isn't she a bit old to be darting her
Size of them
blimey they are a bit close
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:isn't she a bit old to be darting her
That's what I said up there ^^^ gotta be very careful
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:blimey they are a bit close
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:isn't she a bit old to be darting her
aww didn't realise it was Lady
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:aww didn't realise it was Lady
awwww poor thing-why dont they have reversal drugs
It's good that they're so trusting of him
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:aww didn't realise it was Lady
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:awwww poor thing-why dont they have reversal drugs
They do, she's too old to think of putting any more in her
Cumbria weather...was like that at 5 this morning, thought the world had exploded
@Sprout posted:They do, she's too old to think of putting any more in her
aww I see thanks sprooty
enjoyed that, 159 Pam and the Crib Ros will be heading off to watch Goggle Box
see you later bestie Rosssssssssssssssssssssss
I really enjoyed that really interesting going to watch gogglebox
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:Cumbria weather...was like that at 5 this morning, thought the world had exploded
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:see you later bestie Rosssssssssssssssssssssss
dameeee bestieeeeeeeee sprooty