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Originally posted by watcher1:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie puts a high value on friendship. That's an admirable quality in anyone, not just Freddie.

Big Grin

That may be true but I guess that I'd like my friend to be honest enough to tell me (sensitvely) if I'm out of order. I'd value that more as it takes a genuine friend to take a risk like that. I may not like it initially but would admire them once I'd had time to think.

hi watcher. I'm not sure if you are referring to the Freddie/Marcus friendship in your post, or the fact that Freddie told Bea off thereby putting their friendship at risk. But I suspect you may mean the former. Freddie did have a chat with Marcus about his behaviour the other night. Bea poked her beak into that chat as well, but Freddie made it clear to Marcus that he had his support. Freddie is quite diplomatic and he doesn't always voice his support but he implies it rather, by just giving Marcus the time to open up, and to listen. In short, Freddie took the time to listen, sympathise, and comfort Marcus when he was down, way down in the dumps. Just like a real friend does ....
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by grannyg:
Marcus always says let me be me I'm here to be
myself Roll Eyes
Freddy should let Bea be Bea Big Grin

Seriously disappointed in Freddy Disappointed

He wouldn't have changed my opinion no waaayyyy Shake Head Smiler

ValentineHi granny g ....Have you still got your tin hat and flak jacket from last year?...If so get them on you'll need them . Big Grin

LOL... I remember that.... and I've still got the missiles for my zimmer primed and ready Laugh Laugh Happy days Big Grin
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Rubbish. Freddie doesn`t think that way.

I don't think he's in it for the money but that's my opinion....None of us can say how he thinks for sure can we?.
Why does he not think that way Confused

I`ll take that as question...

His beautiful honest character belies monetary values.

As I said earlier in this thread, he probably has his student debt to pay off so he will be in the show to win the money.

What a load of supposed probabilty. Do you have facts about his student debt and indeed if there is any?

I love opinions on this forum but absolutely detest yours.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Fm`s are giving their opinions, you don`t agree with most. Fair enough.

What point has been proven Lee?

Actually I agree with most but what I don't agree with is being dictated to because I asked a question which obviously many took exception to.

I must read back and see who dictated to you..
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Rubbish. Freddie doesn`t think that way.

I don't think he's in it for the money but that's my opinion....None of us can say how he thinks for sure can we?.
Why does he not think that way Confused

I`ll take that as question...

His beautiful honest character belies monetary values.

As I said earlier in this thread, he probably has his student debt to pay off so he will be in the show to win the money.

What a load of supposed probabilty. Do you have facts about his student debt and indeed if there is any?

I love opinions on this forum but absolutely detest yours

Invention? Don't the vast majority of graduates have a student loan to pay back once they start earning? Some take years to get out of debt. Thats the norm these days and I expect his uni cost rather more than some other unis.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Rubbish. Freddie doesn`t think that way.

I don't think he's in it for the money but that's my opinion....None of us can say how he thinks for sure can we?.
Why does he not think that way Confused

I`ll take that as question...

His beautiful honest character belies monetary values.

As I said earlier in this thread, he probably has his student debt to pay off so he will be in the show to win the money.

What a load of supposed probabilty. Do you have facts about his student debt and indeed if there is any?

I love opinions on this forum but absolutely detest yours

Invention? Don't the vast majority of graduates have a student loan to pay back once they start earning? Some take years to get out of debt. Thats the norm these days and I expect his uni cost rather more than some other unis.

But you don`t know for a FACT if he has student debt or not.
You`re assuming. That`s my point.
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Rubbish. Freddie doesn`t think that way.

I don't think he's in it for the money but that's my opinion....None of us can say how he thinks for sure can we?.
Why does he not think that way Confused

I`ll take that as question...

His beautiful honest character belies monetary values.

As I said earlier in this thread, he probably has his student debt to pay off so he will be in the show to win the money.

What a load of supposed probabilty. Do you have facts about his student debt and indeed if there is any?

I love opinions on this forum but absolutely detest yours

Invention? Don't the vast majority of graduates have a student loan to pay back once they start earning? Some take years to get out of debt. Thats the norm these days and I expect his uni cost rather more than some other unis.

But you don`t know for a FACT if he has student debt or not.
You`re assuming. That`s my point.

I shall rephrase my post.

I assume that Freddie has his student loan to pay back as I haven't read about him being in steady employment since he graduated, therefore I would assume that because he is currently taking part in a game show with prize money I assume he will want to be in with a chance of winning said prize money.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by mrs d:

he is just being a good friend to marcus lee thats what friends do

I'm quite aware of that fact but does it follow that others have to be likewise?....As we know Bea watched the show so is fully aware of all that happened prior to her going in.

Freddie gave his opinion about Marcus, thats all, hardly a shooting offence.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
He does not have a job Scotty and he paints faces in nightclubs for drinks , I am sure he wants to win the money like anyone would ,I dont believe he is in it for the journey none of them are .

i'm sorry but that post really tickled me Marge Laugh

Well i think Freddie has got his feet firmly under the table and i couldn't believe only Bea said anything to Wolfman about losing the tokens why did they all sit there like a bunch of numpties
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by theAteam:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by jamieboy:
because he remebers that marcus was one of the only ones that befriended halfwit over the lisa and kris bullyin

That's very noble of him but is it that or nominations?

Take off your Freddie sig then if you dont like him. Roll Eyes

Are you darn serious?....Tell you what to do VS you go to the thread and demand they remove me for daring to question something Freddy done eh. Thumbs Up
Freddie can do no wrong Roll Eyes double standards are rife on the forum where Freddie is concerned sorry but it is true in my opinion Nod

Come on Marg, Don't forget Darnell last year Wink
That was last year this is this year I never thought darnell was an angel he rattled my cage many times Wink

But you still supported the self lothing thug.? Smiler
The same way you supported that prat Mario Laugh

Mario never shouted at women or treat them like muck because they turned his advances down. Smiler
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Scotty:

Rubbish. Freddie doesn`t think that way.

I don't think he's in it for the money but that's my opinion....None of us can say how he thinks for sure can we?.
Why does he not think that way Confused

I`ll take that as question...

His beautiful honest character belies monetary values.

As I said earlier in this thread, he probably has his student debt to pay off so he will be in the show to win the money.

What a load of supposed probabilty. Do you have facts about his student debt and indeed if there is any?

I love opinions on this forum but absolutely detest yours

Invention? Don't the vast majority of graduates have a student loan to pay back once they start earning? Some take years to get out of debt. Thats the norm these days and I expect his uni cost rather more than some other unis.

But you don`t know for a FACT if he has student debt or not.
You`re assuming. That`s my point.

I shall rephrase my post.

I assume that Freddie has his student loan to pay back as I haven't read about him being in steady employment since he graduated, therefore I would assume that because he is currently taking part in a game show with prize money I assume he will want to be in with a chance of winning said prize money.

You assume too much. Freddie has been gainfully employed quite a bit since he left Uni.
You carry on assuming what you assume.
We`re going nowhere together BB.
I`m off to have some cheesecake with scooshy cream. See ya, thanks for the banter Wave Valentine
Freddie's family own a stately home surrounded by 100 acres. He has been privately educated, which costs an arm and a leg. He probably has never been short of money in his life because of his parent's wealth. So, no, I don't think Freddie's real aim in coming on the show was purely about money. But I'm sure he would like to win it. He'd be a fool not to think this way. But I think Freddie is all about fair play. If he wins it, he wins it fair and square. And by his performance so far he has shown that he is playing the game rather well. The Public seem to like him anyway, and that's all that matters in the end.

Big Grin
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Videostar:
I see that LEE has given up supporting Freddie. Frowner

And all this because he's not doing what the Marcus haters want him to do and sell him out.

Wind your neck in VS....Lee removed Freddie from her sig as I was unaware it censored what I said about him until your kind self demanded I do so....It's not often I oblige so consider yourself privileged on this occasion.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I see that LEE has given up supporting Freddie. Frowner

And all this because he's not doing what the Marcus haters want him to do and sell him out.

I still love Freddie and despise Marcus, so there it is. Big Grin

But your not angry with Freddie for simply defending Marcus (his friend) to Bea?

I would have thought real fans of Freddie would respect him even more for defending his mate when it would be easier to drop him like a a stone.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I see that LEE has given up supporting Freddie. Frowner

And all this because he's not doing what the Marcus haters want him to do and sell him out.

Wind your neck in VS....Lee removed Freddie from her sig as I was unaware it censored what I said about him until your kind self demanded I do so....It's not often I oblige so consider yourself privileged on this occasion.

Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Videostar:
I see that LEE has given up supporting Freddie. Frowner

And all this because he's not doing what the Marcus haters want him to do and sell him out.

Wind your neck in VS....Lee removed Freddie from her sig as I was unaware it censored what I said about him until your kind self demanded I do so....It's not often I oblige so consider yourself privileged on this occasion.

I wasn't trying to censore you, but I see all the time people questioning every single tiny thing Freddie does, im sorry if I annoyed you. Hug
I think it all boils down to Marcus being one of the early members of the anti-Lisa group in the house, so Freddie will stand by his man even when he knows Marcus has acted like an idiot.

I don't think he tried to influence Bea's opinion as such, but that is what happened in the end. She realised Freddie wasn't about to start slagging off his mate, so she very quickly altered her opinion for fear of it compromising her game plan of being best buddies with the known favourite.

That's my take on it anyway.
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think it all boils down to Marcus being one of the early members of the anti-Lisa group in the house, so Freddie will stand by his man even when he knows Marcus has acted like an idiot.

I don't think he tried to influence Bea's opinion as such, but that is what happened in the end. She realised Freddie wasn't about to start slagging off his mate, so she very quickly altered her opinion for fear of it compromising her game plan of being best buddies with the known favourite.

That's my take on it anyway.

She done the same thing on Friday Spider....She's a crafty mare that's for sure surely she wouldn't want it to come across as it did to me that he was influencing her in there or would she?. Confused
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
I think it all boils down to Marcus being one of the early members of the anti-Lisa group in the house, so Freddie will stand by his man even when he knows Marcus has acted like an idiot.

I don't think he tried to influence Bea's opinion as such, but that is what happened in the end. She realised Freddie wasn't about to start slagging off his mate, so she very quickly altered her opinion for fear of it compromising her game plan of being best buddies with the known favourite.

That's my take on it anyway.

She done the same thing on Friday Spider....She's a crafty mare that's for sure surely she wouldn't want it to come across as it did to me that he was influencing her in there or would she?. Confused

She plants seeds of doubt in the minds of the original housemates, very subtly. She is incredibly cunning and fully aware of what she's doing. She's got one massssive game plan which wasn't so obvious to start with, but every episode it becomes increasingly clear that she is untrustworthy and deceitful.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie's family own a stately home surrounded by 100 acres. He has been privately educated, which costs an arm and a leg. He probably has never been short of money in his life because of his parent's wealth. So, no, I don't think Freddie's real aim in coming on the show was purely about money. But I'm sure he would like to win it. He'd be a fool not to think this way. But I think Freddie is all about fair play. If he wins it, he wins it fair and square. And by his performance so far he has shown that he is playing the game rather well. The Public seem to like him anyway, and that's all that matters in the end.

Big Grin
He said he paints faces in nightclubs for drinks if he is not short of money why does he not pay for them Big Grin
You assume too much. Freddie has been gainfully employed quite a bit since he left Uni.
You carry on assuming what you assume.
We`re going nowhere together BB.
I`m off to have some cheesecake with scooshy cream. See ya, thanks for the banter

Graduates do not need to start paying back student loans until they are earning at least ÂĢ15,000 pa. Then it's paid back through the tax system. Thats not an assumption on my part, that is a fact. What is an assumption on my part is whether or not he has been earning over ÂĢ15,000 pa since he graduated. If he is earning this, or even if he is not, I assume he went to Oxford university, therefore I assume his university fees will be more than if he went to another uni. He could, and this is an assumtion on my part, be paying his loan off for years. That is a major weight on any graduate's back. That is why I assume that Freddie is taking part in a gameshow right this very minute and is playing to win. There's no shame in that, is there?
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie's family own a stately home surrounded by 100 acres. He has been privately educated, which costs an arm and a leg. He probably has never been short of money in his life because of his parent's wealth. So, no, I don't think Freddie's real aim in coming on the show was purely about money. But I'm sure he would like to win it. He'd be a fool not to think this way. But I think Freddie is all about fair play. If he wins it, he wins it fair and square. And by his performance so far he has shown that he is playing the game rather well. The Public seem to like him anyway, and that's all that matters in the end.

Big Grin

Freddie's parents own a former stately home which they converted into a country house hotel. They are earning a living the same as many people in the UK.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie's family own a stately home surrounded by 100 acres. He has been privately educated, which costs an arm and a leg. He probably has never been short of money in his life because of his parent's wealth. So, no, I don't think Freddie's real aim in coming on the show was purely about money. But I'm sure he would like to win it. He'd be a fool not to think this way. But I think Freddie is all about fair play. If he wins it, he wins it fair and square. And by his performance so far he has shown that he is playing the game rather well. The Public seem to like him anyway, and that's all that matters in the end.

Big Grin
He said he paints faces in nightclubs for drinks if he is not short of money why does he not pay for them Big Grin

Marg, I'm not sure about Freddie's finances but I'm sure he doesn't go short. I heard him say this about the nightclubs too, and it's typical Freddie stuff. I believe he probably does do things like that because he still lives at home with his parents in their big pile in the country and they probably, like most parents I know, tell their sons to 'go and get a proper job' lol. I'm sure Fred would like the 100k but he will probably spend it on scented candles and hippy stuff Wink Big Grin
Twee Surgeon
Freddie defending Marcus was one of the most genuine things anyone has done in the house.

He knows Marcus is unpopular in the house, for all he knows Marcus is unpopular on the outside but he still defends him even tho he knows it could harm him in the house.

I say that is a bloody good friend, if he influenced Bea I think it was only to get her to see that Marcus is not all bad.
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie's family own a stately home surrounded by 100 acres. He has been privately educated, which costs an arm and a leg. He probably has never been short of money in his life because of his parent's wealth. So, no, I don't think Freddie's real aim in coming on the show was purely about money. But I'm sure he would like to win it. He'd be a fool not to think this way. But I think Freddie is all about fair play. If he wins it, he wins it fair and square. And by his performance so far he has shown that he is playing the game rather well. The Public seem to like him anyway, and that's all that matters in the end.

Big Grin

Freddie's parents own a former stately home which they converted into a country house hotel. They are earning a living the same as many people in the UK.

true BB. But they must have had the financial wherewithal to buy the stately home in the first place. And pay for Freddie's, his brother's, and his two sisters' private education. That costs serious money. I know it's a wedding venue btw.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by Videostar:
Freddie defending Marcus was one of the most genuine things anyone has done in the house.

He knows Marcus is unpopular in the house, for all he knows Marcus is unpopular on the outside but he still defends him even tho he knows it could harm him in the house.

I say that is a bloody good friend, if he influenced Bea I think it was only to get her to see that Marcus is not all bad.

He didn't intentionally influence Bea. She just mysteriously matched his opinion, once she knew what it was.Glance
Remember Bea started out telling Noirin in the bedroom that someone needs to take Marcus down a peg or two... then after she learned Freddie's opinion we witnessed the most fake and cringeworthy u-turn in Bea's opinion.

Is Bea's own opinion that easily swayed? Is she really that weak? I don't think so. I think she's playing a complete blinder.Glance
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Freddie defending Marcus was one of the most genuine things anyone has done in the house.

He knows Marcus is unpopular in the house, for all he knows Marcus is unpopular on the outside but he still defends him even tho he knows it could harm him in the house.

I say that is a bloody good friend, if he influenced Bea I think it was only to get her to see that Marcus is not all bad.

He didn't intentionally influence Bea. She just mysteriously matched his opinion, once she knew what it was.Glance

Even if thats the case it's Bea who should get the stick not Freddie, I know your not giving Freddie stick BTW. Wink
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Remember Bea started out telling Noirin in the bedroom that someone needs to take Marcus down a peg or two... then after she learned Freddie's opinion we witnessed the most fake and cringeworthy u-turn in Bea's opinion.

Is Bea's own opinion that easily swayed? Is she really that weak? I don't think so. I think she's playing a complete blinder.Glance

He'd best distance himself asap....She's twittering away now on LF....Free love Roll Eyes
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Freddie defending Marcus was one of the most genuine things anyone has done in the house.

He knows Marcus is unpopular in the house, for all he knows Marcus is unpopular on the outside but he still defends him even tho he knows it could harm him in the house.

I say that is a bloody good friend, if he influenced Bea I think it was only to get her to see that Marcus is not all bad.

He didn't intentionally influence Bea. She just mysteriously matched his opinion, once she knew what it was.Glance

Even if thats the case it's Bea who should get the stick not Freddie, I know your not giving Freddie stick BTW. Wink

Oh she does get stick. She might have fooled the housemates with her fake hippy bullshit, but she hasn't fooled me.Smiler
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Confused He done it on Friday night and again tonight....Marcus was wrong she or any other HM had a right to think so no?.

I don't see it as trying to influence her but instead sticking to his own views and not allowing her to wash her own over him as she so often attempts to do.
I could see both sides of their argument so I suppose in situations like that you do have to think about anything else that might sway it and in this case, yes, it is the loyalty to Marcus because they have remained friends throughout and I believe Freddie understands him whereas Bea sees a "toddler". I think Bea should take a big step back and not swamp people with her own ideas about how they should be behaving. BB will step in where appropriate. People were picked for different reasons and she should remember that. Marcus needs breathing space and certainly doesn't need a wannabe psychologist reprimanding his behaviour.
I can see her concerns that she thought his actions over the tokens were negative for the group but I liked what Marcus had to say in his defence.

Freddie said to her to "cut (Marcus) some slack" and I agree with that. I was glad that he didn't just sit there nodding his head.
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by watcher1:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Freddie puts a high value on friendship. That's an admirable quality in anyone, not just Freddie.

Big Grin

That may be true but I guess that I'd like my friend to be honest enough to tell me (sensitvely) if I'm out of order. I'd value that more as it takes a genuine friend to take a risk like that. I may not like it initially but would admire them once I'd had time to think.

hi watcher. I'm not sure if you are referring to the Freddie/Marcus friendship in your post, or the fact that Freddie told Bea off thereby putting their friendship at risk. But I suspect you may mean the former. Freddie did have a chat with Marcus about his behaviour the other night. Bea poked her beak into that chat as well, but Freddie made it clear to Marcus that he had his support. Freddie is quite diplomatic and he doesn't always voice his support but he implies it rather, by just giving Marcus the time to open up, and to listen. In short, Freddie took the time to listen, sympathise, and comfort Marcus when he was down, way down in the dumps. Just like a real friend does ....

Thanks for this objective post Twee. Really helpful.
I think it was more about him being disloyal to Siavash who was his only friend when nobody else wanted to know ,he was laying into Siavash going on about it was a fake relationship and it could be for the magazine deals etc ,a good friend would not say that knowing we the public dont like false relationships and Magazine deals,he said it all for us he did the same about Chris although we knew it was fake he kept on about them wanting magazine deals,he goes into great detail when he is slating HMS he is trying to manipulate the public against other HMS ,I think it is more a case of trying to get rid of his competition I am sure he knows Siavash is second favourite Bea has a big mouth She probably has told him in my opinion he is playing the clever game .

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