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The objections are about the current Pope's views: specifically re homosexuality; the role of women; contraception, (including HIV prevention) and abortion; IVF and embryonic cell research, also supporting holocaust deniers and putting the interests and reputation of the Catholic church and it's priests above those of the victims of child abuse
All these papal views are as old as the hills. The previous incumbent was popular enough despite holding the same views (I think he may have apologised for Pius the 12th. and his' nuzzling up to Hitler) , Pope Benedict is not easy to take, he has not shown enough commitment to eradicating the abuse or humility about past abuse. The problem with all of them (popular or not) is that they see themselves as God's representative on Earth and that sticks in the gullet when they can't sort out their own house, insist on denying contraceptives or any of the other ludicrous beliefs they cling to. I also speak as a non practicing Catholic who can't reconcile herself with either the credo or the hypocracy.
cologne 1
cologne (Ben's buddy no. 22) offline 7,756 Forum Posts Today at 6:04 PM Last Edited: Reference: Causes too many arguments probably... I nearly brained my former boss when he said he totally agreed with the BNP leaflet, and most people would if they didn't see the name of the party It does and yet, it's the two most important subjects (seemingly, see the crusades).

cologne (Ben's buddy no. 22) offline 7,756 Forum Posts Today at 6:03 PM Last Edited: Reference: I didn't say they shouldn't be discussed, just saying that there is a saying that says that LL sorry, I should have made that clearer. I knew what you meant.
The objections are about the current Pope's views: specifically re homosexuality; the role of women; contraception, (including HIV prevention) and abortion; IVF and embryonic cell research, also supporting holocaust deniers and putting the interests and reputation of the Catholic church and it's priests above those of the victims of child abuse
Surely those are the archaic views of the Catholic church itself and always have been. The Pope is merely following orders. I daresay a few of the other religions would agree with them. If people don't agree with this philosophy of the dark ages then catholocism is not for them. If they want religion lite then they should try the C of E.

Meanwhile is it just me or did anyone else have their pomegranate and yoghourt pudding spoilt by the view of Ian Paisley and his brain dead supporters on the tellybox. Why do these people travel all that way to be offended?
Garage Joe
Surely those are the archaic views of the Catholic church itself and always have been. The Pope is merely following orders.
 the point I was trying to make further up, but not as eloquently.

As for Ian Paisley, I will harp back to a book I read about 15 years ago by a woman (whose name escapes me unfortunately), travelling Ireland on her push bike. She happened upon a church for Sunday mass which was held by him up there and she writes: I have seen the devil.
cologne 1
I'm delighted that Glasgow has poured early evening sunshine on the people for whom the Pope's visit is important, and who turned out to attend the mass. I saw clips of them singing heartily in the sunshine and it was great to see. Edinburgh looked beautiful in this morning's news reports too. Go Scotland.
What a lovely description ... and perhaps the best example of why his visit, despite the controversy and individual opinions on the man himself, is important to (probably quite a lot) of people
its all a very tense time in our household... this pope business.    Its in the same taboo category as my Mother in Law.

Basically...   hubby can slate them both (His mother and the pope)..   but I am not allowed to join in...  cos if I do he then goes into Mother/Pope defence mode! 

I did get away with pointing out how much the pope looks like the Emperor in Star Wars though.. 

in fact... when I then went to google to find a pic of them both to show the similarities I discovered I am not the only one to think this....  others have spotted it too...  

I found this..  Even Mr Ditty (born, raised & still a deep rooted benedictine catholic) laughed..

I mean...  when they were all locked in the Vatican... voting the new pope in..   a geek priest would have really been handy..   pointing out this unfortunate resemblance!
I was surprised at the "aggresive secularism!" accusation. I have never thought of us aethieists having leadership or organisation. OK! People like Dawkins and co exist but they are merely businessmen who have seen an opportunity to make money by stating the obvious.
"Aggressive?" I don't think that any of us would abuse, wage war, or put bombs on trains, like some of these religious folk do.
 We don't need to call him names. We are more subtle than that. Three hearty cheers to the Queen for sending Prince Phillip to meet him.
Garage Joe

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