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Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?
My sentiments exactly. They saw a chance to make some money and took it. Mj may have been a top celeb with "The best lawyers" but he was still easy pickings and an even easier target! Lets hope in years to come this lad comes forward and tells the truth. Although I doubt it vary much. There, Ive said It. My belief is he and his parents lied to make a quick buck! Nod
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
In a similar vein, if you were not guilty of a crime would you pay gazillions to somebody in order to withdraw their claim, in full knowledge that shit sticks?

you here your kid's shared a bed with the bloke, nowt happened, but a jury hear's something like that, it could go either way?
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?

Or maybe, just maybe, it wasn't BS but the family took the money with glee anyway. Let's face it, you only have to look at that Shannon Matthews family to realise that not all families are like Little Mis Spurs and her friends.
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?

I can't find a good reason why a totally innocent person would offer ÂĢ20 million to stop a court case going ahead. Something somewhere was being paid to be we don't know what it was, but it sure wasn't a decision taken lightly.
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?
In a similar vein, if you were not guilty of a crime would you pay gazillions to somebody in order to withdraw their claim, in full knowledge that shit sticks?
If it was destroying both your life and your career and you were already at breaking point; then yes. I cant remember who it was that said at the time "This is going to kill him" but they were right. He had no alternative but to pay money for something he did not do!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Queen of the High We feel as though we are able to judge his actions when in fact we are no more capable of justly doing that than we are of judging Joe Shmoe from down the road who may have had a traumatic childhood for all we know. The difference is if Joe Shmoe had done what MJ did, people would be much more wary because he would be a true stranger rather than a recognisable one. QUOTE]

Joe Schmoe may not have a house with a theme park in the garden or luxuries beyond belief. MJ shared a bed with kiddies .........that is all that has been proven ....nothing else.

Confused So if a stranger with possible mental health issues wants to play with kids, that's ok as long as he's got a big house, wads of cash and a theme park to entertain them in? Confused
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?
In a similar vein, if you were not guilty of a crime would you pay gazillions to somebody in order to withdraw their claim, in full knowledge that shit sticks?
If it was destroying both your life and your career and you were already at breaking point; then yes. I cant remember who it was that said at the time "This is going to kill him" but they were right. He had no alternative but to pay money for something he did not do!
If it were destroying my life or career I'd rather go ahead with legal proceedings than pay hush money and go doo-lally with all the rumours in the papers.
Billie Jean
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?
In a similar vein, if you were not guilty of a crime would you pay gazillions to somebody in order to withdraw their claim, in full knowledge that shit sticks?
If it was destroying both your life and your career and you were already at breaking point; then yes. I cant remember who it was that said at the time "This is going to kill him" but they were right. He had no alternative but to pay money for something he did not do!

Of course he had an alternative and was far better equipped to avail himself of....he could have thrown himself at the mercy of the U.S justice system...which is what you are saying the boy should have done?
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?

Or maybe, just maybe, it wasn't BS but the family took the money with glee anyway. Let's face it, you only have to look at that Shannon Matthews family to realise that not all families are like Little Mis Spurs and her friends.
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?

Or maybe, just maybe, it wasn't BS but the family took the money with glee anyway. Let's face it, you only have to look at that Shannon Matthews family to realise that not all families are like Little Mis Spurs and her friends.

No, not everyone would take the angle LMS and myself would take. No one knows for sure what happened, but one thing is for sure, 'innocent until proven guilty' is very thin on the ground.

Are these two children the only two to have made complaints I wonder?
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?
In a similar vein, if you were not guilty of a crime would you pay gazillions to somebody in order to withdraw their claim, in full knowledge that shit sticks?
If it was destroying both your life and your career and you were already at breaking point; then yes. I cant remember who it was that said at the time "This is going to kill him" but they were right. He had no alternative but to pay money for something he did not do!

He could have gone to court and paid out a lot more to his attorneys, costs and the whole lot.

The point is, the second boy's family that sued him, KNEW what previous allegations had been made and still were willing for their son to stay with him. Gosh, it has nothing to do with the fact that there was money to be made.
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
If it were destroying my life or career I'd rather go ahead with legal proceedings than pay hush money and go doo-lally with all the rumours in the papers.

Most rich people seem to do exactly that to clear their name and salvage their reputation. In fact, in the case of libel, even the guilty seem to do that.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
If it were destroying my life or career I'd rather go ahead with legal proceedings than pay hush money and go doo-lally with all the rumours in the papers.

Most rich people seem to do exactly that to clear their name and salvage their reputation. In fact, in the case of libel, even the guilty seem to do that.
Even Jason Donovan did, ffs.......
Billie Jean
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Queen of the High We feel as though we are able to judge his actions when in fact we are no more capable of justly doing that than we are of judging Joe Shmoe from down the road who may have had a traumatic childhood for all we know. The difference is if Joe Shmoe had done what MJ did, people would be much more wary because he would be a true stranger rather than a recognisable one. QUOTE]

Joe Schmoe may not have a house with a theme park in the garden or luxuries beyond belief. MJ shared a bed with kiddies .........that is all that has been proven ....nothing else.

Confused So if a stranger with possible mental health issues wants to play with kids, that's ok as long as he's got a big house, wads of cash and a theme park to entertain them in? Confused

No that's not what I was saying at all. I'm finding it hard to word TBH.

Joe Shmoe might be a child (at heart) and would love to have kids round to play but most if not all parents wouldn't have any of it. MJ on the other hand had the lot ........parents were obviously happy to let their kids go there.

I wouldn't have let my kids anywhere near either of them TBH .........even though I believe nothing sexual happened.

all I am saying is ..............this Joe Shmoe lark isn't washing with me .....................the parents let the kids go play with MJ and they shared a bed (not the ideal situation) but .....................why let your kids go there in the first place? IMO .........nothing untoward happened.

Not sure I'm making myself any clearer now than before ...........'C'est la vie' it's Sunday night and I've had a few. Wink
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?
Karen Matthews greed was linked to lies and deceit. Thats the difference between her and the Jackson family. There is no comparison.
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
If it were destroying my life or career I'd rather go ahead with legal proceedings than pay hush money and go doo-lally with all the rumours in the papers.

Most rich people seem to do exactly that to clear their name and salvage their reputation. In fact, in the case of libel, even the guilty seem to do that.
Even Jason Donovan did, ffs.......

and elton john....which brings us nicely back to a rousing chorus of..." you lived your life......."
Originally posted by Sky:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Mentalist:
Why is there only two options, respect and disrespect, where is the blatantly uninterested choice? I don't respect MJ but that doesn't mean I disrespect him, I just don't care.

with you on this one, yep he was 'talented' yes he was a pop icon, all very well IF you are interested in 'pop music' I never have been,
and for the life of me I cant understand the mass hysteria over his death, does the death of a pop star REALLY warant 2 DAYS of banket coverage by the major news channels???

Yes he was talented (without inverted commas) but for those who don't share the same taste in music, it's obviously "debatable".
The "mass hysteria" over his death, is evidence of the "majority" who have gravitated to the Man and his music for numerous reasons.

For example; some have fond memories of childhood attached to certain songs, some might remember when they were in love with a significant person during the time when a certain song was released - equally, some might remember breaking up with a significant person, some might have extracted a type of strength during a difficult period (for whatever reason) from his songs and his unique ability to express it the way they couldn't.

People's reasons are endless, but they "feel" attached to such a person, which for them becomes personal. OK, they don't "know" the person directly, but based on their own personal journey in life they feel as if they do. Regardless of who we admire, we all share some degree of sameness in our emotional or psychological attachment to that respective person, whether it's justified or not is a matter of "opinion".

The meaning of the term "respect" has been eroded as a result of been thrown about ad nauseam yes, but nevertheless, we ALL understand what it means when "we" want to attribute it to things or people that concern us. We won't all agree on the same issues, or share the same likes or even dislikes for that matter, but I think it's unfair for anyone to trivialise (not suggesting you are BTW) how others might feel or respond to tragic circumstances involving people they admire.

Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Or maybe, just maybe, it wasn't BS but the family took the money with glee anyway. Let's face it, you only have to look at that Shannon Matthews family to realise that not all families are like Little Mis Spurs and her friends.

No, not everyone would take the angle LMS and myself would take. No one knows for sure what happened, but one thing is for sure, 'innocent until proven guilty' is very thin on the ground.

Are these two children the only two to have made complaints I wonder?

It's not very thin on the ground in my posts. I'm being very careful to qualify the things I say and to put forward a number of alternatives. The bottom line is we, here, simply don't know at the moment and it's all speculation. I'm just trashing arguments that try to show he's innocent based on what people might do themselves.
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by fz:
I am sure the family of Nicole Brown Simpson have great faith in the U.S justice system. It isn't infallible and it certainly isn't worth taking the chance with your child against the best lawyers money can buy.

If a crime was committed then I bet his people were around there arguing very slickly in favour of taking the money and making that very point that they could come out with nothing, a shattered reputation themselves, and no conviction at the end. I doubt it would have been MJ sidling up looking guilty holding a cheque book and a pleading look in his eye. Alternatively, if MJ was set up then the self-same people would be around there trying to gag the family for damage-limitation, knowing that all the weirdness of MJ's life would be dragged through the courts.

or maybe...just MAYBE the whole thing was BS and the family took their money with glee?

I can't find a good reason why a totally innocent person would offer ÂĢ20 million to stop a court case going ahead. Something somewhere was being paid to be we don't know what it was, but it sure wasn't a decision taken lightly.

20 mill to make it go away? If a person had the dosh why not?

You do have a point though....but there could have been an element of...we'll pay you enough to stop the court case and keep you quiet re magazine deals etc? We've no idea what was factored into the settlement agreement.
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?

To be fair, the worked from a very young age to earn what they got.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Or maybe, just maybe, it wasn't BS but the family took the money with glee anyway. Let's face it, you only have to look at that Shannon Matthews family to realise that not all families are like Little Mis Spurs and her friends.

No, not everyone would take the angle LMS and myself would take. No one knows for sure what happened, but one thing is for sure, 'innocent until proven guilty' is very thin on the ground.

Are these two children the only two to have made complaints I wonder?

It's not very thin on the ground in my posts. I'm being very careful to qualify the things I say and to put forward a number of alternatives. The bottom line is we, here, simply don't know at the moment and it's all speculation. I'm just trashing arguments that try to show he's innocent based on what people might do themselves.

excellent point may i say............
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Are there STILL people INSISTING he didn't do it even though they weren't there?

Are there STILL people INSISTING he did do it even though they werent there Confused

i dont think anyones INSISTING he didn't do anything ........simply putting forward their opinion. Obviously no one knows for sure although ........he was found not guilty.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
If it were destroying my life or career I'd rather go ahead with legal proceedings than pay hush money and go doo-lally with all the rumours in the papers.

Most rich people seem to do exactly that to clear their name and salvage their reputation. In fact, in the case of libel, even the guilty seem to do that.

Or the innocent. For the most part, they are advised by their soliciters and the soliciters do whatever will get them the highest return.

I don't know if MJ was innocent or guilty as I was never privvy to any of the evidence that was presented. I do know, however, that there are far too many people that are tried in the media before they ever reach court.
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?
Karen Matthews greed was linked to lies and deceit. Thats the difference between her and the Jackson family. There is no comparison.
Are you for real? Only one Jackson ever claimed to be whiter than white, and we all know that was a big steaming pile of cack of a lie.
Oh, perlease...! Roll Eyes
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?

To be fair, the worked from a very young age to earn what they got.

I agree'd hardly call it greed would you?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?
Karen Matthews greed was linked to lies and deceit. Thats the difference between her and the Jackson family. There is no comparison.
Are you for real? Only one Jackson ever claimed to be whiter than white, and we all know that was a big steaming pile of cack of a lie.
Oh, perlease...! Roll Eyes
You don't have to ask permission, you know....
Billie Jean
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?

To be fair, the worked from a very young age to earn what they got.

I agree'd hardly call it greed would you?
Not all greed is monetary.
Billie Jean
Originally posted by Lockes no 1 fan:
Originally posted by Karma_:
Are there STILL people INSISTING he didn't do it even though they weren't there?

Are there STILL people INSISTING he did do it even though they werent there Confused

On balance, I think you'll find there is more outcry for his innocence. Some people don't even like to debate or address the issue or dare to look at it objectively. Still, at least white doves will sell well.
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Templetonpeck:
Originally posted by Billie Jean:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
No! Some families are greedy!! Just like the one who made MJ pay for something he didnt do! They put them selves first and their child second. The same as Karen Matthews did!
Of course, nobody could ever call the Jackson family greedy, could they?

To be fair, the worked from a very young age to earn what they got.

I agree'd hardly call it greed would you?
Not all greed is monetary.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-Ok .................I might need you to spell it out for me.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Karma_:
Are there STILL people INSISTING he didn't do it even though they weren't there?[/QUOTE As I keep saying "IN MY OPINION" I think he was innocent! Now I am off to bed! This thread may run and run (Good luck Temps, you seem to be on your own!) but that is my belief and it will not change! Night folks! wavey

Had to decipher the bad quoting there but it wasn't a personal dig at you, although you jumped on it quick enough Ninja

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