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Kaytee posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Kaytee posted:

Unless I got Sharon Osbournes would I👍

I think this last one recently is a step too far, she revealed her face earlier this week 

Image result for sharon osbourne new facelift

No...getting towards the gargoyle stage.....her first one was brilliantly done though

yes agree trouble is once you start it is stunning at first and then you look desperate and older

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Kaytee posted:

I have three apple and one huge cherry.....and a bloody great blower 😂


I had two apple, two cherry and one pear and an enclosed space  now I have just grass 

The trees are around the edges....half of it falls into the neighbours ,but as their trees back onto mine...then they don't complain 👍


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