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Originally posted by shirehorse:
True. Suppose it depends on what the game plan is. If your there to make up crap about other people, manipulate situations and play the bully card (guess who I'm talking go on, guess), then you deserve everything you get.

Not really, its still a game plan that works. Its not like 'she' (although I still support her) is being malicious or physically hurting anyone. Big Brother has always been a mind game and I don't agree that you should be treated by the public with such hatred for wanting to win.
Ive never understood the game plan issue either. I think what people mean more is hidden agenda. And thats what people don't like- the fact that the HM is trying to manipulate the house AND the public and not being themselves in the process.

I think that each housemate should have to go into the DR the first night and state their gameplan. Anyone who just says "be myself" should be evicted immediately.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
You hear housemates moaning about other HM's having game plans. Then you got the viewer's saying: "So-in-so should be evicted as they have a game plan"

Errr, HELLO!? Its a game show, your there to win.
Never figured that myself as surely everyone should have a 'game plan.' I think that the HMs who accuse certain other HMs of having a game plan, are jealous coz they don't have one.

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