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Who is Roxi Rawky? A forumer that was around last year. She seems to have disappeared.
Well OK yes I am her.  If I say I am not, no-one will believe me anyway.  I have already been accused of being several forum members that I have not even heard of just this past few days... so is there any point in me defending myself? 

I give an opinion, and I am insulted, even though I have not insulted any FMs personally.  I am told to get a life, get out more, and that I am nuts and God knows what else.  I ignore most of the comments of course, and find them laughable, especially as it comes from FMs who are on here 10 to 15 hours a day, telling me to get a life and get out more.  Pot kettle black much! 
FMs who are on here 10 to 15 hours a day, telling me to get a life and get out more.

As a point of order, there's no way you can know how long FMs are on here daily unless you are on here that long too.  Orrrr spend your time here trawling through the threads with a calculator adding up a particular persons 'live' time.  Which is probably even worse. 
I am only on an hour or so a day, but after trawling through the threads I can see who is on all the time/on for hours and hours and hardly ever off.  And no matter what time I come, the same people are here, and they are generally the ones that tell ME to get out more, which is hilarious!    Dontcha think?!  I couldnt give a toss how ling folk spend on here, but don't have a go at me, when you're on here all hours people!
As a point of order, there's no way you can know how long FMs are on here daily unless you are on here that long too. Orrrr spend your time here trawling through the threads with a calculator adding up a particular persons 'live' time. Which is probably even worse.
*said like Corin*

Oooh, yer jus like Sherlock ain't c'ha?
i suggested you may want to get more as i am a doctor and  am concerned for you, if   hm's make you laugh more than you ever have ever  have for ages, it suggests to me  that you are in need  of a more  satisfying  social life, either  that or  seriously consider  radically changing your social circle to more jolly types.

Reference: jacksonb
i suggested you may want to get more as i am a doctor and am concerned for you, if hm's make you laugh more than you ever have ever have for ages, it suggests to me that you are in need of a more satisfying social life, either that or seriously consider radically changing your social circle to more jolly types.
LMFAO!    You're making me laugh even more than barmiebrummie.  Eeee, you're a tonic, you people on here.    What are your thoughts on people who are on here 10 to 15 hours a day 'doctor?'
Wow fairfax, you delete and edit your posts more than I do LOL. I'm off now anyway, as I am going out. So have fun everyone, but my taxi is due in 20 minutes. Byeeeeeee.
How many times did you edit that..oh Lord above.oh you make me die. Such a terrible WUM..but please note that I will not be one of your targets Cockney Chick. It won't work with me.

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