looks like her tattooist had a seizure when he put those up her arm
@Baz posted:Their accents drive me nuts
don't mind them tbh- think its the pitch of voice as well
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:looks like her tattooist had a seizure when he put those up her arm
@Baz posted:And her voice is even more annoying
the American in the elephant house was ok
@Baz posted:And her voice is even more annoying
yes its quite a high pitch
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:don't mind them tbh- think its the pitch of voice as well
I find antipodean accents awful Ros
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:the American in the elephant house was ok
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:looks like her tattooist had a seizure when he put those up her arm
@Baz posted:I find antipodean accents awful Ros
@Baz posted:I find antipodean accents awful Ros
You wouldn't like my brother's then. It's half antipodean ( mix of Aussie and Kiwi) and Geordie
@Sprout posted:You wouldn't like my brother's then. It's half antipodean ( mix of Aussie and Kiwi) and Geordie
she would hate Dolly's son...he's proper Oz now
aww poor little thing
@Sprout posted:You wouldn't like my brother's then. It's half antipodean ( mix of Aussie and Kiwi) and Geordie
I donât mind geordie accents
Oh dear
@Baz posted:
I donât mind geordie accents
Yeah but mixed with down under. He speaks like he thinks you can't understand him
@Sprout posted:Yeah but mixed with down under. He speaks like he thinks you can't understand him
@Baz posted:
I donât mind geordie accents
nor me - like them
If he doesn't know her now, he never will
Hasn't a Condor got the biggest wingspan of the birds of prey?
that condor seems quite attached to him
Lesley can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@Sprout posted:Hasn't a Condor got the biggest wingspan of the birds of prey?
I think so
@Sprout posted:Hasn't a Condor got the biggest wingspan of the birds of prey?
yes think so-rings a bell
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:that condor seems quite attached to him
@Sprout posted:Hasn't a Condor got the biggest wingspan of the birds of prey?
not sure Pam, Albatross have the biggest of all birds
Four weeks overdue. No hurry then
awww cute baby bongo
awww...and piss off you
thanks for the company ladies
enjoyed that night
skips in thread with my khaki PPE and safari hat on
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:skips in thread with my khaki PPE and safari hat on
Hi Dame