nelliessssssssssssssssssss nooooooooooo don't go near it
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:nelliessssssssssssssssssss nooooooooooo don't go near it
omg noooooooooooooooooooo
Eff off snake!
aww that little baby one
vile thing
that's disgusting
Snakes are like dogs in my book
@Sprout posted:Eff off snake!
where is Baz?
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:that's disgusting
vile upon vile
Wouldn't you just like a nellie to stamp on it
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:where is Baz?
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:where is Baz?
just realised dammee
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:where is Baz?
Iâm here ..,but I nodded off 5 hours viewing marathon is catching up with me
@Baz posted:Iâm here ..,but I nodded off 5 hours viewing marathon is catching up with me
@Baz posted:Iâm here ..,but I nodded off 5 hours viewing marathon is catching up with me
@Baz posted:Oh yuk , yuk
I know, waving that about whilst peeing
It looks like a lamb, frollicking
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I know, waving that about whilst peeing
And peeing on himself
@Baz posted:
And peeing on himself
My record light's come on. I have not a clue what it's recording
@Sprout posted:It looks like a lamb, frollicking
I'd stroke a lamb, I wouldn't stroke one of those with someone else's hand
@Baz posted:
And peeing on himself
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I'd stroke a lamb, I wouldn't stroke one of those with someone else's hand
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I'd stroke a lamb, I wouldn't stroke one of those with someone else's hand
@Sprout posted:My record light's come on. I have not a clue what it's recording
mine is still random keeps recording CNN I have recorded Alaska the last frontier and I'll be right on it after the forum
That takes canoodling to a whole different level
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I'd stroke a lamb, I wouldn't stroke one of those with someone else's hand
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:mine is still random keeps recording CNN
I have recorded Alaska the last frontier and I'll be right on it after the forum
I'll have a look tomorrow as to how to stop it for you
@Sprout posted:That takes canoodling to a whole different level
canoodling - that's an old word - not heard it for yonks
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:canoodling - that's an old word - not heard it for yonks
I am old, now
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:canoodling - that's an old word - not heard it for yonks
yes, my Gran used to say, I don't think it's a word I have ever used
@Sprout posted:I'll have a look tomorrow as to how to stop it for you
I could myself, I just keep forgetting
@Sprout posted:
I am old, now
you're not
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:yes, my Gran used to say, I don't think it's a word I have ever used
same here dameeee - I haven't mum and gran did
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:you're not
With the best will in the world she ainât young
amazing how monkeys/chimpanzees have an aptitude for problem solving and communication
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:yes, my Gran used to say, I don't think it's a word I have ever used
I tell ya, I've been here before
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:same here dameeee - I haven't mum and gran did
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:you're not
@Baz posted:
With the best will in the world she ainât young
@Baz posted:
With the best will in the world she ainât young
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:harsh
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:harsh
Cut to the quick I am!
they look like Alsatians - like wolves
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:they look like Alsatians - like wolves
@Sprout posted:Cut to the quick I am!
@Sprout posted:Cut to the quick I am!
no you are can point and laugh at Baz and me because we're older
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:no you are can point and laugh at Baz and me because we're older
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:no you are can point and laugh at Baz and me because we're older
and me
@Baz posted:I like wolves
and me bazzy - intelligent
They're a lot touchy feely aren't they?
wow that Oryx's horns
Baz porn
I used to try and talk my way out of situations at school. It never worked. They always went for me and even at Guides something developed in to a full blown fight
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:Baz porn
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:wow that Oryx's horns
I wouldn't want it butting my behind
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I wouldn't want it butting my behind
I wouldn't mind it tbh. I'd get rid of half my butt in an instant
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:I wouldn't want it butting my behind
nor me dameeee
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:Baz porn
@Sprout posted:I used to try and talk my way out of situations at school. It never worked. They always went for me and even at Guides something developed in to a full blown fight
Yep, someone even 'waited for me outside' I don't know, maybe that's why I'm very guarded at times as to who I make friends with
Waders, again!
@Sprout posted:Yep, someone even 'waited for me outside' I don't know, maybe that's why I'm very guarded at times as to who I make friends with
I hate bullying of any description - even now I don't really think its sorted properly and still happens - but at times its difficult to act on because they won't 'grass' - so sad
@Sprout posted:I wouldn't mind it tbh. I'd get rid of half my butt in an instant
don't be daft, you'd be impaled and looking like a geordie toffee apple
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:I hate bullying of any description - even now I don't really think its sorted properly and still happens - but at times its difficult to act on because they won't 'grass' - so sad
@Baz posted:O/t ....the Johnson Johnson vaccine only needs one dose ....
yes, I read about it....mind we are not guaranteed a second dose of these
@Baz posted:O/t ....the Johnson Johnson vaccine only needs one dose ....
wow when's that coming in bazzy??? sounds great - especially as the pfizer jab is doubtful for me
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:yes, I read about it....mind we are not guaranteed a second dose of these
@Baz posted:O/t ....the Johnson Johnson vaccine only needs one dose ....
I wasn't aware they had one
@Baz posted:Pseudo penis
@Baz posted:Pseudo penis
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:don't be daft, you'd be impaled and looking like a geordie toffee apple
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:
I bet Hyenas are totally confused
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:wow when's that coming in bazzy??? sounds great - especially as the pfizer jab is doubtful for me
Iâm not sure Ros ...but it could be in February in the US , so......
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:don't be daft, you'd be impaled and looking like a geordie toffee apple
dammeeee rl lolling
@Baz posted:Pseudo penis
How the hell do you have one of them? You either do or you don't (in the animal world of course)
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:dammeeee
rl lolling
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:dammeeee
rl lolling
I swear, she's crackers! It's a good job I know her
@Baz posted:Iâm not sure Ros ...but it could be in February in the US , so......
oh well maybe
@Sprout posted:How the hell do you have one of them? You either do or you don't (in the animal world of course)
no idea and I'm not even going to try and work it out
@Sprout posted:I swear, she's crackers! It's a good job I know her
@Dame_Ann_Average posted:no idea and I'm not even going to try and work it out
It's a wonder you haven't gone to Google......
@Sprout posted:How the hell do you have one of them? You either do or you don't (in the animal world of course)
Well according to the scientists they do .....
enjoyed that - night
that was interesting, thanks for the company ladies
That was interesting ....what I managed to stay awake for Thanks for the company
Channel please?
@Baz posted:Evening Dame
evening Baz