he's not a full plum
I wouldn't be within a mile
blimey 21 puppies
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I wouldn't be within a mile
nor me
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:blimey 21 puppies
I know
runnnn piggy
good grief
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I know
there must be tons of them roaming around
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:there must be tons of them roaming around
we need a cull
not keen ostritch
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:not keen ostritch
nor me Ros
clever though
so the others sacrifice their eggs
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:so the others sacrifice their eggs
yes -seems bliddy wrong
gorgeous night sky
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes -seems bliddy wrong
little chicks are quite sweet
they all looked the same presumably mum knows which is hers
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:
yeah but then they grow
I don't want bugs on
yacky insects except bees
omg dameeeeeee - list
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yacky insects except bees
those red things are horrible...listttttttttttttttttttttttttt
they are horrible
didn't realise they were praying mantis
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:those red things are horrible...listttttttttttttttttttttttttt
snap dameeeee tiger mantis or something - vile
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:snap dameeeee
tiger mantis or something - vile
I have used a sticky note and added them to page one volume one
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:didn't realise they were praying mantis
yes they are horrible though
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I have used a sticky note and added them to page one volume one
love the music
animal planet now Ros
enjoyed that dammeeee
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:enjoyed that dammeeee
I did apart from the dogs and bugs
@Baz posted:Evening ladies
evening Baz
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I did apart from the dogs and bugs
yes-some listy insects
Hi bazzy