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Are some of their campaigns a bit reckless, and verging on vendetta?
Do you know Julian Assange the founder of wikileaks was accused of rape by 2 women around the time of his last big leak? These allegations were'nt followed up and the warrent for his arrest was withdrawn but mud sticks as the saying goes.

I do agree that he is playing with fire and alot of people could end up being burnt but i for one am glad there is someone like that out there, means the governments around the world have someone watching over what they do behind closed doors and might just (i did say might) think again before doing things they know they shouldnt in future.
What worries me is that when some people are on a campaign, they sometimes lose good judgment.
In principle Wikileaks could do much good, but I worry that when someone is "on a mission" their priorities can get blurred.
I think a question of balance is important, but I'm not so sure that Wikileaks give much consideration to balance.
Brisket i think some of their stuff comes from people who are involved in what goes on and dont agree with it but are scared to do anything about it.
Seems thats what they are thinking of doing Joe, could kick up alot of dirt but it also could be leaked and have no effect (publically anyway.) All depends on what is said about who really doesnt it. Although i cant see it being trivial stuff with this hype...

Speaking of which why all the prewarning? Why not just release the info on the day they announced what they were going to do (im assuming they did announce it) makes me wonder if they are bargining for something
Bradley Manning is the soldier who passed on secret information to Wikileaks.
I hear on the radio that he has been held in solitary confinement for months- 23 out of 24 hours a day alone.
He is not allowed to exercise. He has no pillow or sheet.

It now seems that Julian Assange will be released on bail (subject to the money being handed over.)
This next thought is based on nothing except gut feeling. There is nothing scientific about it.
But I find his face spooky; makes me shudder. I get strange vibes. His face makes me think 'all is not right here'. I did say it was just a gut feeling.
(He also looks a little bit like Roman Polanski in my opinion.)
I hear on the radio that he has been held in solitary confinement for months- 23 out of 24 hours a day alone. He is not allowed to exercise. He has no pillow or sheet.
Pumped full of drugs too to stop him going insane
He's one of their own too! Gawd knows what they'll do to Gary McKinnon when they get their hands on him???!
Ensign Muf
Not even allowed to see his parents either so I understand.

As for Assange - his lawyers have complained about their lack of time with him and he's allegedly been refused access to any pc to assist in his defence.

This whole thing stinks tbh. Whether the allegations are true or not (and the fact they were not followed up last summer sheds some doubt on the effectiveness of the case against him) the timing is so shoddy as to make the likely strong arm tactics of the US highly suspect. The recent bombing in Sweden makes me wonder if they are refusing a degree of assistance unless the Swedish aurthorities cooperate - or am I being waaaay too cynical?
From what i heard, the person that gave Wikileaks the info took a Lady GaGa disk in to work ( dont know where he worked) but being a cd of this nature got through security. He then deleted the disk and copied all the leaks onto it. This is what i heard so dont have a go at me. And it seems there is more to come regarding UFO's which i reckon had something to do with him being arrested yet again. Thank god for Wikileaks,it shows us all what goes on and is said outside of the media.
Crispy Christmas

What the US private Gary Manning is alleged to have said is that he took a GAGA CD to work and erased the contents.  He must have meant that he took a re-recordable CD with some form of alleged music on it and used that as his transport device for the information now being published to the world.

Seems to me that anyone who deletes any recording by Lady Gaga - or indeed any gaga content at all deserves a well done

Tooth Fairy

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