Big fishy
Baz posted:Oh no
Sprout posted:I'm sick of Twatter today/night
just glanced at one and then read some more
go find your baby stoopid
good thinking
Baz posted:His mum wonât be back
she will
Dame_Ann_Average posted:Baz posted:His mum wonât be back
she will
oh no
Gulls aren't fussy are they
Baz posted:
she married a miner
Stand with your back to it then daft bird
Sprout posted:Gulls aren't fussy are they
no, dustbins
Ugly bird
Baz posted:Pelicans
Sprout posted:Ugly bird
yes they are but interesting
Rocking Ros Rose posted:Sprout posted:Ugly bird
yes they are but interesting
I don't happen to agree
stoopid bird
oh heck
Sprout posted:Rocking Ros Rose posted:Sprout posted:Ugly bird
yes they are but interesting
I don't happen to agree
awwwww poor thing
At least it cooled down a bit
wow all those fish
Sprout posted:At least it cooled down a bit
good thinking and with fluid on his lungs I'm sure all will be fine
Dame_Ann_Average posted:Sprout posted:At least it cooled down a bit
good thinking and with fluid on his lungs I'm sure all will be fine
Sorry, Iâm a bit sidetracked by a friend wanting me to break them out of hospital
Baz posted:Sorry, Iâm a bit sidetracked by a friend wanting me to break them out of hospital
Can someone not eat THOSE birds?
aww at last
Mammy! mammy!
aww mam, where you been
awww eating
Dame_Ann_Average posted:aww mam, where you been
They're looking at them like.....what the eff do I do now
noisy buggers aren't they
Sprout posted:They're looking at them like.....what the eff do I do now
Baz posted:Seals eat penguins
Baz posted:Seals eat penguins
cruel nature
Baz posted:Dame_Ann_Average posted:noisy buggers aren't they
Baz posted:Itâs Happy Feet
Baz posted:Itâs Happy Feet
I love both those films
Baz posted:Here comes that bliddy shark again
the swine
Baz posted:Here comes that bliddy shark again
funny that, I can't take off from water either
Baz posted:Maybe it would be an idea to learn to fly first
Dame_Ann_Average posted:funny that, I can't take off from water either
Dame_Ann_Average posted:funny that, I can't take off from water either
Baz posted:Thatâs a terrible cough itâs got
Baz posted:Ditto
pleased I wasn't the only one..I could never cartwheel properly either
Baz posted:Thatâs a terrible cough itâs got
Dame_Ann_Average posted:Baz posted:Ditto
pleased I wasn't the only one..I could never cartwheel properly either
Or me
enjoyed that, thanks for the company ladies
enjoyed that night
*settles for the night in the comfy chair*
Baz posted:Evening Dame and Ros
We are in Florida ?
you are in Florida, I'm not going
Hi bazzy dammeeee sprooty
Sprout posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:Hi bazzy dammeeee sprooty
Baz posted:Snake alert
Bloody big one an all
Oh hey up
Dame_Ann_Average posted:Rocking Ros Rose posted:Hi bazzy dammeeee sprooty
It's not very well
This is the only bit I don't like about snakes....them eating
snakes make me shiver - they are defo up there with Dameeee's list of 'orrible creatures
Baz posted:Hope he gets indigestion !