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Originally posted by Moomin:
When she kept saying "do you understand?" to Freddie, I would have been unable to control myself if I had been in the house.

She sounded like an angry Mum telling her little boy off because he had stolen money or something equally bad. Attitude? She is the one with that. I didn't mind her at first, now I think she is the one I like the least - at the moment, anyway. Grrrrrrrr!!

That was the worst bit, MAKING him say he understood as if he were her son. Where does she get off talking to people like that?
She did accomplish one thing I am now FIRMLY in Freddie's corner. What a cow. I've never really wanted to be there but MAN I so wanted to get right up in her ugly face and say in my oh so very loud, so very loud you THINK I'm shouting but I'm using my soft voice really, OR WHAT?

OR WHAT C**T! What are you going to do? Huh?
Just keep letting all that smelly hot air out WHAT?

Dont' even start me on the 2 WIMPS sitting next to her. Talk about Dumb and Dumber... Kris and Charlie sitting there like 2 scared rabbits!

Someone PLEASE or PLEASE take that wanna be a man lesbian out of there.
Originally posted by VesnaWasRobbed:
She did accomplish one thing I am now FIRMLY in Freddie's corner. What a cow. I've never really wanted to be there but MAN I so wanted to get right up in her ugly face and say in my oh so very loud, so very loud you THINK I'm shouting but I'm using my soft voice really, OR WHAT?

OR WHAT C**T! What are you going to do? Huh?
Just keep letting all that smelly hot air out WHAT?

Dont' even start me on the 2 WIMPS sitting next to her. Talk about Dumb and Dumber... Kris and Charlie sitting there like 2 scared rabbits!

Someone PLEASE or PLEASE take that wanna be a man lesbian out of there.

Laugh Hug

I wish I'd been there too Vesna, I would have told her where to go. I can't believe he managed to just sit there and take it, he's got more composure and control than most, that's for sure.
Originally posted by HyacinthB:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by china:
wheres the vid please scotty?

Here you are`s not pleasant. I believe it`s being shown on tonights HL show.

I clicked on that but couldn't see a video!! Confused

Go down a bit..see the link and click.

Hope it works...if not Hyacinth it`s on the HL show tonight. It`s awful Frowner
They never learn though do they? Year after year they all go into the house and make the same mistakes...... lets face it, Freddie would probably have slipped by unnoticed by most viewers this year, it's Lisa and her crowd that have brought him to our notice.

Treating fellow HM's like cattle fodder just isn't on and the public usually do the right thing and make them pay for it!

Freddie and Angel look like gentle souls that are ALWAYS going to get the worse words out of Lisa, Sophie and the likes mouths.

I hope they show Lisa's rant on the Hl's, I hope at some point Freddie is up against one of her 'Gang' and it finally sink's in to her head how we feel out here..... then she might 'UNDERSTAND' !!!
Originally posted by Heartache:
She sounded like she was threatening him, l really would have to say or what Lisa what are you going to do. She's all puffed up and full of herself. Trouble is l can't see anyone else in there having the guts to challenge her. We need an older man or woman in there, that will.

Trouble is, most of the oldies who they choose to go in there are sanctimonious/parental and club together
Originally posted by Heartache:
She sounded like she was threatening him, l really would have to say or what Lisa what are you going to do. She's all puffed up and full of herself. Trouble is l can't see anyone else in there having the guts to challenge her. We need an older man or woman in there, that will.

My money's on Angel to sort Lisa out. No one else in there has the bottle to stand up and be counted!
Originally posted by VesnaWasRobbed:
Originally posted by Heartache:
She sounded like she was threatening him, l really would have to say or what Lisa what are you going to do. She's all puffed up and full of herself. Trouble is l can't see anyone else in there having the guts to challenge her. We need an older man or woman in there, that will.

My money's on Angel to sort Lisa out. No one else in there has the bottle to stand up and be counted!

I really hope your right,Angel does have the guts but if she stands up against Lisa she also has to contend with Charlie and the rest.Why is it always the obnoxious ones who form the strongest alliances? Why does it take the nicest ones the longest to band together?
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Aimee:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Originally posted by Aimee:
wow, who the hell does she think she is Mad

A big Lesbian tree in a garden of little weeds maybe? Laugh

Laugh she wouldn't speak to me like that if i was in there Shake Head

Nor me Aimee, I'd be chucked out for belting her Nod

me too Laugh
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by VesnaWasRobbed:
Originally posted by Heartache:
She sounded like she was threatening him, l really would have to say or what Lisa what are you going to do. She's all puffed up and full of herself. Trouble is l can't see anyone else in there having the guts to challenge her. We need an older man or woman in there, that will.

My money's on Angel to sort Lisa out. No one else in there has the bottle to stand up and be counted!

I really hope your right,Angel does have the guts but if she stands up against Lisa she also has to contend with Charlie and the rest.Why is it always the obnoxious ones who form the strongest alliances? Why does it take the nicest ones the longest band together?

Angel was so sweet to him the other day, she could see what they were doing. She keeps her thoughts to herself which is good but when she thinks something is wrong she will say so,
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Bethni:
Originally posted by VesnaWasRobbed:
Originally posted by Heartache:
She sounded like she was threatening him, l really would have to say or what Lisa what are you going to do. She's all puffed up and full of herself. Trouble is l can't see anyone else in there having the guts to challenge her. We need an older man or woman in there, that will.

My money's on Angel to sort Lisa out. No one else in there has the bottle to stand up and be counted!

I really hope your right,Angel does have the guts but if she stands up against Lisa she also has to contend with Charlie and the rest.Why is it always the obnoxious ones who form the strongest alliances? Why does it take the nicest ones the longest to band together?

I don't understand why it takes them so long either, but it always always does. Frowner
Originally posted by Aimee:
i don't think angle will stand up to her, she's had the chance on a few occasions and hasn't took it, look how she was told to move away when saafia was crying on last nights H/L show, she looked annoyed but didn't say anything, i hope i'm proved wrong though Thumbs Up

Maybe still sussing out the lie of the land..she may surprise us at some point Nod
Lisa already had a go at Angel, over sree's bloody tissue in the kichen. All Angel did was go and cry in the bathroom.
Have you noticed when Lisa argues with someone, she goes around justifying herself to the non clique people. She was doing that last night with Rod.
I had heard rumours that a couple from coach trip were going in, now they would be more than a match for her.

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