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Don't know, im guessing the whole Cheryl/Ashley thing has something to do with it... he gets it most games. I thought people would of got over that by now, easily the best LB in the world and turned out to be the best player at the WC for England.

Doesnt seem to be running to the papers like his ex seems to be doing aswell, kept his head down and is getting on with playing football. Recently it looks like he's starting to win people over.
Don't know, im guessing the whole Cheryl/Ashley thing has something to do with it... he gets it most games. I thought people would of got over that by now, easily the best LB in the world and turned out to be the best player at the WC for England. Doesnt seem to be running to the papers like his ex seems to be doing aswell, kept his head down and is getting on with playing football. Recently it looks like he's starting to win people over.
That is a pathetic reason Mr Meat if it is true.Clearly she has better PR people than him
Seems incredible that football supporters would care about that...
That is a pathetic reason Mr Meat if it is true.Clearly she has better PR people than him Seems incredible that football supporters would care about that...
Could also be about a certain rant he made years ago about how much he was worth. Could be wrong. I don't know why anyone would boo him when there are tw*ts like John Terry out there.
As an Arsenal fan, I boo him when he plays us for the utter disrespect he showed to the fans, the club and the manager during his tapping up by Chavski. I despise him.
That being said I don't give a monkeys how he plays when he isn't playing us and - much as I loathe him - I have never booed him when he's wearing an England shirt.

He is almost universally disliked by footie fans from most PL clubs. Some of it I'm sure has to do with the Cheryl stuff (personally I couldn't care less about that) but more of it might be to do with his ranting before the WC about how much he hated England and England fans or his over inflated ego.

He is a horrible person - but not the only one playing football
As an Arsenal fan, I boo him when he plays us for the utter disrespect he showed to the fans, the club and the manager during his tapping up by Chavski. I despise him. That being said I don't give a monkeys how he plays when he isn't playing us and - much as I loathe him - I have never booed him when he's wearing an England shirt. He is almost universally disliked by footie fans from most PL clubs. Some of it I'm sure has to do with the Cheryl stuff (personally I couldn't care less about that) but more of it might be to do with his ranting before the WC about how much he hated England and England fans or his over inflated ego. He is a horrible person - but not the only one playing footbal
Well that is a little more understandable - thanks Veggie xxx
I'm with you Carnelian (Hello btw ). We've had our share of bad boys at Arsenal over the years but I think that the climate has really changed and what they behave like off the pitch and the way it reflects on the club are getting increasingly important.
Since Aw has been in charge those of us who watch the babies play especially have noticed a trend where he gets shot of young players who seem to have a bad attitude rather than a lack of ability. I would be very surprised if he was to sign for example a Joey Barton or that bloke from Hull I think who's just got out
Since Aw has been in charge those of us who watch the babies play especially have noticed a trend where he gets shot of young players who seem to have a bad attitude rather than a lack of ability. I would be very surprised if he was to sign for example a Joey Barton or that bloke from Hull I think who's just got out
By the sound of it you agree with it... I personally hate this morale high ground Mancini and the club takes.

We got rid of Barton... and when Mancini came. He got rid of Bellamy who was our second best player last season and now we have problems with Johnson. I wouldnt be surprised if a bricks thrown threw his window if he gets rid of AJ Because of this "Im not playing you because your always off out boozing" attitude it cost us the game today. Had he been on from the start we would of gone out and won that game.

Bluemoon forum went into total meltdown when we were 2-1 down and he took Adebayor off for Zabaleta Adebayor and Silva worked their arses off today.
Yeah I do really Meaty although I do also respect the other side of the argument which says that players should be judged by their performances and everything else is irrelevant. It's just that personally I agree with AW.
I think though that his stance (which is not confirmed as fact btw just a feeling a lot of us have) might also have to do with the discipline he thinks a top professional needs in order to succeed at the highest level for many years - Ryan Giggs is a truly exceptional example of what can be achieved with talent plus discipline.
Speaking as a Chelsea fan who hates Arsenal he has given everything since he came to us and developed to the point he has become the best left back in the world. Every single game he gives his absolute all I really don't know how he keeps it up. He has been our most consistent and reliable player and that's all that matters to me. His private life should be exactly that.
In the real world our children go to school, college,university and on to poor paying jobs and pay stupid amounts to see pricks like Cole kicking a ball about...madness..IMO
I agree the money they are paid is frankly obscene but you can hardly blame one player for that. At least he earns it, unlike the vast majority of the rest of them. No footballer should be paid what they get paid but he is truly world class and is possibly the worst example you could pick to vent your anger on.
Karms you've got to get over this Cheryl Cole hate. She's pretty, she can sing (sort of) and she's in lurve with the Ashley who is a man tart.
I just abhor the persona she tries to convey. Sickly sweet, nauseating shite really. Oh, but can smack a toilet attendant round the chops. Still a mahooosive question mark over the timing of her Piers Morgan interview too. But then I suppose I'm just being cynical. Naughty me. *slaps wrist*

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