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Josie is HUGELY marketable. She is extremely pretty, she has weight to lose if she wants to and there is tons of mileage for mags and magazine type shows in her before and after stories. The Ed of HEAT magazine declared Josie as their winner weeks ago... when Josie was still quite unpopular on the forums and amongst HL viewers too I imagine, But Josies stories.. romance, weight issues, her troubled past, her dad's violent death,... these are all HEAT type mag fodder not to mention that Josie would be the darling of THIS MORNING and LOOSE WOMEN type shows too. Josie has been doing her own PR brilliantly while in the house. The statements she makes about herself are HEAT headlines: "I Was Bullied Because of MY Weight" "I Have No Confidence" "Never Been Loved" "I'm Just a Normal Girl" etc etc... She has already secured a slot on Gok Wan Show for sure with all her talk of no confidence about her body and looks (yet she is supremely confident with both). There is a lot of money to be made with that gal, The agent s will fighting to get to her on their books. Josie is the new Jade, only prettier and far more in control... and controllable.
Well said and spot on! Last night on LF, she was pumping Brian about how to become a TV Presenter, she was also smarming over him big time, it was quite interesting to see how selective she was with her questioning, whilst still playing up to the simple girl image, funny thing is though, Brian is quite a smart cookie, and at times, you could see he was clocking her dogged determination and self promotion.
Senora Reyes
Well said and spot on! Last night on LF, she was pumping Brian about how to become a TV Presenter, she was also smarming over him big time, it was quite interesting to see how selective she was with her questioning, whilst still playing up to the simple girl image, funny thing is though, Brian is quite a smart cookie, and at times, you could see he was clocking her dogged determination and self
interesting Senora.

I think they all want to take Josie under their wings and guide her with their knowledge of the show biz world out there. Josie knows her market. It's galling that she is still playing the Cinders and Little Match girl card though. It's nauseating.
Reference:Senora and G & P
Well said and spot on! Last night on LF, she was pumping Brian about how to become a TV Presenter, she was also smarming over him big time, it was quite interesting to see how selective she was with her questioning, whilst still playing up to the simple girl image, funny thing is though, Brian is quite a smart cookie, and at times, you could see he was clocking her dogged determination and self

interesting Senora. I think they all want to take Josie under their wings and guide her with their knowledge of the show biz world out there. Josie knows her market. It's galling that she is still playing the Cinders and Little Match girl card though. It's nauseating.
Yes I found it interesting too.  I think if Josie is half as clever as I think she is its better for her to walk out of that house because without the sycophants she was surrounded with before her true manipulative personality will begin to show more and more and people will see that she is far from being a simple country girl.
Yes I found it interesting too. I think if Josie is half as clever as I think she is its better for her to walk out of that house because without the sycophants she was surrounded with before her true manipulative personality will begin to show more and more and people will see that she is far from being a simple country girl.
So true and spot on!
Senora Reyes
c4 have ended the show........their association with bb/endemol is why should they care who wins?...........there is only interest in the h/mates for a short while now.........if any of them get anything out of it then good luck to them........but i can't see it lasting tbh.........

my top predictions for post bb!.........josie will do a fitness dvd.......and tbh if someone said to you want to lose weight we'll pay you loads to do a dvd i would......

sam......he might get a kids tv slot......a saturday morning type show......lots of gunk and mucking around....think he'd be good at it.....

jj........will do some modelling for a while

but i think by xmas most......if not all of them will have disappeared...........after the initial interest in the 'this is what really happened my exclusive story!' one gives a crap
see i think sam is just made for a kids type show like that..........lots of chucking gunk around.......the setting ppl up  etc etc.........alot was made of ben getting tv work.......but i honestly think sam is the man for it...........i didn't like him as a h/mate........but good luck to the lad........if he can get something out of bb and earn himself some cash why not?....even if it only lasts a short time.....i certainly wouldn't begrudge him earning some dosh.......wouldn't we all given the opportunity?
.lots of chucking gunk around.......the setting ppl up etc etc.........alot was made of ben getting tv work.......but i honestly think sam is the man for it...........
I'd like to think that Sam's pranks are more sophisticated than gunking people all the time. But yes, Sam would be a good interviewer:

a) because he listens
b) he will ask pertinent questions
c)because he is irreverent.

Ben is very good at all that too, different angle to Sam. Hope is does well out of it too..
I'd like to think that Sam's pranks are more sophisticated than gunking people all the time.
well tbh there's nothing sophisticated in putting garlic in pillowcases and hiding wigs!!..........thing is he's a young lad who enjoys a prank..........and that sort of thing (ie:the gunking) on a kids tv show would be right up his street.........that's not slating him......that's the kind of market he'd probably get........i don't think he'll get the interview type market.........certainly not in a serious manner anyway.........i can see him interviewing celebs on a kids show though then gunking them!.............any work he gets will play to what they see as his strengths and what he is remembered for from bb.......and nothing wrong in that at all imo
You and your gunking Spongy!!. You love it!
oooooooooo i do......there's no denying it!!!.............i've been outed as a gunk fan fair an square...............

no i didn't like sam as a h/mate.........but i did say on here i thought he came across very well in his eviction interview......he didn't hide and admitted he went too far with the wig think................i wouldn't deny him whatever opportunity came his way........good luck to the lad.........i just think that for him.......the prank side overshadowed his more sensible side.....and that's why he may find it difficult to get 'more serious' work...........

and come on........yer gotta admit sam gunking some celeb would be funny!!..........*goes off to fantasise about cold custard,cold rice pud and other gunk*...........
oooooooooo i do......there's no denying it!!!.............i've been outed as a gunk fan fair an square............... no i didn't like sam as a h/mate.........but i did say on here i thought he came across very well in his eviction interview......he didn't hide and admitted he went too far with the wig think................i wouldn't deny him whatever opportunity came his way........good luck to the lad.........i just think that for him.......the prank side overshadowed his more sensible side.....and that's why he may find it difficult to get 'more serious' work........... and come on........yer gotta admit sam gunking some celeb would be funny!!..........*goes off to fantasise about cold custard,cold rice pud and other gunk*...........

When you mentioned custard... I thought of Corin in DR.
One of the best bits of BB11
So he knew the HM's would vote her into the final did he?
Are you being deliberately obtuse here?.....The panellist knew from inside BB, that the show was going to promote Josie as the lots of airtime and favourable HLs. The face Josie showed in the house conned the HMs and the voting system was slanted her way too. In the long run she had very little real competition in there. QED
I didn't see it AKT, who was he and did he say what the basis was for the tip ?
Matthew Wright was talking about BB and said that *Some chubby bird won......*. The panellist was the comedian Dominic ?????? and he said straight out that he was told months ago to put some money on Josie by someone involved, but wouldn't reveal his exact source when pressed. He also says that he doesn't watch BB
If I'd met Josie, in the audition stages, I'd have tipped her to win.

I can't see any reason for BB to want a particular winner, apart from personal preferences.

Most of the time, it's not the winner who gets heavily marketed, anyway.
When it comes down to future job prospects, it matters not a jot what position you came out in.
he was told months ago to put some money on Josie by someone involved
Oh right, so just like someone gives a tip on a horse 'cos they think that they'll do well? I can see why people who got to know her a bit before the show would predict that she would be popular and they were right 
Mind you, judging by most of the comments on here, she was BB's chosen one mainly 'cos of the 'showmance' with John James, surely they couldn't have predicted that?
at varying points during the series , i have seen posted on this very forum that
 johnjames is the chosen one.
dave is the chosen one.
corin is the chosen one.
shabby  is the chosen one.
josie is the chosen one.
mario is the chosen one.

there maybe others but i ran out of interest in the topic  many weeks ago, primarily  cos it's all bollox related to fm's  bias and favour.
My prediction is that Ben will be the one who stands the test of time To be seen on Coach Trip and other 'reality' shows until they run out. I don't think any of this year's bunch showed any talent and thus longevity and will disappear as soon as all the UBB hype is over
I think Ben is getting his own show, he said that he will be talking about it to Davina this week
Yes I found it interesting too. I think if Josie is half as clever as I think she is its better for her to walk out of that house because without the sycophants she was surrounded with before her true manipulative personality will begin to show more and more and people will see that she is far from being a simple country girl.
Josie must have come to the same conclusion I did, her act was never going to work for the second time, the UBB HM's would no way have bolstered her ego for another fortnight.
Josie must have come to the same conclusion I did, her act was never going to work for the second time,
Josie was in sales and you have to be made of stern stuff to be successful there. That act was worn out and there were others in that house who have honed their acts to perfection. Step forward Makosi, Nikki, Nadia and Brian.
Josie must have come to the same conclusion I did, her act was never going to work for the second time, the UBB HM's would no way have bolstered her ego for another fortnight.
Is it perhaps not a tad more feasible that she felt out of place and a little bit drained at having to start again with HM's a lot of who already knew each other and had far moer confidence than her?

Or do you honestly believe that she is that devious? Personally I think her head would be in a total spin since friday night and she was more than ready to be out of there.
Soozy Woo
Josie must have come to the same conclusion I did, her act was never going to work for the second time, the UBB HM's would no way have bolstered her ego for another fortnight.
she left because she wanted to see her friends,family and john james...........the others had been telling her that she should stay away from him and that she'd see when she got out they were right..........only natural she wanted to find out for herself

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