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They might as well put big text on th screen during the highlights show saying 'EVICT SOV!!!' because they clearly want her gone. Ever since she's been up for eviction they've shown nothing of Sov but her bad bits. Before they were showing good things about her, but now they've disappeared. And before anyone says it, it isn't because there are no good parts to show of Sov during the day since Monday.

Why can't they show a good balance of highlights like they do with other hm's, but then if they really want Sov to go, reduce the cost of phoning her line and advertise it more.

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Their just showing whats gone on in the day... do you expect them not to show it? Perhaps shes just a miserable cow.

I said show a balance, like they do with other housemates. It's the same for Katia, but the other way round, since she's been up for eviction they've show hardly anything of her, because they CLEARLY want her to fade into the background and not get noticed and voted.
Crunchy  Nuts
It's the same for Katia, but the other way round, since she's been up for eviction they've show hardly anything of her, because they CLEARLY want her to fade into the background and not get noticed and voted.
Perhaps she hasnt done anything though? She does seem pretty boring... had she been bitchy or anything they would of shown it.

They showed her bitch about other housemates before she was nominated. Unless she is being clever and has stopped bitching since she's been put up (but i doubt that).

Since Sov's been up for eviction, all they've shown is all her bad points, where as before they showed a balance of her. I know she's reacted badly to being nominated so her general mood has changed, but I'm not having the way BB is portraying her the last few days as a total miseryguts bitch 24/7.

The first week, BB were trying to make out that Alex talks about the newspapers and fame 24/7. Now they've stopped that.

BB are twisters, they control who the easily influenced members of the GBP like and dislike.

Crunchy  Nuts
They might as well put big text on th screen during the highlights show saying 'EVICT SOV!!!' because they clearly want her gone. Ever since she's been up for eviction they've shown nothing of Sov but her bad bits. Before they were showing good things about her, but now they've disappeared. And before anyone says it, it isn't because there are no good parts to show of Sov during the day since Monday. Why can't they show a good balance of highlights like they do with other hm's, but then if they really want Sov to go, reduce the cost of phoning her line and advertise it more.

you're coming across very much like Sov crunchy
So Brisket, do they honestly expect us to believe that she's just turned over night? By turned I mean on Sunday and the whole of last week she was a nice housemate up for a laugh and stuff, and then all of a sudden woke up Monday morning a miserable, whinging, killjoy 24/7.?

If they think that I'm falling for that, they can think again. I'm not that thick and I'm sure some of the GBP aren't that thick either. But will that be enough? I doubt it.
Crunchy  Nuts
No chance. All the good stuff from her during the Hunk task and the Variety task and Jonas' punishment and last week in general has gone out of the window and will be forgotten. Over the next few days BB will hammer the final nails into Sov's coffin.

I will accept your apology on Friday night when my favourite goes home (just before Heidi) - and your favourite survives!

I think the HLs show Sov as multi dimentional - yes we see a fiesty side that might come across as negative but we see a fun side (hiding the beans) and a caring side (cheering up Katia), plus she seems to have a decent grasp of context that some of the others lack.
Cold Sweat
like Bb are making out
But they're not making it out...they showed plenty of the others on tonights show, moreover she has behaved appallingly.It wasn't just a stitch up job on her. I know what it feels like to support a hm and feel they are being unfairly treated but I promise you in this instance Sov has really let herself down and shot herself in the foot. She has provided the ammunitation(sic) herself and they have run with it. I don't think she will go by the way.
If I'd done that, then I suppose I wouldn't want her to be evicted, regardless of what a twat she was making of herself I think you might lose your money though

I actually really like her though. I started Sov's Drawer before I put the wager on her.

I think she's got so much more to offer as a housemate and I genuinely do think she's getting harshly edited by BB
Crunchy  Nuts

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