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Her voice is a bit annoying but more importantly I find she doesn't string sentences together as well as some others and so is less communicative.  Also her conversation and vocabularly may be more limited than some.

She is one dimensional, not really showing all her feelings.  Not always saying what she thinks.  Yet people call her more genuine than others.  She knows that by being a smaller character and also being amiable enough she is considered a contender to win and she isn't jeopardising those chances by opening up.  I heard her let out a quick scream the other day, it's obvious she is holding back emotion.

The bigger characters who are willing to show their emotions are more interesting.  There are more expressions to read in their face, more ups and downs to follow.  But of course they aren't allowed to progress because by opening themselves up the audience pick them apart.  The last winner who was a big character was Nadia and that was a long time ago.

Ok Endemol are giving her tasks to make her interesting, but that isn't enough for me.  I don't find  people who have to have tasks to be interesting that worthwhile.  They did that with Rodrigo in BB10, but he ruined his chances with his tantrums.

She's nice?  Yeh ok, but other HMs in there have been nice too, so nothing unique there.  

People equate the show a bit too much with real life.  The people that the audience watch the show for are not really just the average small characters who are reasonably nice, you can find them just walking out your front door.  The people who make the show worth watching are the bigger characters.

The problem is we the audience and even the HMs know who are the contenders to win - Josie, Corin, Mario, Steve.  Nathan probably isn't.  The rest have there own roles in the show but they know they are considered 'expendable' by Endemol.  In general this group will be used for arguments, to drum up some controversy, some hate.  The audience I think have created this situation were the overall direction of the show becomes predictable and as the show progresses the audience declines.

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I think its too soon for all this in depth analysis of Corin !  She seems to still be in shock thats she is actually in the BB house! Plus she is fine about sitting back and letting others take the floor if they wish to do so, which is a good trait. i think she has shown her feelings, she wasnt shy about putting JJ in his place at the dinner table. I think there is a lot to Corin and will enjoy watching her. At the moment she is my fav.
Ok I will accept that it's early.  However I think it's too early then for people to say she is the favourite as what has she done on the show?  Of course she stood up to JJ she was a friend of Rachael.  Others have expressed to JJ that he went too far.  Don't think she's cared so much about others like Sunshine.

Incidentally I'm not blaming her for what she is doing, as I made clear in the first post.  I just don't see it as being the main entertainment of the show.
Free Thinking
Skylark24 online 2,646 Forum Posts Today at 12:22 PM Last Edited: FR Corin was very nice last night when Sunshine was "put to bed" and took her wine to her, plus she sits and actually listens to the others, and doesnt talk over them. Very strange in the BB house !
Oh come on.
At the start of a Big Brother series there is a large group and people have to fight to be heard, that's how it works.  She most definitely has a loud voice that can drown out others lol. 

She seemed to be supporting Ben against Sunshine yesterday from what I saw on LF.  I don't know if that was just her playing a game or whether she actually thinks that way I guess.  But we will see.
Free Thinking
I enjoyed her interraction with the Tree. I thought they both pitchewd that nicely and the interplay was fun.
She has a lot to do to get my full support.
Sometimes her appearance (to me) is strangely funny rather than glamorous.
But mainly I remain unconvinced by the voice. I cannot get out of my head that she is deliberately exaggerating it for effect. Almost a cultivated "broad north country", auditioning for a role in a Lancashire sitcom.

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