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I don't understand!

I'm not gonna say Sisqo to Win, however I'm glad he's decided to take on Vinnie. I just hope it's for the right reason. I was all for Sisqo winning at first but I think his immediate reaction to being up was a little off. Hopefully it will play itself out to his advantage.

3 reasons he may of reacted the way he did -

He was shocked and hurt by being up for eviction (all the Americans even!).

Gameplan to stay in

He's tired of Vinnie's dictatorship and feels he's nothing to lose now he's up.

I really hope it's the latter cause if it's cause of the first one then he would be guilty of being a bit of hypocrite.

Although in Sisqo's defence, I think he's done good uptil now, He like everyone else would tell Sov about her own behaviour without having to have the backing of the clan or being nasty about it. He knows what he's talking about he's always saying things that are relevant but it seems like most of the others just don't listen. Plus he's funny!

Also he's totally right about Vinnie and I've gotta admire him for being brave enough for tellin it like it is cause the others are just being sheep. Vinnie is playin them all, and anyone that is a threat to his regime is gettin taken out 1 by 1.
Tags: Gameplan, celebrity, Sov, Favourite, betting odds, Win, big brother, Americans, Sisqo, Vinnie

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