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I was watching last night and listening to the nominations to see if i could work out what she had done wrong and the only things i could pick up was, she moans about not liking the food and that she talks to people she knows dislike her so that makes her sneaky


Most of them moan about food at sometime or other while they are in there and as for talking to the girls that don't like her, the way i see it is that she is trying to get in with them and be liked by them


why do you think they don't like her?

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It's a real shame. Just seems like she simply doesn't fit in. It could have been very different if there was a couple of people that she'd 'clicked' with as she seems a nice 'normal' girl. The thing is BB doesn't usually put 'normal' people in the house.


I really like her but unless things change dramatically I'd rather she was out of there. It's heart breaking to see them wearing her down day after day and to see her crying on her own.


If it were my daughter I'd be banging on the door to get her out.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

I've seen her play the victim too much

I've seen her cry too much

I've seen her rest her head on too many shoulders

I've seen her play with the boys in front of the girls way too much

I've seen her nom then hug that same person more than once.


I can imagine it becoming obvious to the HM's

what's that supposed to mean?   I think it's one of the reasons they don't like her - but don't think it should be.   She's one of the lads... the mean girls don't understand that concept, therefore they view her as a threat.   As soozy says - jealousy, pure and simple.


She isn't a girly girl the rest appear to be. ..


she tries much too hard..


she constantly interrupts everybody when they speak to her..


if you keep asking people why they don't like you they'll end up not liking you and feel you are too clingy...


she's an odd one out and a tad socially inept type of person who in normal circumstances would find a like minded person to befriend but in a small group is unlikely to.. 


and barbie like girls just don't get tomboy types either.. 


also she needs to turn the waterworks off ..


it's always all about her. .


and that's just from the HL's, heaven knows what she is like on LF. . mind you she's probably completely different. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

She isn't a girly girl the rest appear to be. ..


she tries much too hard..


she constantly interrupts everybody when they speak to her..


if you keep asking people why they don't like you they'll end up not liking you and feel you are too clingy...


she's an odd one out and a tad socially inept type of person who in normal circumstances would find a like minded person to befriend but in a small group is unlikely to.. 


and barbie like girls just don't get tomboy types either..  also she needs to turn the waterworks off ..


it's always all about her. .


and that's just from the HL's, heaven knows what she is like on LF. . mind you she's probably completely different. .

Well put.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

I've seen her play the victim too much

I've seen her cry too much

I've seen her rest her head on too many shoulders

I've seen her play with the boys in front of the girls way too much

I've seen her nom then hug that same person more than once.


I can imagine it becoming obvious to the HM's

what's that supposed to mean?   I think it's one of the reasons they don't like her - but don't think it should be.   She's one of the lads... the mean girls don't understand that concept, therefore they view her as a threat.   As soozy says - jealousy, pure and simple.


It was a stunning manoeuvre from Caroline in forcing Ashleigh and Lauren into having a conversation regarding how insecure Ashleigh felt about Luke S supposedly liking Lauren. So not only was Lauren excluded from the girls group – things were now being made awkward for her around the boys.

Cold Sweat
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

I've seen her play the victim too much

I've seen her cry too much

I've seen her rest her head on too many shoulders

I've seen her play with the boys in front of the girls way too much

I've seen her nom then hug that same person more than once.


I can imagine it becoming obvious to the HM's

That's it exactly, I am puzzled as to why more people can't see through her.  She is every bit as manipulative as Lydia or Deana, just more subtle.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

I've seen her play the victim too much

I've seen her cry too much

I've seen her rest her head on too many shoulders

I've seen her play with the boys in front of the girls way too much

I've seen her nom then hug that same person more than once.


I can imagine it becoming obvious to the HM's

what's that supposed to mean?   I think it's one of the reasons they don't like her - but don't think it should be.   She's one of the lads... the mean girls don't understand that concept, therefore they view her as a threat.   As soozy says - jealousy, pure and simple.

She knows ASHLEIGH can be jelllus

Lauren says she aint interested in Luke S

But still flirts with him from time to time

Hence Ashleigh and her hoard dislike her


it can also appear that she is currying favour, sexually, with the boys for her benefit whilst nominating them

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

I've seen her play the victim too much

I've seen her cry too much

I've seen her rest her head on too many shoulders

I've seen her play with the boys in front of the girls way too much

I've seen her nom then hug that same person more than once.


I can imagine it becoming obvious to the HM's

what's that supposed to mean?   I think it's one of the reasons they don't like her - but don't think it should be.   She's one of the lads... the mean girls don't understand that concept, therefore they view her as a threat.   As soozy says - jealousy, pure and simple.

She knows ASHLEIGH can be jelllus

Lauren says she aint interested in Luke S

But still flirts with him from time to time

Hence Ashleigh and her hoard dislike her


it can also appear that she is currying favour, sexually, with the boys for her benefit whilst nominating them

  In what way sexually?...As for knowing foul mouthed Ashleigh can be jellus,she's only known her a few weeks,it's not her problem if Ashleigh is a bunny boiling cling on who's desperately trying to attach herself to a relatively disinterested  bloke.Since when did flirting become such a crime?,for what it's worth I think Lauren is more a *Tomboy* girl who finds it easy to have a platonic relationship with blokes.

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Where abouts in last nights show as that  - i wud like to see it

She said it at the end of her nominations (I think it was her noms, either waym she was in the diary room)


Cold Sweat, I was hoping she meant she should 'bite her tongue' and go to sleep.  Other wise it's a pretty sinister thing to say. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Where abouts in last nights show as that  - i wud like to see it

She said it at the end of her nominations (I think it was her noms, either waym she was in the diary room)


Cold Sweat, I was hoping she meant she should 'bite her tongue' and go to sleep.  Other wise it's a pretty sinister thing to say. 

I'm thinking she meant that - I really don't like her at all but don't think it was meant as awful as it sounds. Who knows though - she's an odd one.

Soozy Woo

Havent watched a lot of BB, but what i have seen of Lauren, i quite like, but i think i would find her irritating to live with. She may settle down a bit if she stays and stops that crying! She seems more comfortable in the boys company so that may be seen as a threat to the other girls. 
I wasnt sure about Carolines comment either, but hopefully it just meant, shut up and go to sleep, if not as someone said, it would be a rather sinister comment to make.

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

I've seen her play the victim too much

I've seen her cry too much

I've seen her rest her head on too many shoulders

I've seen her play with the boys in front of the girls way too much

I've seen her nom then hug that same person more than once.


I can imagine it becoming obvious to the HM's

what's that supposed to mean?   I think it's one of the reasons they don't like her - but don't think it should be.   She's one of the lads... the mean girls don't understand that concept, therefore they view her as a threat.   As soozy says - jealousy, pure and simple.

She knows ASHLEIGH can be jelllus

Lauren says she aint interested in Luke S

But still flirts with him from time to time

Hence Ashleigh and her hoard dislike her


it can also appear that she is currying favour, sexually, with the boys for her benefit whilst nominating them

  In what way sexually?...As for knowing foul mouthed Ashleigh can be jellus,she's only known her a few weeks,it's not her problem if Ashleigh is a bunny boiling cling on who's desperately trying to attach herself to a relatively disinterested  bloke.Since when did flirting become such a crime?,for what it's worth I think Lauren is more a *Tomboy* girl who finds it easy to have a platonic relationship with blokes.

Calm down LEE - you'll give yourself a nosebleed

You always think i'm being negative towards females - but i'm not.

I'm trying to see this from the lauren hater's point of view - and why they voted for her.

She's very tactile (nothing wrong with that) but i know it will rile the women who will see it as a game. And the guys will see it as a positive and so like her more.

I'm not saying Lauren does this deliberatley!! I like her loads.

 She hugs a lot, head on shoulder a lot, even hand stands in front of some guys the other day.

It may be innocent but some in the house (not me) won't see it that way.

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

Calm down LEE - you'll give yourself a nosebleed

You always think i'm being negative towards females - but i'm not.

I'm trying to see this from the lauren hater's point of view - and why they voted for her.

She's very tactile (nothing wrong with that) but i know it will rile the women who will see it as a game. And the guys will see it as a positive and so like her more.

I'm not saying Lauren does this deliberatley!! I like her loads.

 She hugs a lot, head on shoulder a lot, even hand stands in front of some guys the other day.

It may be innocent but some in the house (not me) won't see it that way.

I am  perfectly calm,thanks for the concern,tbh I didn't realise you were telepathic we learn something new every day eh.....Lauren is tactile and I don't think ALL the females will see it as a game,likewise not ALL the guys will like her more for it,at this stage I don't think she's using it as a gameplan but I do feel how she is being treated by a lot of the others is a disgrace.


Cant remember why they were bichin about her in the bathroom when Lydia was evesdropping.....and she confronted them.....but they didnt like that....being shown up I suppose.

She hasnt been forgiven for that.

Also she took the moral highground when Benedict was giving Caroline a sex education lecture and Caroline couldnt deal with it.

Just throwing in a couple of suggestions to add to the pot.

She does go on about it all the time "why dont you like me"which is offputting,

Horrible for her as well as to watch, hope she overcomes it and stays on Friday.

I might send a few votes her way, which is a very very rare thing for me.

Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton):

And I agree with you

All won't and obviously don't see it as a gameplan cos not all voted for her.

But it only takes one or two  to see her in a negative light and the sheep will follow.

Her announcement that "girls don't like me" did her no favours cos the HM gotta be wondering why.

In RL I suppose it wouldn't be so important the *Girls don't like me*,we can pick and choose our friends and act accordingly,in there it has a more profound affect and bless her but the more she tries to make them like her/get along with her some are using that against her....I just feel so bad for her,if she were a tougher nut like some of the others she'd deal with it better,she's not and the nasties are making her life in there a misery.


I think from day one she was seen as a negative person..In her VT she went on girls don't like me, so does the girls of her home town not like her?..she went in telling all who would listen that girls don't like her, surely every girl can't dislike her..

I'm a tomboy and prefer to be around the men but women like me just the same, She might be disliked for different reasons but it will always be in her own head its because she's a tomboy..And she is a bit of a space invader....

Originally Posted by stonks:

I think from day one she was seen as a negative person..In her VT she went on girls don't like me, so does the girls of her home town not like her?..she went in telling all who would listen that girls don't like her, surely every girl can't dislike her..

I'm a tomboy and prefer to be around the men but women like me just the same, She might be disliked for different reasons but it will always be in her own head its because she's a tomboy..And she is a bit of a space invader....

Ahhh,I didn't see that Stonks,hmmm I wonder was her aim to get the female HM's to like her and she's tried too hard...I'm not a tomboy but have quite a few male friends,some from primary school tbh ,my female friends outnumber the male ones  but they're on the same level as friends.


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