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Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Frying pan and fire spring to mind I prefer that young guy with the weird name 

he's a bloody cheat...I never get why people don't like socialist when conservatives do the most damage to society 

Well it’s all academic , cos bliddy Trump is going to get a second term ....only thing that will stop him is if the economy tanks between now and October 

Last edited by Baz
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Frying pan and fire spring to mind I prefer that young guy with the weird name 

he's a bloody cheat...I never get why people don't like socialist when conservatives do the most damage to society 

Well it’s all academic , cos bliddy Trump is going to get a second term ....only thing that will stop him is if the economy tanks between now and October 

Maybe we should hope for that then 

Baz posted:

Well it’s all academic , cos bliddy Trump is going to get a second term ....only thing that will stop him is if the economy tanks between now and October 

don't know so much, capitalism is falling apart all only have to look at France, well if they would report it here  People voted on Brexit here and couldn't see past it ...sadly 


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