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Her racist attitude and comments, her continual instigation and building the tension between Connor and Adam are so offensive to me, yet she is still in the house...Why?


Please don't tell me she is good TV, because I just don't see it...Lydia and Benedict were good TV..The last straw has to be BB, setting up Adam in the Diary Room while the blue team watched not being able to handle the truth about themselves. I fear we may lose Adam if he is put up, and I kind of think BB want it that way, because "Becky" is BB's chosen one..If those two are up Adam is history..I don't think they thought for one moment he would be so popular..


Lets not forget Emily Parr was chucked out for just saying the N word, I still maintain, even though it was silly of her to say it, I don't believe for one minute she was racist, BB just overreacted because they were still catching the heat from Shilpagate....Now they have a HM, who has repeatedly offended not only me, but countless others, we have complained, and nothnig has been done..That for me smacks of desperation and double standards from Endemol and Ch5.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

caroline is horrendous. shev is too. conors a nutter, becky can be funny but is 2 faced, they wanted adam to be asked the questions, then dont like what they hear, ive watched the videos on here, he was honest in how he felt, and said what many have said to him as well. Im hoping caroline conor will say do something that cant be swept under the carpet by bb and they will get chucked out, i know its unlikely. they will make adams life a misery for the next few days, if hes up for eviction, it a case of vote and hope, i feel hes a good bloke, he needs to be there when caroline shev and connor have gone.


yes Senora youre right about Emily Parr, Caroline shows us what she thinks of adam without saying a word, then when she does say things, you can tell she really wants to go alot further.

Originally Posted by justafriend:

caroline is horrendous. shev is too. conors a nutter, becky can be funny but is 2 faced, they wanted adam to be asked the questions, then dont like what they hear, ive watched the videos on here, he was honest in how he felt, and said what many have said to him as well. Im hoping caroline conor will say do something that cant be swept under the carpet by bb and they will get chucked out, i know its unlikely. they will make adams life a misery for the next few days, if hes up for eviction, it a case of vote and hope, i feel hes a good bloke, he needs to be there when caroline shev and connor have gone.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by justafriend:

reading the lut thread senora, shevs having a right go at adam. you can be sure carolines not far away with the smug grin on her face.

Do you know I have begun to detest Shievonne as much as I do Caroline and Connor, they are all 3, total bullies..I hope Adam, Deana, Lauren, Luke A, Sara and Becky, stay long enough to have the last laugh..

Senora Reyes

I'm shocked they haven't pulled her up on her comments, it's not like she has  made only one throw away comment she has made several about Adam and she is making everyone aware of her hatred for him that the others will all nominated him this week, i did notice that through the watching of Adam in the DR that Sara never said a word so hopefully she has worked out that she has been on the wrong team and will now move closer to the outsiders, either way Adam will get 4 votes from Shiev, Conor, Trashleigh and Caroline


Do we know yet if they can only nominated people on the losing team?

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

I don't know, but if that is the case, Adam has been stitched up royally..

Hasn't he just i'd have thought Conor would have wanted Deana to be the one to go into the DR so he could show everyone what a sneak he thinks she is

I was surprised at his logial response when Shoveoff and co were flapping their gums about Adam in the DR,he replied it could have been any of us,I guess he meant in that position in the DR which is true.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I'm shocked they haven't pulled her up on her comments, it's not like she has  made only one throw away comment she has made several about Adam and she is making everyone aware of her hatred for him that the others will all nominated him this week, i did notice that through the watching of Adam in the DR that Sara never said a word so hopefully she has worked out that she has been on the wrong team and will now move closer to the outsiders, either way Adam will get 4 votes from Shiev, Conor, Trashleigh and Caroline


Do we know yet if they can only nominated people on the losing team?

They can nominate ANY HM from either team - no-one is immune.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by justafriend:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

IMO she is the nastiest most malicious and devious HM in there,the mare doesn't need to utter a word,she looks at some of the HM's with utter disdain 

and sara lauren and becky have said shev intimidates them, adam spook the truth. deep down Shev knows that 

The truth hurts,question is will it hurt enough for her to get her act together and change her ways ,not just in the HM either,she needs to drop the domineering attitude.


Fact is that BB have a long-standing policy that they try to avoid interfering as much as possible. They encourage HMs to sort out disputes themselves, and claim it's up to the audience to remove HMs. On paper that sounds fair enough, but in practise... Well, at best it's frustrating for the audience, while at worse it has led to incidents such as "Fight Night" and the bullying of CBB5.


The big question - and it's one I've seen asked a few times on DS recently - is "Just what does a HM have to do to get removed now?". In any earlier series, Jay's fridge "prank" last year would have got him thrown out immediately. However BB not only kept him in; they covered it up for him.  

Seriously: unless Caroline uses the "N" word to Adam's face (for example), BB are going to do nothing - other than perhaps the odd, impotent warning. From what I've seen of the BB producers, they'll regard Caroline's bitching as "great telly", and they'll look upon us getting upset about it as a job well done... 

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Fact is that BB have a long-standing policy that they try to avoid interfering as much as possible. They encourage HMs to sort out disputes themselves, and claim it's up to the audience to remove HMs. On paper that sounds fair enough, but in practise... Well, at best it's frustrating for the audience, while at worse it has led to incidents such as "Fight Night" and the bullying of CBB5.


The big question - and it's one I've seen asked a few times on DS recently - is "Just what does a HM have to do to get removed now?". In any earlier series, Jay's fridge "prank" last year would have got him thrown out immediately. However BB not only kept him in; they covered it up for him.  

Seriously: unless Caroline uses the "N" word to Adam's face (for example), BB are going to do nothing - other than perhaps the odd, impotent warning. From what I've seen of the BB producers, they'll regard Caroline's bitching as "great telly", and they'll look upon us getting upset about it as a job well done... 

totally agree with all of this - sadly though 

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

I don't know, but if that is the case, Adam has been stitched up royally..

Hasn't he just i'd have thought Conor would have wanted Deana to be the one to go into the DR so he could show everyone what a sneak he thinks she is

I was surprised at his logial response when Shoveoff and co were flapping their gums about Adam in the DR,he replied it could have been any of us,I guess he meant in that position in the DR which is true.

Call me cynical, but when I heard him say that, my initial response was 'My.. you DID get a fright on Friday night.....'

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

Fact is that BB have a long-standing policy that they try to avoid interfering as much as possible. They encourage HMs to sort out disputes themselves, and claim it's up to the audience to remove HMs. On paper that sounds fair enough, but in practise... Well, at best it's frustrating for the audience, while at worse it has led to incidents such as "Fight Night" and the bullying of CBB5.


The big question - and it's one I've seen asked a few times on DS recently - is "Just what does a HM have to do to get removed now?". In any earlier series, Jay's fridge "prank" last year would have got him thrown out immediately. However BB not only kept him in; they covered it up for him.  

Seriously: unless Caroline uses the "N" word to Adam's face (for example), BB are going to do nothing - other than perhaps the odd, impotent warning. From what I've seen of the BB producers, they'll regard Caroline's bitching as "great telly", and they'll look upon us getting upset about it as a job well done... 


That's all true... and in response to the question in bold it's probably 'seriously harm someone'   I seriously doubt even swinging a punch would do it, unless it landed and did some damage.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I'm shocked they haven't pulled her up on her comments, it's not like she has  made only one throw away comment she has made several about Adam and she is making everyone aware of her hatred for him that the others will all nominated him this week, i did notice that through the watching of Adam in the DR that Sara never said a word so hopefully she has worked out that she has been on the wrong team and will now move closer to the outsiders, either way Adam will get 4 votes from Shiev, Conor, Trashleigh and Caroline


Do we know yet if they can only nominated people on the losing team?

The team that win the DR can nominate, they can nominate any HM.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

Overall Senora I reckon Adam will be fine,imo he'd survive over almost any of the HM's,I'd hate to see him and Lauren head to head,any of the others I reckon he'd be ok.

I don't know, Lee... I'd not like to see him up against Becky or Luke A either.

Kaffy positive thoughts madam,positive thoughts....Seriously though I think Adam is really starting to come into his own,most of the others peaked too soon,they've now become tiresome to watch,we're seeing more of him,at last that was long overdue ,he will be just fine.


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