faith in the original cast rather than bringing new housemates in at this point - even if it meant having a couple of weeks without Friday evictions.

For instance, given that this is the anniversary week, with a little imagination i'm sure an alternative to an eviction - or new housemates could have been organised. The Friday Live show could have even been centred around the conclusion of the Shoppoing task with one final iconic centre piece. Followed by Davina talking to the ex housemates about the task that they had participated in throughout the week.
Cold Sweat

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