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You know the kind I mean...  It's occasionally a man, but it's usually a woman from what I have seen..., 50-ish, divorced (usually) or widowed or separated/single or whatever.  Has pots of dosh (from eff knows where as most single middle aged women I know don't have a pot to piss in...)  Meets someone online who claims to be a soldier or something who needs 50 thousand dollars to buy his way out of the army, (so they can be with HER,) or some Moroccan dude says he needs it to pay off the debts on his spice stall...or some Somalian who says he will die if he doesn't get out of his country now and 'please wire ÂĢ25K to me...'


And the woman in question, like a big soft old brainless sap, willingly hands every penny in her bank account to this perfect stranger - the kids inheritance, all the money her late husband of 30 years worked for, and often more... 10, or 20 or even 30 thousand pounds in loans, that she takes out against her home. (On TOP of her life savings/inheritance from hubby or mother and father etc...)


I mean, what the actual F**k?  Are these women so massively desperate for love and attention that they believe ANYthing and EVERYthing that these men tell them?  Because for the life of me, I cannot fathom why oh why, they fall for the bullshit spouted by these men.  And I have to say that I don't feel sorry for them one bit. 


Something was on the ONE show the other night about this, and some 'expert' said 'these women are often intelligent career women with uni degrees and everything.  Maybe so, but they have not one scrap of common sense.  I know this is a bold statement to make, but I would never ever ever fall for anything like this.  Giving 10s of 1000s to a stranger online.  Come on, who would do that, and WHY?!  One woman on the ONE show was sobbing at how a man she knew for 8 weeks 'conned' her out of ÂĢ150K by telling her some sob story of how he was ill and needed the money for treatment and operations.  I didn't feel sorry for her one bit.  I just thought 'you stupid cow.'  Giving all that money to someone you DON'T KNOW and have NEVER MET!


So would YOU give all your dosh to a stranger online who you have never met?!


And if so... WHY?


And what do you think of these people (usually women!) who DO?  I have sympathy with people who are genuinely scammed - like by cowboy builders etc.... but these women are just STUPID  (IMO)  I know it sounds harsh, but it just aggravates the shit out of me when these people cry 'victim' and expect sympathy...  How can anyone be so stupid?  really.....

Any views anyone?


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Ah the Elaine character from Catherine Tate syndrome.


It beats me Sparkles. You have to assume that the women in question are lonely and ripe for exploitation. My friend had a friend that met a North African bloke on holiday. They fell in love (well she did anyway), he came over here and she has spent 5 years keeping him as he is here illegally.


She had her own business, a large house in Surrey and quite a lot of money in the bank from what I have heard. 5 years later she is living in a 1 bed flat (still with him) and her business is practically gone as is her money.

I've only heard the details second hand but don't doubt the source. She had been married for a long time before her husband went off with some tart half his age and the holiday where she met the bloke in question was when she was at her most vulnerable so I guess that this bloke saw that and acted on it


Well that's the thing Jen. My friend (and others) have tried to sit this woman down and talk to her but she won't have it. Plus I think the guy has managed to detach her from most of her former friends so she is quite isolated.

I met her several times when she was with her husband and she seemed a very switched on, intelligent woman. I actually feel very sorry for her as the fall she will take when her money goes will be hard.


She never had any kids so the inheritance question doesn't arise but she will be left with nothing.


Some people are just lonely. They can have family and friends but not feel the closeness they need. If they get scammed it's their own fault but I do feel sorry for them. To be that desperate but yet so blinded to what's happening. I'm sure lots of people have done stupid things in order to feel loved. Thankfully most of the time it doesn't mean parting with thousands of pounds.


I dont know, I dont understand it. What I will say is that these people are skilled in the art of deception. So its easy from the outside to see the whole picture but you cant underestimate the ability of these conmen to work their magic.



I also remember once reading an article about how its often the most successful and intelligent women who are prey to this sort of thing. Because a conman wants what they have. For instance in a group of women, he wont go for the obvious easy target, as usually they have nothing. They go for the strong one, who has a lot.  They see them as a challenge.  Then when they get them where they want them, often the once strong woman is too ashamed to admit what is going  on so the cycle continues, down and down until she is left with nothing. I cant remember all of it but I wish I could because it was really interesting.



Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I dont know, I dont understand it. What I will say is that these people are skilled in the art of deception. So its easy from the outside to see the whole picture but you cant underestimate the ability of these conmen to work their magic.



I also remember once reading an article about how its often the most successful and intelligent women who are prey to this sort of thing. Because a conman wants what they have. For instance in a group of women, he wont go for the obvious easy target, as usually they have nothing. They go for the strong one, who has a lot.  They see them as a challenge.  Then when they get them where they want them, often the once strong woman is too ashamed to admit what is going  on so the cycle continues, down and down until she is left with nothing. I cant remember all of it but I wish I could because it was really interesting.



I watched something recently about that.  A strong business woman taken in by a fraudster.  She ended up selling her house for him, abandoning her children for him, then eventually going on the run from the police with him.  Bizarre 

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

I dont know, I dont understand it. What I will say is that these people are skilled in the art of deception. So its easy from the outside to see the whole picture but you cant underestimate the ability of these conmen to work their magic.



I also remember once reading an article about how its often the most successful and intelligent women who are prey to this sort of thing. Because a conman wants what they have. For instance in a group of women, he wont go for the obvious easy target, as usually they have nothing. They go for the strong one, who has a lot.  They see them as a challenge.  Then when they get them where they want them, often the once strong woman is too ashamed to admit what is going  on so the cycle continues, down and down until she is left with nothing. I cant remember all of it but I wish I could because it was really interesting.



That's how I see it Gyps, it's easy for people looking from the outside to think 'how bloody stupid are they' ,'(thought it myself,) but these people are often in it for the 'long game' and can be v clever at their 'art.'

Have to say 'though, when I see middle aged women/men, being conned by much younger, often good looking men/women I do think from the outset 'get a bloody grip, why on earth would they be interested in you?'

Originally Posted by Cinds:



I watched something recently about that.  A strong business woman taken in by a fraudster.  She ended up selling her house for him, abandoning her children for him, then eventually going on the run from the police with him.  Bizarre 


Reading this thread I generally do feel sorry for women in this situation...   I can understand the loneliness & then the private humiliation & desperation that then traps them. 


However...   the bit I have put in bold..   that's where my empathy stops dead in its tracks.     I don't get it..    I have friends who's Mums moved abroad & left them for a man...    My mother in law moved to the States leaving my husband & 2 of his brothers here for a man..    I know women who have left their kids for a bloke..    and I just don't get it.


I've been with some right wrong 'un's in my time (hahahahaha... oh god I really have!)..   but the moment it impacted on the kids...  or threatened to was the moment it ended. 


In fact...   the instability that going out with "players" caused to my life & consequently to my kids life was what made me decide to stop going out with that kinda bloke.   Then I met MrD...   not my usual type at all..   thank god!!    So I indirectly have my kids to thank for my "happily ever after" choice of bloke! 


A prime example for you. (Sob sob, my unclaimed millions that someone else must have by now)


I am Murphy Dunbar, Attorney at Law, I contacted you to assist in distributing the money left behind
by my late client,whom you share the same last name with.
My late Client has a deposit of (USD$9.6 MILLION USD) lodged in the bank.

I can be reached on ( for more details.

Sincerely yours.
Mr.Murphy Dunbar
(Principal Attorney at Law)

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Thanks for all the responses folks.    Yep, still can't fathom why these people (usually women) fall for these scams.  As someone said, when middle aged women have these young 20-something, gorgeous, young, fit men coming onto them from *insert relevant country*  you have got to question why they believe they want them.  I am 47 this year, and if some hot 25 year old guy came onto me, I would think he was taking the piss or it was a dare.  I am not a hideous woman, but I don't look like Cheryl Cole and I don't look 25.  


Maybe it is desperation and loneliness.  But I just do NOT get it.  I just simply would never ever ever give anything to someone I don't know. In fact, there are very few people I DO know who I would give anything to, to be honest, let ALONE some stranger!


Also, I can't work out why people fall for the Nigerian scams.. I used to get a dozen a week in my inbox (before I discovered a spam filter LOL) and when I put an ad on a penpal site once, (about 4 or 5 years ago,) I got a dozen a day!  Do people actually BELIEVE these things?!  


And finally, the ultimate 'I can't believe they fell for that:' when someone wins ÂĢ1.5 million in the Canadian Lottery or in a certain contest or whatever, and they NEVER ENTERED the Canadian lottery (or whatever contest it was they won in.)  Newsflash people: you can't WIN a contest that you never entered.  People get an email or letter saying they have won this money, and they need to wire like 5 grand or something to allow the transaction to go through, and it will be refunded with their 'win.'   



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