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@Baz posted:

What is happening is that selfish , stupid , morons aren’t following the rules 

we always knew it would happen when schools and uni's opened, there is medical proof children are super spreaders and mainly asymptomatic. Pubs opened on 4th of July and the rate hardly moved until the last week or so and schools opened at the beginning of September. I do agree you get selfish idiots and people who say the virus is a hoax....they clearly have no brain cells

@Baz posted:

What is happening is that selfish , stupid , morons aren’t following the rules 

that's true -loads on the road-we followed lockdown rules and where I live are good but there are some selfish  sods out there. In work I wear a mask/visor all day and my hands are raw from constant gel and  hand washing-annoys me that some peeps treat it as a joke

Rocking Ros Rose

we always knew it would happen when schools and uni's opened, there is medical proof children are super spreaders and mainly asymptomatic. Pubs opened on 4th of July and the rate hardly moved until the last week or so and schools opened at the beginning of September. I do agree you get selfish idiots and people who say the virus is a hoax....they clearly have no brain cells

I think anyone with a brain cell knew sending students back was fraught with danger ....but I still think the rise was fuelled by selfish people ....often drunk....who thought they knew better than the scientists and just went their own stupid way ....and to hell with the rest of us ! 

@Baz posted:

I think anyone with a brain cell knew sending students back was fraught with danger ....but I still think the rise was fuelled by selfish people ....often drunk....who thought they knew better than the scientists and just went their own stupid way ....and to hell with the rest of us ! 

Baz, Thailand pubs are open, life is certainly not normal but as near as it can be. You walk in a local shop, there is a machine takes your temp, makes sure on the screen you are wearing a mask, any rise in temp and you are isolated immediately. We just have a useless government that won't look at successful countries. Just blunders along putting billions into their mates pockets who have no idea what they are Dido Harding, who now runs PHE and it's them that have somehow lost all these positive results. over the last week.


Decent track and trace, all borders closed and isolation immediately



not surprised tbh  yet more education lost and-it seems to be a pattern- lock down bug  goes away, then returns repeat where I am in FE it is run educationally  with the provision that  students will be able to work from home

they need to keep the virus at a manageable NHS level ... we will have a massive rise in deaths and not only from Covid if the NHS can't cope


Baz, Thailand pubs are open, life is certainly not normal but as near as it can be. You walk in a local shop, there is a machine takes your temp, makes sure on the screen you are wearing a mask, any rise in temp and you are isolated immediately. We just have a useless government that won't look at successful countries. Just blunders along putting billions into their mates pockets who have no idea what they are Dido Harding, who now runs PHE and it's them that have somehow lost all these positive results. over the last week.


Decent track and trace, all borders closed and isolation immediately


I don’t think you can blame it all on the government Dame ....although they’ve been pretty useless .....we should have locked  down sooner ....and stayed locked down later .....the difference between us and Thailand is that their population is much more disciplined than us .....and they had SARS to teach them what to do . We have great swathes of the population that are totally selfish , and have no common those that couldn’t go without a foreign holiday for a few months ! 

@Baz posted:

I don’t think you can blame it all on the government Dame ....although they’ve been pretty useless .....we should have locked  down sooner ....and stayed locked down later .....the difference between us and Thailand is that their population is much more disciplined than us .....and they had SARS to teach them what to do . We have great swathes of the population that are totally selfish , and have no common those that couldn’t go without a foreign holiday for a few months ! 

I know this Baz, but what our government won't admit is the Asian countries are doing it right and if I was looking at countries to take guidance from it would be those.


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