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LOL, he made Sam cry.  What a little whinger, bitching because John james beat him down verbally .  idiotic boy!
As someone who lived with a person like JJ this was one of the most horrific things I have witnessed on BB.
Maybe you could cope with relentless shouting abuse in your face .. I couldn't. Neither could poor Sam.
YAY, Sam acts like a twat and most people cheer him on, but JJ acts up and shouts back and he is a bastard and a tosser.  What hypocrites some people are.  Sam can act like he wants but JJ can't.  Like I said; it's the reverse HALO effect.  Intead of the attrative person getting defended, no matter how awful their behaviour, the UGLY one is getting defended instead.  How hypocritical and laughable!
he is a horrid little shit who is argumentative, nosey, conforntational, offensive, childish and generally pretty gruesome.
You've perfectly described John James here 

he made Sam cry.  What a little whinger, bitching because John james beat him down verbally .
and who whined and ran out of the fire door and cried because Josie wouldn't be his friend any more?
YAY, Sam acts like a twat and most people cheer him on, but JJ acts up and shouts back and he is a bastard and a tosser. What hypocrites some people are. Sam can act like he wants but JJ can't. Like I said; it's the reverse HALO effect. Intead of the attrative person getting defended, no matter how awful their behaviour, the UGLY one is getting defended instead. How hypocritical and laughable!

I've never called JJ a bastard and a tosser. 
He causes shit and then cannot stand it when someone gives it back.  He can give it but can't take it!  John James is giving him what he deserves!  I hope he goes tonight, but I bet it will be Jo.
It probably will be sadly ... far rather it was Waxman or the Monk but there ya go.

Y'see tonight watching that exchange between the two I almost stood up and applauded Sam. It was game playing of the most excellent order. HE "totally owned" John James IMO and showed him up for the controlling individual he is. Now I don't "hate" any housemate. I try to see them all in the round but from the start JJames has been inclined towards paranoia. Sam uses that - it's superb frankly. I love it. He has John James tied up in knots.
Reference: barmybrummie
Sam Pepper is 10 x the man ol crab-eyes will ever be. Sam Pepper has 10 x more chance of winning than ol crab-eyes will ever have and I'm quite happy to sit here and watch ol crab-eyes dig his own grave
It's been a long time since I laughed so much at a post!  "SAM pepper is 10X the man ol crab eyes will never be."  OMFG!!!    I have heard it all now!  Sam isnt HALF the man that even Corin is!  LMAO!

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