I first heard about piss-bombs in the late 80's/early 90's from friends who attended the Donington Monsters of Rock event. Bags full of urine would be launched into the air above the massed crowd with the aim of striking an individual and spraying all those around them - nice!
At the Kings of Leon concert in Hyde Park yesterday evening I had a few close-calls as fluid filled, pint sized beer cups flew around the audience. In the mass scrum that was the queue to enter the venue you were unintentionally kicking disgarded beer bottles with every other step. Just about the first sight that greeted me (17.45) was that of a man flat out, unable to stand or to give stewards/paramedics any sensible information.
Having attended similar gigs I knew exactly what to expect and just enjoyed the music, regardless. When they host the proms in Hyde Park later this summer will attendees be in danger from an unwelcome
golden shower?

BTW The above was as 3 paragraphs when i copied/pasted it from my word facility.