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Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

he is a total tit and putting an age limit on treatment is dispicable - NHS was meant to treat all - china built hospitals in two weeks - the man is a total incompetent

I think the penny seems to have dropped with the brexit flag waving Tory voters...twitter and FB are tearing him to shreds. EU health secrataries and having daily video meetings to discuss the best course of action, Britain won't join in 

the man is a total menace - trouble is he has only been PM for three bliddy awful months and we have 4+ more

And how many times has he been in HoC so far. Fairly feckin few! 

Sprout posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:

he is a total tit and putting an age limit on treatment is dispicable - NHS was meant to treat all - china built hospitals in two weeks - the man is a total incompetent

I think the penny seems to have dropped with the brexit flag waving Tory voters...twitter and FB are tearing him to shreds. EU health secrataries and having daily video meetings to discuss the best course of action, Britain won't join in 

the man is a total menace - trouble is he has only been PM for three bliddy awful months and we have 4+ more

And how many times has he been in HoC so far. Fairly feckin few! 

lazy oaf

Rocking Ros Rose

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