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True...old charlie threw every insult he could think of, aired every indiscretion he thinks siavash has made in the house, just in case any of the voters may have missed them....and still he stays.

Sophie just said to rodders that the last two mornings she has woken up and rodders has moved bed.....I dont trust rodders or charlie....birds of a feather stick together.They'll both nom the vash man.....happy that they'll spend a couple of days kicking themselves that they picked the wrong one tonight...
The fact that they think the noms are over in some way exposes the players,Lisa is now returning to the norm ,she lay low for weeks keeping the gob shut,not anymore.The gob is back as is the walk that says "Don't mess with me".
Charlie who gets close to Roddy for noms purposes,will now believe he has no need to.
Roddy will cosy up to the hm he thinks has the public vote behind them.
David now thinks it's safe to start getting gobby,when before he was Mr Nice Guy just wanting to enjoy the "experience" my ass.
Originally posted by erinp:
The fact that they think the noms are over in some way exposes the players,Lisa is now returning to the norm ,she lay low for weeks keeping the gob shut,not anymore.The gob is back as is the walk that says "Don't mess with me".
Charlie who gets close to Roddy for noms purposes,will now believe he has no need to.
Roddy will cosy up to the hm he thinks has the public vote behind them.
David now thinks it's safe to start getting gobby,when before he was Mr Nice Guy just wanting to enjoy the "experience" my ass.

Very asture and spot on. Clapping
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
Watching the lf, charlie as per after the camera time, singing whenever Siavash did. However, I degress, I think he might cosy up to Siavash, he knows the public def. like the Vash, he's beaten their IDH. I think a few of them may eat humble pie in there.

And it's definately choking Lisa... Laugh
Senora Reyes

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