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Soz, I went to google....a local woman loaned them some money to help to try and finish it, it wasn't finished and she eventually bought it off them in 2016  and completed the work

aahh so they did sell it bet it raised a bit of money for  them

Rocking Ros Rose

Soz, I went to google....a local woman loaned them some money to help to try and finish it, it wasn't finished and she eventually bought it off them in 2016  and completed the work

So much for not selling iti wonder if they are still together ?


O/t .....I’ve got gas man coming tomorrow to do the annual service says between 8-6 I’ve spent all day trying to get a more definite time ....but you can’t actually get to speak to a person .....and when I tried to use the internet chat bot thing it kept hanging !So I’m now going to have to be up early , just in case

@Baz posted:

O/t .....I’ve got gas man coming tomorrow to do the annual service says between 8-6 I’ve spent all day trying to get a more definite time ....but you can’t actually get to speak to a person .....and when I tried to use the internet chat bot thing it kept hanging !So I’m now going to have to be up early , just in case

no they never give you a time bazzy - its a right pain

Rocking Ros Rose
@Baz posted:

O/t .....I’ve got gas man coming tomorrow to do the annual service says between 8-6 I’ve spent all day trying to get a more definite time ....but you can’t actually get to speak to a person .....and when I tried to use the internet chat bot thing it kept hanging !So I’m now going to have to be up early , just in case

it's bloody annoying...last time I got a date it was between 8 and 5


it's bloody annoying...last time I got a date it was between 8 and 5

I can usually get either morning or afternoon  if I ring up ....but not this year ! You’d think in this day and age , even with Covid , they could man the bliddy phones !


OMG his tweet in December

Robert Gaukroger
After many years we are saying goodbye to our van home and moving on to the next part of our journey building a new home

Another one

@Baz posted:

I can usually get either morning or afternoon  if I ring up ....but not this year ! You’d think in this day and age , even with Covid , they could man the bliddy phones !

yes - is this British gas bazzy???

Rocking Ros Rose

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