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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

When one of you has been, could you just tell me why & how he ends up in a boat with a tiger?

He is travelling to America (from India) on a ship that sinks ......among the travellers were some animals destined for a US Zoo. I shan't spoil it for you as you may watch it bit that's the basic premise ..............the tiger is called Richard Parker 

Soozy Woo

I don't think I do want to see it anymore... 


I was just listening to them review it on Radio 4...  interviews with the producer & everyfing...      and I was all up for it...  


til he said "and of course whilst some said it was uplifting, most people still found it incredibly sad"



I don't want to watch it if its sad...     I have enough sad in real life, I won't knowingly go & watch any sad (even sad wrapped up as "uplifting"... I have fallen for that before, MrD's description of something really grim....  Saving Private Ryan, or Pearl Harbour or something...    ain';t falling for that again!  OHHH NOOO!)


War Horse, Marley & Me...  anything with animal peril...       learned my lesson with bloody Turner & Hooch (just cos Hooch had puppies DOES NOT MAKE IT OK THAT HOOCH DIED!!!)...    I am not up for.


So unless someone can confirm that there is no animal peril, death, even a moment of animal angst...    I won;t be watching it 

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

OH and ma-in-law just came back from seeing it, they said it was brillo pads

actually M-I-L said it was visually stunning

but i knew she meant brillo pads, just too posh to say it

yeah... see...   the 3D & visual aspect of it does appeal to me... 


One of my biggest regrets is not bothering to watch Avatar til it was on the telly box...     Once I'd seen it on telly I really wished I had gone to see it at the flicks, 3D styley!



The Lion King did it to me!!!






there I was, settling down to watch a Disney cartoon film, with a pre-school Ickle, who was ill on the sofa.   It never crossed my mind that after the fallout from Bambi that Disney would ever reoffend & have cute animal parental tragic death in the film!


It was horrible 


Ickle didn't care - heart of stone, even at 3 years old 


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