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Competition and jealousy.

When he speaks negatively about her to others I suspect he is trying to influence them towards his way of thinking.
I don't think he needs to know what the public think to be able to tell that she must be in with a great chance of winning. He overall performance should tell him that. Her enthusiasm and general attitude to taske and other housemates should make him aware of what a good housemate she is.
I also think there may be a jealous aspect.  Jealous of her doing so well of course, but also jealous that she can do  well without resorting to some of the mean and unpleasant tactics which he has done. She is more positive and John James is not very good at doing 'positive'.
It's important that he has allies to achieve his objectives. He has got by so far with the help of Dave, Josie, and Joe-John, and their little planning meetings. The principle would have been just the same if he had chosen 2 or 3 different allies.
But very soon - if nominations continue in the same way (which they probably won't) - they'll have to turn against each other.
The little gang is the means of eliminating opposition; it can't be done alone.
On LF earlier he said to Josie i will tell you something about her (corin) when we get out, so maybe he does know something we don't, whenever i've watched LF they never seem to be in the same room or getting on each others nerves so it just made me wonder where all the hate for her was coming from, he seems to have the same problem with Mario as well
I just can't see what she's done so wrong for him to feel this way about her, yes she stood up to him but that was weeks ago, i really wish she had nominated him on Monday and i think she would had if he nominate first
I don't think John James feels she's done anything wrong, he's like an automaton, move on to next target.
As another FM has said she confronted him about his treatment of Rachael,he never recovered from that imo...It's festered since then,nothing lately it goes way back to that ,and then we had the row where she said she didn't have to travel halfway around the world to be angry like he did,that for me was her best line yet.....He can't handle how she won't be browbeaten by him,that's the crux of his campaign against her imo.

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