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Originally posted by china:
Originally posted by Trix-ster:
I've just left it
and shut my door so I can't see her
This is why having the room next to the kitchen is rubbish Frowner

everything she uses-and i mean every single last thing-make a space in the kitchen and just keep piling it up-just wash your own stuff and take it back to your room so she cant get her grubby paws on it-and use it when you need it

if that dont work-drop the nut Big Grin

That would have worked last year (well it didn' but maybe in this size kitchen it would have) but this year we share everything
I am tempted to throw her milk down the sink as revenge, and when she goes to buy more ask if shes procrastinating
Originally posted by RENTON:
TRIXY in my Hall of Residence i was next to the kitchen and i hated it - so bloomin' noisy all the time

Hide her stuff - simples - lol

Ahh this is a regular house so the kitchen is pretty quiet to be fair, I would have hated being next to it last year, we were always in there in the early hours of the morning

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