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It's simple really - I was looking at the mindless on BBBM last night and they were all saying how sensitive he is

He is perceived to be a bad boy with a heart of gold who is misunderstood. Believe me I have read enough romantic novels to recognise the type. Younger women all think they could be the one to tame him, to tap into his sensitive side and be his one and only. Older women ( who really should know better) see him as a poor little boy lost. They want to tousle his ( unemployed) hair and make a cake for him. They think he needs a mother's love and then all will be well.
Certain young men long to be like him - they perceive him as being  a" love them and leave them" type of person who bears a passing resemblance to David Beckham. He doesn't work and appears to have freedom. He also appears to have no respect for authority - a real young man's man.
What he is in reality however is a spoiled little boy who doesn't want to engage with the rest of the world and is fine as long as he gets his own way. He is scared of women and intimacy and thus is particularly foul to those who he cannot understand.  I think if he wins, it will reflect what our society thinks about people who are rude, surly and discourteous - it is fine as long as they are good looking.

If JJ wasn't so chocolate box, if this was  Andrew for example, acting like this, I would bet he would be up and evicted in an instance.

Just my ramblings - feel free to disagree.

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I am not sure what I have done to you PC but please tell me how that was mindlessly prejudice.
It wasn't you, Isadora. It's the way that quite a few people here just spout their nastiest bile at JJ even if all he's doing is breathing. Quite a few of those people seem willing to forgive and applaud other HMs like Ben, even if they were sacrificing puppies. Meh, I should just walk away.
I am not sure what I have done to you PC but please tell me how that was mindlessly prejudice.

It wasn't you, Isadora. It's the way that quite a few people here just spout their nastiest bile at JJ even if all he's doing is breathing. Quite a few of those people seem willing to forgive other HMs like Ben, even if they were sacrificing puppies. Meh, I should just walk away.
Fair enough - no don't walk away. You are entitled to your opinion.
I struggle with Ben too as it happens - he is a tortured soul as well.
Surely it's possible to dislike JJ without jumping to ridiculous conclusions about the mental state of those that do? I like him cos he makes me laugh. It goes no deeper than that. Signed.....older woman who really should know better.
I suppose we are back to what we are comfortable with and what we are not comfortable with.
JJ brings out the worse in me but you don't take it seriously. Which I admire you for as it happens... I just don't find him funny and don't like bad behaviour being rewarded.

*Note to self* STOP taking this so seriously.
Or those who don't,works both ways imo.
Agreed....though I'm struggling to find multiple threads where that happens. If you hate him, you hate him, and your motives aren't analysed if you do. I wouldn't mind so much if the statements regarding our motives were in reference to "some" of his fans. But it seems that we are all to be tarred with the same brush.

I object to those who dislike him assuming I must be mistaken in my opinions, or misguided in some way. I'm not mistaken or misguided. I like him.
just don't like constant conflict. I don't think it is entertaining - it upsets me to be honest

I know what you mean, Isadora - I get a knot in my stomach. I don't mind if they disagree with each other but when it becomes a lengthy diatribe in an aggressive tone, I have to go.
So I suppose if I am honest I don't get how people can find that funny but that does not give me the right ( as Ducky so correctly pointed out) to make assumptions.
*Note to self* STOP taking this so seriously.

There are some things about him I don't find funny Isadora. I don't think you'll find one of his fans who wouldn't be tempted to mute him when he starts to repeat himself for example I just don't think he's as black and white as some say he is.

We'd all be hard pushed to find many people in real life where we could honestly say we liked everything about them.

I don't have an issue with people disliking him...or even hating him. But I do have a issue with people implying things about the personalities of those that do. There's been a LOT of that on here the last few days.... it becomes tiring when most of us are supposed to be "friends".

I'd love it if we could get back to just discussing JJ, so I could ignore it all, go back to my shack and not get involved.  
I just don't like constant conflict. I don't think it is entertaining - it upsets me to be honest

Maybe its not entertaining but it has you all talking about it/him. Take him out of the picture and what have you got? Where's the TV programme?
I can only imagine how boring it is in that house. So the HMs know that if they press JJs buttons he'll react = less boring house something for them to talk about, digest and pull apart.
Agreed....though I'm struggling to find multiple threads where that happens. If you hate him, you hate him, and your motives aren't analysed if you do. I wouldn't mind so much if the statements regarding our motives were in reference to "some" of his fans. But it seems that we are all to be tarred with the same brush. I object to those who dislike him assuming I must be mistaken in my opinions, or misguided in some way. I'm not mistaken or misguided. I like him.
It happens Ducky,tbh I think perhaps some either forget or perhaps they don't care that ALL threads are there to be read by all FM's....The one thing I will say puzzles me about some of his supporters is how they will not condemn or disapprove of anything he does....They either find it amusing,ignore it , excuse it or lay blame elsewhere,for me there is no excusing the inexcusable ...I don't find him attractive either in looks or more importantly personality and actually I find his targeting certain HM's to be on the receiving end of his aggressive overbearing outbursts anything but entertaining....Any road at the end of the day you are as entitled to like whatever aspects of him you do like just as I am entitled to dislike him.

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