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it happens every year..i think we could look at a few and say they were 'chosen'.......john getting a tot task in which his prize was a video message from his mum......bblb and bbbm bigging up sam with all the 'everyone loves the pepperpot' stuff.and of course ppl cite their reasons for josie being the 'chosen' one.....but cos she's won it then becomes 'obvious' to the ppl thinking it........
Have you got an opinion on it?
I have, and I've said it on here many times. The bubbly country bumpkin with a nomance going on who's not adverse to a hugely fake over-reaction to the slightest thing to give them something for the HL's is a BIG plus for BB. Belo was the same, lusting after Samantha (or was it Amanda?) while pretending to be thick.

BB winner written all over her. The final link in the chain was BB choosing vote to evict instead of vote to save to get rid of all her competition knowing rival fans would turn on each other. They couldn't save JJ and the nomance but they could get rid of Sam and Corin, and they did.

Look at the finalists, she could hardly fail to win up against that lot.
Sooz, Hun, here's what I replied in the other thread..

Josie is more marketable because she formed a showmance in the house..magazines will promote the sham couple, at the same time promoting the BB Franchise, which is pretty apt as Endemol are looking for a TV Channel to pick them up. BB have been doing this for years, so nothing is new here. So I would say that is one big reason why Endemol the company behind BB, would want Josie to win...I'm sure you'll disagree, as is your wont.
Senora Reyes
I have, and I've said it on here many times. The bubbly country bumpkin with a nomance going on who's not adverse to a hugely fake over-reaction to the slightest thing to give them something for the HL's is a BIG plus for BB. Belo was the same, lusting after Samantha (or was it Amanda?) while pretending to be thick. BB winner written all over her. The final link in the chain was BB choosing vote to evict instead of vote to save to get rid of all her competition knowing rival fans would turn on each other. They couldn't save JJ and the nomance but they could get rid of Sam and Corin, and they did. Look at the finalists, she could hardly fail to win up against that lot.
sorry ..............doesn't answer my question. What is it to BB who wins? Why would they choose Josie over anyone else? Corin gave plenty of HL action as did Sam Pepper and JJ  with all his arguing. Why are you saying Josie and why would they do that?
Soozy Woo
`Marketable` probably right though they slipped up with that Rachel who wore the red dress - she was a miss goody two shoes and went back to her boring life afterwards - can`t remember what year it was.
They were furious that year, they wanted blind Mikey to win...Rachel was a bore but a really nice girl, who got one over on the Media machine that is Endemol. I remember Davina being so rude about Rachel on BBBM. All the presenters on the subsequent shows were just as bad.
Senora Reyes
Why are you saying Josie and why would they do that?
Because to them the biggest story of this BB was Josie and John James no matter how nauseating it was to anyone else. She had fans over the nomance, he had fans because he was 'fit'. One of them was always going to win, they decided it was going to be her. Even Davina said the vote to evict at that stage was a farce.

I don't know why I bother telling you things you don't want to hear and knowing you'll take the opposite stance anyway in every single case even if you know yourself exactly what people are saying to you, even if you pretend you don't.
Well if you saw the Wright Stuff this morning, you would have seen one panellist say that he had money on Josie to win before she entered the 'insider' tip off to boot
Just incase you missed this answer sooz.......If all the FM's answers aren't good enough for you perhaps you could ask BB himself to find the truth.....Just a thought..
So josie will make money for BB? How will she do that then?

If you're talking about phone votes ....................people vote regardless - I think actually people spend more money to evict than to save.That's probably why they did a vote to evict the week before. Josie got the HM vote to be in the final .........nothing to do with BB.
Soozy Woo
Well if you saw the Wright Stuff this morning, you would have seen one panellist say that he had money on Josie to win before she entered the 'insider' tip off to boot
So he knew the HM's would vote her into the final did he?

If I were a gambler I might have out a bet on Josie early on as she seemed the most natural one in there.
Soozy Woo
I still think their `compliancy` comes into it as well.  When you think of it, there`s no way they could have let John James or Dave win - they would have caused problems, particularly with Dave`s dodgey past and John James being such a rebel and hot headed. Mario wasn`t an ideal winner for them either - I can see him being difficult. Ben could have won - he would have gone along with all the razzmatazz and promoted their cause.

I think they had problems with Pete Bennett because he wasn`t compliant. 

I`m now trying to think of all the winners and can`t.  I know it was Sophie last year and she was their ideal.  Brian Belo was like a puppet in their hands.  Nadia could have caused them problems but she was very marketable.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
So he knew the HM's would vote her into the final did he? If I were a gambler I might have out a bet on Josie early on as she seemed the most natural one in there.
X, factor, Strictly, BB, they all have the same formula...X faxtor and BB are very similar in the fact they like thier winner to have a certain image or "Back story"...TV. Programmes in America have been doing it for years...And as said previously by myself and other posters it's all about Marketability, and generating publicity and money. The bigger the TV Franchise the bigger the Media Machine behind it.  Endemol is a world wide media franchise.
Senora Reyes
In all honesty I really don't see why BB would favour on HM over another.
If you were BB and had say JJ1 and Josie as favourites..JJ1 was likely to be a turd on live shows, tell you to go feck off when you wanted him to do a photo shoot or an appearance..or Josie who is sweet natured, clean talking and would do anything you asked her and there was huge money in it for you..who would you put forward or give the good edit too?....
If you were BB and had say JJ1 and Josie as favourites..JJ1 was likely to be a turd on live shows, tell you to go feck off when you wanted him to do a photo shoot or an appearance..or Josie who is sweet natured, clean talking and would do anything you asked her and there was huge money in it for you..who would you put forward or give the good edit too?....
Senora Reyes
She was loved by Davina and on BBBM Davina would never allow anyone to say a bad word against her, only Josie was shown when E4 did their previews for BBLB,  she was allowed to break BB rules when others got punished, alot of her nastier behaviour that we saw on LF was left out of HL shows,  and the BB producers have pretty much promoted her as a star HM.

Not to mention the farse phone votes in the second last week that was decided at the last minute to remove all of her competition.
She was loved by Davina and on BBBM Davina wouyld never allow anyone to say a bad word against her, only Josie was shown when E4 did their previews for BBLB, she was allowed to break BB rules when others got punished, alot of her nastier behaviour that we saw on LF was left out of HL shows, and the BB producers have pretty much promoted her as a star HM. Not to mention the farse phone votes in the second last week that was dercided at the last minute to remove all of her competition.
Senora Reyes
Reference: question
In all honesty I give up!!!!! Will someone tell me ..................why should it matter too BB who wins? Why would they choose one over the other. Foreget the romance and stuff - that simply happened anyway ..............BB didn't engineer it. WHY WOULD bb choose ONE hm OVER ANOTHER.


Josie is more marketable because she formed a showmance in the house..magazines will promote the sham couple, at the same time promoting the BB Franchise, which is pretty apt as Endemol are looking for a TV Channel to pick them up. BB have been doing this for years, so nothing is new here. So I would say that is one big reason why Endemol the company behind BB, would want Josie to win...I'm sure you'll disagree, as is your wont.
OK Sooz. Here's my pitch on this. As a neutral on all of the HMs this year I hope this makes sense. 

The reason I think she has been edited in the way some of us resent is this.

PEJ (the producer of BB) has said on DS that he views BB as a 'soap opera'. Now, romance is always a key ingredient of a soap opera, I think you'd have to agree. So to fulfill this formula they had to keep the pedal pressed on the romance, even though they knew it wasn't going down well in Forumland. In rights to HMs subsequent publicity and their earning thereby, they would earn much more than phone votes. 

They knew JJ1 wasn't going to be able to cut the mustard because of his character so they had to peddle Josie to make as much mileage of the 'soap opera' as they could.

Senora Reyes offline 11,710 Forum Posts Yesterday at 11:19 PM Last Edited: Sooz, Hun, here's what I replied in the other thread.. Josie is more marketable because she formed a showmance in the house..magazines will promote the sham couple, at the same time promoting the BB Franchise, which is pretty apt as Endemol are looking for a TV Channel to pick them up. BB have been doing this for years, so nothing is new here. So I would say that is one big reason why Endemol the company behind BB, would want Josie to win...I'm sure you'll disagree, as is your wont.
Josie is more marketable because she formed a showmance in the house..magazines will promote the sham couple, at the same time promoting the BB Franchise, which is pretty apt as Endemol are looking for a TV Channel to pick them up.
Josie is HUGELY marketable. She is extremely pretty, she has weight to lose if she wants to and there is tons of mileage for mags and magazine type shows in her before and after stories. The Ed of HEAT magazine declared Josie as their winner weeks ago... when Josie was still quite unpopular on the forums and amongst HL viewers too I imagine, But Josies stories.. romance, weight issues, her troubled past, her dad's violent death,... these are all HEAT type mag fodder not to mention that Josie would be the darling of THIS MORNING and LOOSE WOMEN type shows too.

Josie has been doing her own PR brilliantly while in the house. The statements she makes about herself are HEAT headlines: "I Was Bullied Because of MY Weight" "I Have No Confidence" "Never Been Loved"  "I'm Just a Normal Girl"  etc etc...  She has already secured a slot on Gok Wan Show for sure with all her talk of no confidence about her body and looks (yet she is supremely confident with both). There is a lot of money to be made with that gal, The agent s will fighting  to get to her on their books.

 Josie is the new Jade, only prettier and far more in control... and controllable.
hey were furious that year, they wanted blind Mikey to win...Rachel was a bore but a really nice girl, who got one over on the Media machine that is Endemol. I remember Davina being so rude about Rachel on BBBM. All the presenters on the subsequent shows were just as bad.
I was a Rachel supporter and Rachel actually got booed as she left the house the winner and as you say Davina was really rude and insisted that she declare which charity she was going to give money to, not even allowing Rachel time to think.

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