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Against my better judgement I have watched BBBM and tonights BBLB where both Davina and George Lamb have totally ripped the p out of Stephen Baldwin for his Christain beliefs and showed humourous sketches regarding  his religion.
If the Celeb contestant was a Muslim/ Jew/ etc., who felt the need to extol his beliefs, would both programmes taken the provebrial p.. out of him. What do you think?

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Christians don't stand and be counted, just in the same way being English has been eroded and branded racist if you dare to fly the Cross of St. George. I am only assuming that we must be the group least likely to complain when discriminated against by councils etc.
...and no, it wouldn't have happened if he was a Muslim/ Jew etc....
The Devil In Diamante
Cariad, you obviously think so, hence your comments, but many don't and I think its not fair to single out one particular belief for riducle. Just my opinion
Hence my remark that ALL should be mocked as often as possible hon...any organised religious faith should be challenged at every conceivable opportunity. 

What frustrated me about Steven was that he comes from an environment where what he says is not challenged and no-one stood up and challenged him in the house. The dufus can't even get his evolutionary arguments right...

Anyway - he's on 8 Out of 10 cats right now. You might find Jimmy Carr even worse.
I didn't see the sketches but I do agree that people find it an easy option to ridicule Christians but no others
Richard Dawkins wrote in the Times the other day about the Christian hypocrisy over Pat Robinson's comments regarding Haiti.  Someone commented there about how he doesn't go on anything like as much about Islam and probably wouldn't dare.  Which is right, I think, much as I like Dawkins' work.
Richard Dawkins wrote in the Times the other day about the Christian hypocrisy over Pat Robinson's comments regarding Haiti. Someone commented there about how he doesn't go on anything like as much about Islam and probably wouldn't dare. Which is right, I think, much as I like Dawkins' work.

In "The God Delusion" Dawkins doesn't "go on" more about Christianity than Islam.

He doesn't go on about any particular branch of religion - he's much more against  religion in general and the idea of a God - any god - and life after death etc. That could apply to any religion.
He DOES mention various aspects of Christianity but he also mentions Islamic beliefs too.
He is just against the idea of religion - ANY religion. And I agree with him.
Last edited by ÅŗŅ‚ÎģÐžÎąÄĢÅĄ
Apologies - I haven't read the thread in it's entirety ....................I believe that anyone has the right to believe what they wish. Stephen was quite ridiculous IMo to push his beliefs in the way that he did. The OTT pious voice and manner in which he preached left himself wide open to ridicule and criticism really wasn't about the content was the OTT way of presenting or rather pushing his beliefs was toe curlingly cringey ............and I'm a Christian.
Soozy Woo
Personal thoughts, so just my opinion. BBLB and BBM created sketches and made condescending remarks or jokes about Stephen's belief, but that's not really my point as not all Christians may have found it offensive, we'll never know who did or didn't.

My thoughts have been about how different it would have been if he was Muslim, simply because of the political climate atm, so I cannot believe BB would have created the same scenarios if he was Muslim, especially after the Shilpa Shetty affair. Of course there will be Muslims who have a sense of humour so if similar jokes or sketches had been made re Muslim faith they would have laughed it off, so we can't generalise about anything or anyone. Religion has always caused divides and always will. Just thought it was ignorant of BB to try and make Stephen's beliefs a jokey part of their programmes instead of coming up with something more interesting.
Yellow Rose
especially after the Shilpa Shetty affair.
I think the Shilpa Shetty fiasco was about race rather than religion. IMO re Stephen - it wasn't so much about 'what' he was preaching - more 'how' made me cringe. I'd like to think - if a muslim. hindu, jew or wharever went about it in the same pious/ridiculous way they would have been mocked too ( i doubt it but) as I said before - it was nothing to do with the actual religious content - simply the way in which Stephen chose to deliver it.
Soozy Woo
My thoughts have been about how different it would have been if he was Muslim, simply because of the political climate atm, so I cannot believe BB would have created the same scenarios if he was Muslim, especially after the Shilpa Shetty affair.

I agree Rose.  The fact that Jade and her family were called White Trash by Shilpa and Jermaine Jackson was ignored. 
When she defended herself the Press turned on her.
Last edited by Tayto.
especially after the Shilpa Shetty affair. I think the Shilpa Shetty fiasco was about race rather than religion. IMO re Stephen - it wasn't so much about 'what' he was preaching - more 'how' made me cringe. I'd like to think - if a muslim. hindu, jew or wharever went about it in the same pious/ridiculous way they would have been mocked too ( i doubt it but) as I said before - it was nothing to do with the actual religious content - simply the way in which Stephen chose to deliver it.
You're probably right about the Shilpa scenario being about race rather than religion. I can also understand why the way Stephen shared his beliefs would irritate or whatever some people, I didn't react in the same way some would have because I went through all that some years ago. 

Some friends who'd never shown interest in religion before through certain circumstances became born again Christians. There came a time when I became a target because of my beliefs. They'd known me for some years so I was surprised that they became either wary of me or as they said worried for me because of my beliefs. I was the same person they'd always known but through their conversion they suddenly saw me differently which I found difficult and upsetting at times to deal with. A few years on from that now I'm still in touch with some of them and thankfully over the last few years acceptance has been reached on both sides, to me they're my friends even though we have a different belief system.
Yellow Rose
Cameron was a devout Christian, but nothing much was made of it, probably because he didn't accuse another housemate of being Satan!
Didn't the media and BB poke fun at his Christian-based lack of in-the-pants action and rather boring, probably Christian-based, lifestyle?  Or was that just because he came from a remote Scottish isle like place thingy? 
i think there is an element of safety in ripping the piss out of tub thumping christians, and doubt it would happen  to  some one muslim or jewis.

having said that, if some one expounds their theories,beliefs  they should be questioned or ridiculed for it, a lot of stephen saying was utter drivel,so as far as i am concerned he put himself in the firing line for the potshots.

i really can't see a devout muslim putting themselves in the same place.

that comedian bloke from iran does though, but tis rare, and i don'6t know if he is devout or not.

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