@Baz posted:
Be a while before we can go again
@Baz posted:Yes, but will they enforce it ..
if they have any sense they will after this, I don't blame them because it's learned behavior. They have to see that this isn't right and never should have been, generations of doing things doesn't mean it is a good thing
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:
mind you kepp forgetting it is -its changing here -we went fora run in the car only locally for a change and the local waterfall was heaving cars parked everywhere when we passed and the police were there
I think your police are better at stopping them than ours Ros ....and good on them
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:
mind you kepp forgetting it is -its changing here -we went fora run in the car only locally for a change and the local waterfall was heaving cars parked everywhere when we passed and the police were there
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:if they have any sense they will after this, I don't blame them because it's learned behavior. They have to see that this isn't right and never should have been, generations of doing things doesn't mean it is a good thing
that was lovely, thanks for the company ladies
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:if they have any sense they will after this, I don't blame them because it's learned behavior. They have to see that this isn't right and never should have been, generations of doing things doesn't mean it is a good thing
agree dammeee
really enjoyed that - brilliant channel
*waits for bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
@Baz posted:Evening Dame and Ros
Iâll be with you in an hour
evening Baz, see you later
hi dameeeeeee bestieeeeee
@Baz posted:Evening Dame and Ros
Iâll be with you in an hour
hi baazzyyy see you later
never heard of a pika
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:hi dameeeeeee bestieeeeee
Rossssssssssss bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
awww cute little picca???? sp
oh dear, fight
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:awww cute little picca???? sp
pika Ros