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It makes me so sad. Frowner He is basically harmless, sweet, innoffensive and kind. I guess not every forum member is gonna agree, but that is my opinion. And the HMS' just seem to really dislike him. The only 'valid' reasons they came up with to nominate him were 'he goes 'mmmmmmm' too much when he is eating, and he is too cheerful and sleeps too much, (or something equally naff.)

I think at LEAST four or five others deserve to be evicted more than Freddie; especially Sree and Kris and now Noirin Mad

So are the HMs seeing something we aren't? Coz I sure can't see a reason for Freddie to be so disliked. Hardly anyone voted for Kris, (I think he only got one nomination,) and yet he is a total to$$er Mad. And Sree is a lying moaning stalker! Yet they are safe again ...

So what gives man? Confused I mean, Freddie being up again and voted for by so many of the HMs; it's just not cricket old chap.... Shake Head

My hubby came up with the theory that some of them are intimidated by him because he is more intellectual and intelligent than them, and is of a higher class. Controversial thing to say, but could that be a reason?

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Some people are scared of anything that is different. Freddie presents himself and conducts himself differently to the rest of the house.

I think there is certainly a degree of inverted snobbery from some, but more a general reluctance to get to know him. Once he was up the first week the target was painted on him. It's always easy to go for who you know is unpopular as there is less chance of you being nominated.

The housemates openly mock him "i don't think so sonny Jim" for example and they bitch quite regularly. These things reinforce thier reasons for nominating him each week.

I think they'd be afraid to befriend him as it could then make them the next target. It's pack mentality I'm afraid.

Kris/Sophie/Charlie all belong to a similar social class and group. Freddie to them is like a fish out of water.

Sad thing is, if there was a house full of Freddies, they would be way more tolerant and pleasant to a Kris.

Props to Charlie though, at least he does get along with Freddie. Mind you, I think that's his gameplan - to be mates with everyone. Nod
Towno :)
Pack mentality - pick on those who are different first to protect yourselves. Lisa and Kris appear to have an almost pathological hatred of poor Freddie and the brain dead they surround themselves with go along with it.

Some hms on the fringe appear to recognise that Freddie with get Team Dumb's block vote. Voting for him themselves ensures that he will be up - therefore reducing their own chances of possible eviction in the first 6 weeks or so.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
My hubby came up with the theory that some of them are intimidated by him because he is more intellectual and intelligent than them, and is of a higher class. Controversial thing to say, but could that be a reason?

Why's he a web developer if he's that intelligent? I suppose if you're independently wealthy (is he?) then you can do what you want but it's a bit of a waste of a brain to do that.
Kris hates him for some as yet unknown reason and Lisa has a major chip on her shoulder from some misplaced 'social class' issues. The sheeple in their respective groups are just following the leader.

I'm vehemently anti class system (and peerages) but that goes both ways. It's not Freddie's fault that his family has money or that he gained a good education, but in Lisa's warped eyes he will always look like the bloke off the Monopoly box complete with top hat and monocle.

Freddie's analogy of the wolves, shepherds and sheep is probably a good one (wolves attack, shepherds steer the flock and the sheep follow) but I would put Lisa firmly in the wolf camp (rather than shepherd as Freddie said) as she seems fixated on taking out Freddie.
I am not a Freddie fan and without LF perhaps we are not seeing what they are seeing. It probabley is because he is posh and intelligent. Or it just could be that they find him annoying. I actually hate this series of BB because i really dont know the true HMs. But i do know this if its a case of Freddie and any of poodle-heads mates i will back Freddie before them. The only one i like is Siavash.
Originally posted by Zleet:
Kris hates him for some as yet unknown reason and Lisa has a major chip on her shoulder from some misplaced 'social class' issues. The sheeple in their respective groups are just following the leader.

I'm vehemently anti class system (and peerages) but that goes both ways. It's not Freddie's fault that his family has money or that he gained a good education, but in Lisa's warped eyes he will always look like the bloke off the Monopoly box complete with top hat and monocle.

lmao - that gave me a giggle. Thanks x Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
Towno :)
Originally posted by Zleet:
I'm vehemently anti class system (and peerages) but that goes both ways. It's not Freddie's fault that his family has money or that he gained a good education, but in Lisa's warped eyes he will always look like the bloke off the Monopoly box complete with top hat and monocle.

I don't watch that much. Does he display class attitudes at all?
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Zleet:
I'm vehemently anti class system (and peerages) but that goes both ways. It's not Freddie's fault that his family has money or that he gained a good education, but in Lisa's warped eyes he will always look like the bloke off the Monopoly box complete with top hat and monocle.

I don't watch that much. Does he display class attitudes at all?

Nope - other than his plummy accent. He's a thoroughly decent bloke imo - maybe they feel intimidated because he doesn't feel the need to put everyone down like they do. Perhaps that's loosely connected to his 'class', he's been brought up and educated to be civil and polite. Not that that's he proviso of the 'upper class', of course - but it sure as hell doesn't apply to the rest of them.
Originally posted by demonickitten:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Pair of divots and as for that Noirin...hold me back! Angry

That Noirins true colours have come out,nasty. Shake Head

Hi DK - how you doing? All fighting fit again? On topic... I can't abide Noirin and what she did with her nomination put the tin lid on it for me. Nasty piece of work.
Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I don't watch that much. Does he display class attitudes at all?

Nope - other than his plummy accent. He's a thoroughly decent bloke imo - maybe they feel intimidated because he doesn't feel the need to put everyone down like they do. Perhaps that's loosely connected to his 'class', he's been brought up and educated to be civil and polite. Not that that's he proviso of the 'upper class', of course - but it sure as hell doesn't apply to the rest of them.

That's the thing, isn't it. If he had bad class attitudes, like an inherent air of superiority, then knocking him for his class is to be expected. If he just looks and sounds posh and privileged then knocking him for his class is about the people who knock him and their inherent air of inferiority, I'd say.
Originally posted by Zleet:

Freddie's analogy of the wolves, shepherds and sheep is probably a good one (wolves attack, shepherds steer the flock and the sheep follow) but I would put Lisa firmly in the wolf camp (rather than shepherd as Freddie said) as she seems fixated on taking out Freddie.

I thought Freddie classed both Kris and Lisa as wolves, Siavash and possibly Marcus as shepherds.
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
In all fairness Freddie would be a pain in the arse to live with, the eating thing he does, the way he laughs and his generally toffiness would drive me up the wall! No harm in him but you have to look at it from their perspective.

I get your point, but it would be harder to live with 'that lot' knowing they don't like you and take every oppurtunity to bitch behind your back....

...maybe living with Freddie is a different kettle of fish than we're seeing, but, I like quirkiness and randomness in a person, therefore I like Freddie! Nod

The others are soooo DULL, DULL, DULL!!! Nod
The Devil In Diamante
I do think even if Freddie talked with a regional accent he would still be up every week. The singing, the orgasm noises when eating and drinking, the fact that he will say hi 50/60 times a day to the same person and he goes to bed early. Those are just some of the things we have seen from Freddie. What aren't we seeing? How irritating does he get? We learned last night that Angel is doing things that we didnt know about, perhaps the same is true of Freddie.
I think his eccentricity does grate on them a bit. They also seem to think that he sees himself as superior to them (if true , he's right there!) and talks down to people. Sophie and even karly who he had begun to win over a little were both annoyed with him over the singing task.
Personally I love Freddie, but can see how he would be a natural outsider in there and as such, an obvious target for nominations. They simply don't get him! Frowner
They are worlds apart - yes, they don`t get him, but equally he doesn`t get them.

It`s partly society`s fault for glamourising the uneducated, the brain dead, the badly spoken, badly behaved, materialistic goons that appear in the likes of Heat mag. I`m partly to blame because I buy these mags myself occasionally when I fancy a bit of tat.

Yes, Freddie seems a decent guy but the poor bloke shouldn`t really be in there - he is vastly different from them. He is far too cultured to fit in with them. It annoys me a bit when he tries too hard to be `cool man` and `with it` and I can understand it annoying the sewer rats. tbh I think his plummy voice would annoy me after a while, but its not a valid reason for nominating him.

Its just a `pearls before swine` scenario.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Jeggo:
They are worlds apart - yes, they don`t get him, but equally he doesn`t get them.

It`s partly society`s fault for glamourising the uneducated, the brain dead, the badly spoken, badly behaved, materialistic goons that appear in the likes of Heat mag. I`m partly to blame because I buy these mags myself occasionally when I fancy a bit of tat.

Yes, Freddie seems a decent guy but the poor bloke shouldn`t really be in there - he is vastly different from them. He is far too cultured to fit in with them. It annoys me a bit when he tries too hard to be `cool man` and `with it` and I can understand it annoying the sewer rats. tbh I think his plummy voice would annoy me after a while, but its not a valid reason for nominating him.

Its just a `pearls before swine` scenario.

At least he tries to though, which is more than can be said for them. He doesn't mind where they are from, how they speak, what background they have. He just wants to enjoy his time in the house and have fun with them. It is them who have the problem with him and are not even bothering to get on with him.

Reverse snobbery Nod
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Yes, Freddie seems a decent guy but the poor bloke shouldn`t really be in there - he is vastly different from them.

That's why he's in there, isn't it? For the diversity theme. Presumably, they thought he'd clash with Lisa and perhaps Marcus.

Yes, agreed .... but its a bit unbalanced ... it would be interesting to see what would happen if the majority of HMs were toffs and there was just one like Lisa/Kriss. See how they`d like it then.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
I think voting for Freddie is the easy option for them and the same goes for Angel. They are the outsiders who will never be accepted by the group. It's just a pity that there weren't more Freddies and Angels in there so they could have formed their own alliance.

Now theres a thought, BB should try that in future. Only bring in a couple of thickos so they are the minority for a change Mad

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