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Originally Posted by Mentalist:

Thanks guys I really am a long way behind, I thought I was only a couple of days behind but obviously not lol


Ssssssttttooooonks 'snogs Stonksy'  how are you me darling? Can't watch it because of the blooming eye so trying to catch up today whilst youngster is at school.   

I'm fine mwahh..everytime it comes on I think of you and the young fella..hope your all good....

Originally Posted by Renton:


Seems GEM is a goner

hmmm - she doesn't really bring anything new to the mix

AND - newbies curse aint it?

Actually, Jamma's and Anton's odds have become closer since voting lines opened:

Jemma's moved from about 1/3 to 1/2;

Anton's moved from 5/2 to about 7/4

Probably too-little-too-late to save Jemma, though...


Going back to the OP's question: once the final nature of the twist was known, Jemma's selection as sacrificial pawn was a no-brainer. Jay may regret putting Harry up as well, though, as there's a good chance he'll top tonight's vote-to-save...

Eugene's Lair

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