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It's called passing the buck and 99% of the viewrs would do what Ben did.
They would, but they'll also tell themselves they would have done the task and taken one for the team (they'll believe it too). I'm pretty sure he's out.  Keeva won't be up and they might stop nominating Shabby in the belief that she's popular outside.
In all fairness I didn't think he was told beforehand he'd win their suitcases. That MIGHT have motivated him more.Though I doubt...

However, my son's immediate thoughts were that Ben was a lot more polite to that numpty of a drill sergeant that I would have been. Personally I do not react well to that sort of attitude - as the poor bodkin would have discovered....
In all fairness I didn't think he was told beforehand he'd win their suitcases. That MIGHT have motivated him more.Though I doubt...

Maybe, but they told him if he didn't do it someone else would have to do it in his place and he still didn't give a toss.
The whole TOT task in the first place was to win back the suitcases ......the one where he really didn't have the savvy (or couldn't be arsed) to set up an arm wrestling contest. in all honesty - how hard would that be in a house full of bored people ...............he didn't even try. If this is the end of him Thank god for That ...............useless bloody housemate. As for 99% of viewers doing the same ...........i don't think so - and certainly not 99% of the HM's ...........most of them are grateful to be in there - he is a very poor excuse for a housemate ...........GET BEN OUT!
Soozy Woo
All it's done is make his haters hate him a bit more than they did yesterday
When he went in I didn't like him ..................I was sort of warming to him but ............No - a step too far. as I said earlier - If anyone else had bowed out of a task without giving it a go (and not for the first time) would there be any sympathy? If Dave or Nathan or JJ had chickened out ..........what would you all be saying?

Simply because it's Ben .......everyone ones cooing and ahhing and saying it's his right - it's just Ben etc. He's a lily livered, whimpish, selfish, big girls blouse and ......................A Tory to boot.

All the Ben lovers - ask yourselves - would you have been as sympathetic to someone else? .....somehow - I really don't think so.
Soozy Woo
Actually I think BB should have come down much harder on him for refusing to do the task. If he's not going to do tasks what the f*ck is he doing in there in the first place?

Do you agree this to be true of Nathan and Ife who gave up their "3 hour laughing task" after 15 minutes 2 days ago?  Or what about Shabby and Caoimhe's "empty the pool task" where they gave up less than half way through.

I agree that all housemates should do the tasks and as a Ben supporter it annoys me when he doesn't "play the game" properly.  However in the spirit of fairness I must remind people that it is not unprecidented this series for other housemates to have given up tasks.
I must remind people that it is not unprecidented this series for other housemates to have given up tasks.
It's a fair point but it's a bit different when the HM knows he's going to land someone else with it if he refuses to do it. He had all the time in the world to do the arm wrestling task too and put hardly any effort into it at all.
They didn't show him being caught

Thats a first ..they always show us what is shown on the plasma screen they have covered him well, contrary to others saying he has been set up by BB.
Very true Marguerita ...........he's one slippery customer ........i want everyone to see what a liar and manipulator he is. Mario has his number but unfortunately is infatuated with him. He is a nasty little creep IMO. Will lie his socks off to get out of anything.
Soozy Woo

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