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Baz posted:

My daughter lost Sammy the other day and finally found her squished in between two pillows on her bed 😂😂I think maybe someone must have knocked on her door , or the bin men came , cos that’s her classic hide from strangers  

she is soo like my cat she does the same she hides half way up the stairs  and detests the binmen bet your daughter was panicking though

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Baz posted:

My daughter lost Sammy the other day and finally found her squished in between two pillows on her bed 😂😂I think maybe someone must have knocked on her door , or the bin men came , cos that’s her classic hide from strangers  

she is soo like my cat she does the same she hides half way up the stairs  and detests the binmen bet your daughter was panicking though

Yes , she thought Nathan had left door open home she always runs and hides under Ades recliner  


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