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I mean, seriously why is he?
We are becoming more and more secular as a society, He is not even the leader of our State Church, He really does not have any influence over what we as a people think. Apparently all the events that have been organised have not sold many tickets. So I ask again.
Why are we giving any time to this outdated old man?
Nothing personal -but who on earth wants and believes in a papal blessing anyway?
Just a waste of time and money -  money that we as a nation really cannot afford ATM.

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Why is the pope coming here?
He just fancied a jolly. I reckon behind closed doors, he whips off that big hat and all that regalia gubbins and gets his Ed Hardy gear on, trousers hanging off his ass and walks like he has a limp, saying 'I swear daaan man, I gonna sort this UK shit you get me. Queen? She best step aside cos the real daddy's in taaan' (And he probably says this in Latin)
He just fancied a jolly. I reckon behind closed doors, he whips off that big hat and all that regalia gubbins and gets his Ed Hardy gear on, trousers hanging off his ass and walks like he has a limp, saying 'I swear daaan man, I gonna sort this UK shit you get me. Queen? She best step aside cos the real daddy's in taaan' (And he probably says this in Latin)
Do you reckon? So will he be getting daaan wid the posse then ( can't  remember how to do accents.)
He just fancied a jolly. I reckon behind closed doors, he whips off that big hat and all that regalia gubbins and gets his Ed Hardy gear on, trousers hanging off his ass and walks like he has a limp, saying 'I swear daaan man, I gonna sort this UK shit you get me. Queen? She best step aside cos the real daddy's in taaan' (And he probably says this in Latin)

Karma  am offski now.
Do you reckon? So will he be getting daaan wid the posse then
Yeah I think so. I reckon he might be here to do one of those Secret Millionaire projects, living off a giro in a skanky flat for a week or summat, except at the end of it he'll just chuck some holy water over the poor people and start blessing them and shit.
That is honestly how i see it though I think i view the world from a strange angle because i think it is hilarious and just very very wrong to the point where it could make me angry but instead it all goes funny in my head.

This visit is like what a pope visit would be like if 'star stories' got hold of it. I can just imagine the conversations, ' yeah lets put him on a main stage lets get a pop star....NO michelle mcmanus GREAT. AND SUBO *faints*. And how about merchandise????...emmm.....KEY RINGS and a calendar !!! ohhh ohh ohh and how about free text pictures of his holiness right to your phone any chance of some sound bites from the arch angel Gabriel ? ? ? No you say ....aww

I wonder what jesus would make of it all?
Why shouldn't he come here?  He is head of the Catholic Church.
LL, I think that the debate is mainly about why we the tax payers should fund a State visit. He wasn't invited by the Catholic church, indeed they expressed concern initially as to how it was to be funded he was invited by the government and the Queen as Head of  State. From what I understand the Catholic church are funding the parts of the itinerary which are to do with him addressing Catholics, (yes, partly by the sale of memorobilia, tickets to events etc.) to the cost of approx ÂĢ6 million and the tax payers are funding the rest, to the tune of about ÂĢ12 million plus about ÂĢ1.5 million in security costs.
David Cameron's video message:
Well said PM I thought.  The good that is done throughout this country by Christians is immense.  Our church (a non-conformist one) for instance, along with many others, send people out on the streets every Friday and Saturday evenings until the early hours under the Street Pastors scheme, to make sure the people visiting pubs and clubs come to no harm, a helping hand is offered without forcing religion down people's throats, a reassuring presence and practical help too.
Supercalifragilistic offline 9,935 Forum Posts Today at 9:28 AM Last Edited: Reference: Why shouldn't he come here? He is head of the Catholic Church. LL, I think that the debate is mainly about why we the tax payers should fund a State visit. He wasn't invited by the Catholic church, indeed they expressed concern initially as to how it was to be funded he was invited by the government and the Queen as Head of State. From what I understand the Catholic church are funding the parts of the itinerary which are to do with him addressing Catholics, (yes, partly by the sale of memorobilia, tickets to events etc.) to the cost of approx ÂĢ6 million and the tax payers are funding the rest, to the tune of about ÂĢ12 million plus about ÂĢ1.5 million in security costs.
We have numerous State visits in the country, which I expect the taxpayer funds, so why shouldn't the Head of the Catholic Church come over here?  As far as I am aware, this country has a large Catholic population so I see no reason why the Head of the Catholic Church should not come over here.  I am not a catholic by the way, but as far as I am concerned he is welcome here.

As for who believes in a papal blessing - I imagine Catholics do.  They have their beliefs, like other religions and why should we not be tolerant of their beliefs?  We are told to be tolerant of other religions.
As for who believes in a papal blessing - I imagine Catholics do. They have their beliefs, like other religions and why should we not be tolerant of their beliefs? We are told to be tolerant of other religions.
I'm tolerant of their beliefs - the OH and his family are Catholics. But as a non-believer and someone who has no interest in this bloke's visit, I don't see why my taxes should pay for it.
I can't imagine the Vatican (a village, rather than a state, even is it does have state-style wealth) would be happy to fork out for an official visit by representatives of the Humanist Society.
We have numerous State visits in the country, which I expect the taxpayer funds, so why shouldn't the Head of the Catholic Church come over here?
The objections are about the current Pope's views: specifically re homosexuality; the role of women; contraception, (including HIV prevention) and abortion; IVF and embryonic cell research, also supporting holocaust deniers and putting the interests and reputation of the Catholic church and it's priests above those of the victims of child abuse
I am not a catholic by the way, but as far as I am concerned he is welcome here.
I am a catholic, (lapsed, mainly because of the above views that I find intolerable,) and I have no doubt that the catholic church across the world does a great deal of good and charitable works, however my personal position, shared by many, is that this is outweighed by the bad and that we the tax payers should not have funded this State visit, particularly at a time of such economic hardship

As part society we have and go on state visits its not rocket science.

I have more issue with the fact that the man is Perhaps responsible for the covering up of the rape and abuse of children.

I think that is a much easier thing to be out raged at.The OP seems more to like moaning at the fact that he is catholic.  

 "Nothing personal -but who on earth wants and believes in a papal blessing anyway?" I highly provocative statement.
DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD. offline 743 Forum Posts Today at 10:02 AM Last Edited: As part society we have and go on state visits its not rocket science. I have more issue with the fact that the man is Perhaps responsible for the covering up of the rape and abuse of children. I think that is a much easier thing to be out raged at.The OP seems more to like moaning at the fact that he is catholic. "Nothing personal -but who on earth wants and believes in a papal blessing anyway?" I highly provocative statement.
I agree in respect of the cover up of the rape and abuse of children - that should outrage all of us and something which he should address.

I also agree with your other comment - yes indeed a provocative statement.
We always have state visits that is true. The thing that amused me was when someone on the news said there was "apathy" towards the visit - we are not a Catholic country we have the Church of England - that is why there is apathy!
There is a large Catholic population in the UK though, and the last pope's visit was greeted with anything but apathy. Hundreds of thousands of people turned out to see him, but then again, they weren't being charged for the priviledge that time.
He couldn't have come at a worse time as far as the image of Roman Catholicism goes. In these politically sensitive and correct times, Catholicism is the current faith whipping boy and the religion you're allowed to hate without being labelled a bigot or a racist. It doesn't help that he has his Hitler Youth past and is a hardline old reactionary. 

Add to that one of his party saying Britian was a like a third world country and it has disaster written all over it.  IIRC the last pope's (Pope John Paul II?) visit was enormously popular at the time, as he was seen as a reforming media savvy pope reaching out to all people.  Can't say that of this one.

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